



Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth Cheats & Secrets for PlayStation, PSP, PS4, and PS5

Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth key art

Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth Cheats & Secrets for PlayStation, PSP, PS4, and PS5

Originally released on December 22, 1999, Valkyrie Profile is the cult-classic JRPG developed by tri-Ace and published by Enix for the Sony PlayStation. However, since Square and Enix’s merger in 2003, all future versions of the title have been published by Square Enix and now go by the title Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth. Tri-Ace would begin development on the game shortly before shipping its other PS1-era masterpiece, Star Ocean: The Second Story, incorporating many elements of the Star Ocean series in Valkyrie Profile‘s gameplay. Following its success on the PS1, Valkyrie Profile would receive ports to the PSP as well as PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 as a release on PSN.

To date, the Valkyrie Profile series has sold just over 2.2 million units, with the original Valkyrie Profile on PS1 accounting for roughly 20% of the series’ total sales. Notably, the more widely available Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth contains some differences from the original game. In addition to an improved translation, Lenneth includes new and improved animated cutscenes. Many consider the original to be one of the PS1’s greatest RPGs, praising the title for its unique turn-based combat, poignant storytelling, and unique setting when compared to other RPGs of the era.

Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth Premise

Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth gameplay

The story of Valkyrie Profile begins with players looking in on the downtrodden fate of young Platina. Mistreated by her family and sold into slavery, Platina decides to run away with her best friend Lucien, only to die from inhaling toxic pollen during the pair’s escape. She awakens in her true form, that of the Valkyrie warrior Lenneth, and receives instruction from the Aesir gods to begin searching Midgard for suitable Einherjar — soldiers to aid the Norse gods in their final battle: Ragnarok. Throughout her travels, Lenneth begins to uncover clues as to her mysterious past, her true identity, and the real threat facing all realms of the world tree, Yggdrasil.

In terms of its gameplay, Valkyrie Profile is a role-playing game that mixes turn-based combat with real-time button inputs. Though the player’s party and enemies act in turn order, players use button presses to issue direct commands to party members rather than selecting options from a menu. These button presses can be times to see characters’ attacks synergize and result in devastating combos or special abilities, creating a strategic layer to what initially comes off as button-mashing. Completing dungeons and quests in towns results in players earning an Evaluation Ranking from the goddess Freya, which awards a certain amount of points players can use to craft weapons, items, and gear. There are more than 24 characters players can either recruit or send off to Valhalla, allowing players to customize their party.

Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth Main Characters

Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth gameplay

While there are more than 20 playable characters in Valkyrie Profile, each with their own rich backstories and motivations, the game’s sole protagonist is the titular Valkyrie Lenneth. After her human form dies and she is reincarnated in her true warrior-maiden form, Lenneth is tasked by Odin with recruiting suitable Einherjar to aid in the upcoming battle of Ragnarok. Eventually, players learn that Lenneth is a special Valkyrie and actually one of three goddesses of fate who share the same vessel and operate it as necessary. Main characters in Valkyrie Profile include:

  • Lenneth: The main character and player protagonist of Valkyrie Profile. Lenneth is a powerful and serene warrior who recruits fallen warriors into her orbit to aid in the battle against Ragnarok.
  • Lucien: Lucien is an Einherjar who knew Lenneth in her human incarnation as Platina. He helps Lenneth regain her memories in the game’s true ending.
  • Brahms: Brahms is an enemy of Odin and one of the game’s secondary antagonists. He is the king of all vampires and resides in an imposing castle.
  • Odin: Odin is the all-father and head of the Norse pantheon of gods. He tasks Lenneth with recruiting the Einherjar the Aesir will need to beat back the Vanir and prevent Ragnarok.
  • Loki: Loki is the true antagonist of Valkyrie Profile and the Norse trickster god.

Games in the Valkyrie Profile Series

The original Valkyrie Profile would almost immediately become a cult classic on the PS1, thanks to its unique approach to RPG gameplay and its captivating story and writing. Its arrival late in the console’s lifecycle meant that many players missed out on the title, resulting in it eventually getting ported to the PlayStation Portable as Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth. This first title in the series would eventually be followed up by twin releases on the PS2 and Nintendo DS, each of which contain their own unique extensions of the Valkyrie Profile lore. The latest game in the series, Valkyrie Elysium, is a distinct departure from past entries, swapping traditional RPG gameplay for something more akin to a character action game. Games in the Valkyrie Profile series include:

  • Valkyrie Profile (PlayStation, 2000)
  • Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth (PSP, 2006)
  • Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria (PS2, 2006)
  • Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume (Nintendo DS, 2008)
  • Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth (PS4, PS5, 2022)
  • Valkyrie Elysium (PC, PS4, PS5, 2022)

Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth Cheats & Secrets

While there are no official cheats for Valkyrie Profile (either the original or the PSP remaster recently ported to PSN), there are several secrets and unlockables, including a “true” ending that requires very careful planning to earn. Additionally, the PS1 version of the game has several Game Shark cheats available.

Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth Unlockables

Complete the following actions to earn the corresponding unlockables:

UnlockableHow to Unlock
Character ArtUnlock all of a particular character’s voice recordings, then head to the Voice Collection option under “Sound” in the menu. Highlight the character’s name and press Square to view their artwork
Seraphic GateBeat the game normally and then save after seeing the “Fin” screen when prompted. Access the Seraphic Gate option on the main menu and load your completed save file
Angel Slayer (Ultimate Weapon)Beat the Seraphic Gate dungeon 10 times

Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth Secrets

Hidden Post-Credits Scene

After unlocking Ending A, watch through the credits and wait for a special scene to play where Brahms and Lezard have a discussion.

Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth Endings

There are three different endings to Valkyrie Profile, each of which remains in the Lenneth re-release. To obtain each ending, there are certain conditions players need to either meet or not meet. Ending A, the “true” or “best” ending to the game, requires players to follow carefully plotted steps to ensure it unlocks during Chapter 7.

Ending C

The worst ending to the game is Ending C, which is actually closer to a “Game Over” screen than anything else. To unlock this ending, players need to first leave any location on the map with an Evaluation Ranking of 26 or lower. Doing so will cause Freya to pay you a visit and administer a warning. After, if you sink down to an Evaluation Ranking of 0, Freya will show up again and an unwinnable boss battle will play out. Ending C will play afterward.

Note that the following actions increase or lower your Evaluation Ranking:

  • Keeping Artifacts (-5 for each)
  • Not wearing the Nibelungen Ring (-2)
  • Sending Artifacts to Odin (+1 for each)
  • Sending (or not sending) characters to Odin

Ending B

The “standard” ending to Valkyrie Profile is Ending B, which players will earn simply by playing the game. After reaching the end of Chapter 8, players will head to Jotunheim Palace and fight the final boss. Doing so will see Ending B play.

Ending A

The true ending to Valkyrie Profile, and one that provides the greatest sense of closure to the excellent story, is Ending A. However, earning this ending by “accident” is practically impossible. Players must complete a very specific set of steps to unlock this ending, including making sure that their Valkyrie’s Seal Rating is less than 38 during Chapter 7.

Seal Rating is separate from Evaluation Ranking, but players can also raise or lower their Seal Rating through various in-game actions. Here are some notable actions with an impact on the player’s Seal Rating:

  • Wearing the Nibelungen Ring during Sacred Phase (+2)
  • Sending a character to Odin (+12)
  • Not wearing the Nibelungen Ring during Sacred Phase (-2)
  • Recruiting a character (-2) Note: Lorenta and Lyseria do not count

Seal Rating ranges from 0-100, and players will want it to be lower to obtain Ending A. Players need to complete each of the following actions to unlock Ending A (some of which will also raise or lower the Seal Rating):

  • Meet Brahms in his castle (-10)
  • Defeat Lezard in Chapter 4 (-15)
  • Recruit Mystina in Chapter 5 (-15)
  • Recruit Lucian in Chapter 5 (-20)
  • Send Lucian to Valhalla before Chapter 7 (+12) Note: He must also survive all battles in Valhalla until Sacred Phase 6-7
  • Reach a Seal Rating lower than 38 during Chapter 7

After accomplishing all of the above, players will see a special cutscene play out featuring Lucien. This is your indication that you are on track to earn Ending A. Play through the game as normal from here and, after reaching Chapter 8, you will head to a new location called Weeping Lily Meadow. Head there to begin the sequence of events leading to Ending A.

Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth Game Shark Cheats (PS1)

The original release of Valkyrie Profile on PlayStation has several Game Shark codes players can use. Alternatively, those playing the game on a PS1 emulator can enter any of the following cheat codes into the emulator’s “Cheat” menu.

General Cheats

Time Always 00:00:00801F5F84 0000
801F5F86 0000
Infinite Time in Brahms Castle801F5F84 0000
801F5F86 0000
Max Materialize Points801F5F80 FFFF
801F5F82 7FFF
Save Anywhere301F6274 0011
Activate Seraphic Gate from Main Menu301F6274 0011
Save + Divine Item AnywhereE007FD74 0000
801F6274 0001
Super EXP Orb (Press Down to increase amount)D005ECA2 AC23
8005ECA2 2400
D005ECC6 0043
8005ECC6 2400
Infinite CPD005C71E A6A2
8005C71E 2400

In-Battle Cheats

Infinite HP (Character in Square Position)D00EDD70 FE9C
800EDD74 E0FF
800EDD76 05F5
Infinite HP (Character in Triangle Position)D00EE42C 09AC
800EE430 E0FF
D00EE42C 09AC
800EE432 05F5
Infinite HP (Character in Circle Position)D00EF1A4 0160
800EF1A8 E0FF
D00EF1A4 0160
800EF1AA 05F5
Infinite HP (Character in X Position)D00EEAE8 0074
D00EEAE8 0074
800EEAEE 05F5

Character Modifier Cheats

Replace the “XX” in each of the codes below with the corresponding character code values to substitute that character into your party.

