



Wolfenstein: Youngblood Adds More Free Missions and Skins

Wolfenstein: Youngblood Adds More Free Missions and Skins

If you have Wolfenstein: Youngblood , get ready to fire it up. A major update is here! In 1.0.7, people get more than just bug fixes. You also get more to do with Jessie and Zofia Blazkowicz as they search for their father and fight Nazis. In short, it ends giving people free abilities, enemies, maps, missions and skins. Think of it as a lure to head back into the game.

You’ll have to have beaten Wolfenstein: Youngblood to enjoy this new content. Once you update the game, you can take on “Da’at Yichud Artifacts,” a new side mission hat sends you on a Treasure Hunt sidequest after finding a second Little Berlin Da’at Yichud chamber. After fighting the Electrodrohne, Turmhund, and Wurmlochsoldat in the new Nazi Bunker and Parisian Reservoir, you’ll get complete the Treasure Hunt and get 20 treasure maps.

You’ll need to find those treasures, as your new abilities will likely depend on it. The 20 new spots in Paris give you 20 Ability Points, Silver Coins, and XP. While God Key Sense is immediately given to you after Da’at Yichud Artifacts, you’ll need those for the Mind Quick Revive, Muscle Dual Wield Expert, and Power Silent Skill abilities. Also, you could get Bloodthirst, Bomber, and Chrome Syndrome skins and Hammer Rage and Quad Damage Pep Signals along the way.

People can start enjoying all this new Wolfenstein: Youngblood endgame stuff immediately on almost every platform. The only one that hasn’t received the update yet is the Nintendo Switch, and it will be showing up there in the near future as well.

Source: Bethesda

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