



Warhammer Quest Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for Xbox One

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Warhammer Quest Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for Xbox One

Warhammer Quest Achievements

Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:

    Chieftain (10 points): Have a Marauder reach Level 6.
    Shadow Sentinel (10 points): Have a Wood Elf Waywatcher reach Level 6.
    Ironbeard (10 points): Have a Dwarf Ironbreaker reach Level 6.
    Battle Wizard (10 points): Have a Grey Wizard reach Level 6.
    True Slayer (10 points): Have a Dwarf Trollslayer reach Level 6.
    Battle Mage (10 points): Have an Archmage reach Level 6.
    Sigmarite (10 points): Have a Warrior Priest reach Level 6.
    Orc’s Bane (20 points): Kill 500 Greenskins.
    Skaven Slayer (20 points): Kill 500 Skaven.
    Pest Control (20 points): Kill 500 Critters.
    Hero of Stirland (20 points): Complete all settlement quests in Stirland.
    Hero of Reikland (20 points): Complete all settlement quests in Reikland.
    One of Three (30 points): Complete the final quest in Stirland.
    Cleanser of Reikland (40 points): Complete the final quest in Reikland.
    Roamer of Stirland (10 points): Visit every settlement in Stirland.
    Roamer of Reikland (10 points): Visit every settlement in Reikland.
    Mighty Blow (10 points): A Warrior loses all of their wounds from one hit.
    Merchant (10 points): Sell over 200 items.
    BOOM! (20 points): Kill a boss in one hit.
    Critter-cised (20 points): Kill each type of Critter.
    Green-skinner (20 points): Kill each type of Orc & Goblin.
    Legends No More (20 points): Kill each type of Skaven.
    Fanatic (20 points): Perform 7 consecutive Deathblows.
    My Bad (10 points): Knock a friendly warrior down instead of healing them.
    Friends Like These… (10 points): Knock a friendly warrior down by going berserk.
    Protected by the Gods (10 points): A warrior is saved from permanent death by the Ring of Jade.
    The Best Defence (20 points): Complete an entire adventure without healing any warriors.
    Zoologist (20 points): Unlock all Critter journal entries.
    Orcologist (20 points): Unlock all Orc & Goblin journal entries.
    Rodentologist (20 points): Unlock all Skaven journal entries.
    Gutlord (10 points): Level the Ogre Irongut to level 6.
    Pyrology (10 points): Level the Bright Wizard to level 6.
    Shadow Walker (10 points): Level the Shadow Warrior to level 6.
    Savage (10 points): Level the Marauder to level 8.
    Forest Stalker (10 points): Level the Wood Elf Waywatcher to level 8.
    Longbeard (10 points): Level the Dwarf Ironbreaker to level 8.
    Servant of Ulgu (10 points): Level the Grey Wizard to level 8.
    Giant Slayer (10 points): Level the Dwarf Trollslayer to level 8.
    Loremaster (10 points): Level the Archmage to level 8.
    Theogonist (10 points): Level the Warrior Priest to level 8.
    Bruiser (10 points): Level the Ogre Irongut to level 8.
    Keeper of Keys (10 points): Level the Bright Wizard to level 8.
    Shadow Dancer (10 points): Level the Shadow Warrior to level 8.
    Onwards and Upwards (10 points): Level any warrior to Level 7.
    I Cannot Tell a Lie (20 points): Admit that you failed to kill the Necromancer.
    Heads Up (65 points): Complete the final quest in Averland.
    Roamer of Averland (10 points): Visit every settlement in Averland.
    Answer Riddles in Amber (20 points): Answer all riddles correctly.
    Hero of Averland (20 points): Complete all settlement quests in Averland.
    Gutting (10 points): Lose a Level 6 Warrior in Hardcore.
    Hunter (10 points): Level the Witch Hunter to level 6.
    Much At Stake (10 points): Level the Witch Hunter to level 8.
    Finish the game Casual (45 points): Finish the game on Casual.
    Finish the game adventure (65 points): Finish the game on Adventure.
    Finish the game hardcore (85 points): Finish the game on Hardcore.

Additionally, there is one secret achievement:

    Old Nell (10 points): Taste a haunch of Old Nell.
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