Modify Character in Square Position301F6278 00XX
Modify Character in Triangle Position301F6279 00XX
Modify Character in Circle Position301F627A 00XX
Modify Character in X Position301F627B 00XX
Values for Character Modifier Cheats
CharacterCode Value
Valkyrie (Lenneth)01
Lezard Valeth18

Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth Trophies (PS4, PS5)

Completing the following in-game tasks will unlock the corresponding trophy in the PSN version:

Platinum ValkyrieCollect all Trophies (Platinum)
He Who Knows WeaknessThe Would-Be God of Flenceberg
Princess by Name, Princess by NatureRecruit Jelanda
BookwormRead a Spellbook
BLOOD SUCKER!Defeat Elder Vampire
Resistant to FateRecruit Belenus
A Second FarewellRecruit Llewelyn
Justice is Thy NameReceive assistance from Lawfer
Loyalty’s EndRecruit Janus
Single-Minded DevotionRecruit Jun
Fated BloodRecruit Nanami
Legend of the Lapis GemRecruit Yumei
Adventurer by NatureRecruit Kashell
She Who Possesses the Power of DragonsRecruit Aelia
Head Mistress of the Sorcery AcademyRecruit Lorenta
The Little Lone ThiefRecruit Badrach
Avenger in Men’s ClothingRecruit Jayle
The One SalvationRecruit Shiho
Empty ArmorRecruit Grey
Childhood LoveRecruit Lucian
An Insatiable Sense of InquisitivenessRecruit Mystina
What I Really Wanted to ProtectRecruit Suo
The Great ProphetRecruit Lyseria
Ambitions Beyond the GodsRecruit Gandar
The Insane NecromancerJoin forces with Lezard Valeth
Lord of the UndeadJoin forces with Brahms
Goddess of Creation and DestructionReceive instruction from Freya
The Would Be God of FlencebergDefeat Lezard Valeth
The King of DipanDefeat Barbarossa
The Mages of DipanDefeat Walther, Dallas, and Gyne
The Ancient King of the AmentiDefeat Akhetamen
Master of the LabyrinthDefeat Dark Lord
The Undead of Celestial CastleFace Genevieve
The Villain of VillnoreDefeat Gandar
The Guardian of the Seraphic GateDefeat Gabriel Celeste in Seraphic Gate
The Ethereal QueenDefeat Iseria Queen in Seraphic Gate
Arngrim’s RelicObtain Dragon Slayer
Belenus’ RelicObtain Pressed Flower
Llewelyn’s RelicObtain Goddess Pendant
Janus’ RelicObtain Raven Slayer
Nanami’s RelicObtain Dragonbane
Yumei’s RelicObtain Lapis Gem
Badrach’s RelicObtain Handwoven Bandana
Mystina’s RelicObtain Infinity Rod
Kashell’s RelicObtain Vainslayer

Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth Cheat FAQs

What is the strongest weapon in Valkyrie Profile?

The strongest weapon in the game is, without a doubt, the Angel Slayer sword. This “ultimate weapon” is only obtainable after clearing the challenging Seraphic Gate dungeon, in addition to beating the Iseria Queen a total of 10 times. However, the reward for meeting these requirements is well worth the effort. The Angel Slayer features a staggering 20,000 Attack Power and 700 HIT rating, making it the most powerful weapon in Valkyrie Profile by a long shot.

How many endings does Valkyrie Profile have?

There are a total of three endings in Valkyrie Profile, with only Ending A having strict requirements to earn. Ending C is a sort of “Game Over” where players fail the main quest, and Ending B is the default ending players get after following the game’s story and defeating the final boss. To earn Ending A, players need to complete very specific requirements that result in some careful juggling of Lenneth’s Seal Level.

Are Valkyrie Profile and Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth the same game?

Technically, Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth is a remaster of the original Valkyrie Profile. The original PlayStation release of Valkyrie Profile was late in the PS1’s lifecycle, resulting in many players missing out on the game entirely. Additionally, the localization process was somewhat rushed, leading to some errors in translation and other issues. Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth addresses both issues, making the game available to a wider audience and presenting the game as the developers originally intended. The PSP version was subject to some criticism due to its widescreen presentation and frame stuttering. Still, both of these issues have been resolved in the recent PSN port of Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth available for PS4 and PS5.

How long to beat Valkyrie Profile?

As PS1 RPGs go, Valkyrie Profile is a fairly brisk experience. Most players focusing purely on the main story will complete the game in 30-35 hours. Those hoping to achieve the best ending, though, can expect to spend a bit longer. Completing some of the extra requirements necessary to unlock the game’s Ending A ending will see players spending closer to the 40-hour mark. Fully completing the game (regardless of version) will take most players around 60-65 hours.

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