Games are so prevalent that, in some cases, they have become disposable. Each year, there is an installment in a sports series to replace its predecessor. Madden 18 is surely all you need, now that it is around! Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare ? We’re on Call of Duty: WWII ! Now that Destiny 2 is around, there is little reason to ever return to Destiny . But, there are exceptions to this rule. One of the most notable ones is Rainbow Six Siege .
See, Rainbow Six Siege rocks. This is the thirteenth Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six game, and one that people have been playing since 2015. That is practically an eternity in the world of shooters. When Ubisoft put this installment together, it did so intending to give people a game they can enjoy for not just weeks or months, but years. It delivered on its plan by constantly issuing expansions, and the fact that it is entering its third year of content is just extraordinary. It’s basically the Grand Theft Auto Online of shooters, with Ubisoft pulling a Rockstar when it comes to consistency and output.
As a quick refresher, in case you’ve been under a rock for the past few years, Rainbow Six Siege is a multiplayer-centric installment in the series. You can play offline in Situation tutorials, but the main focus is going online and working with other people to complete objectives. That alone enhances its replay value, since there is no campaign to tire of. But it is Ubisoft’s dedication to the game and its evolution that consistently keeps it fresh through what will soon be three expansion packs.
Each Rainbow Six Siege expansion is huge. It guarantees people new maps, operators, and weapons. Sometimes, there are new game modes. Other times, there are events. So that means in each expansion, there will be eight new characters and at least three new maps. New cosmetic items appear. In the first season, we even saw an entirely new mode. I mean, season three is apparently going to add a cooperative mode that brings in zombies to fight. You can’t beat that!

And what’s even better is how Ubisoft doles all of this out. It would be easy to forget about Rainbow Six Siege if there was a yearly expansion. But things are spaced out so four times a year, something new arrives. There are plenty of months in-between, so you can enjoy what is new before having something else sprung on you. It’s the GTA Online approach. Ubisoft is doling things out liberally, ensuring people have a reason to keep returning.
Rainbow Six Siege is great because it refuses to become irrelevant. Ubisoft keeps doing more to make sure fans don’t leave. Rather, the game has become something that is better now than it was at launch! It is a more engaging game three years in. And who knows how much bigger and better it could get if Ubisoft decides to go above and beyond, perhaps adding a fourth or fifth year!