



WWF SmackDown! Just Bring It Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PlayStation 2 (PS2)

WWF SmackDown! Just Bring It Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PlayStation 2 (PS2)

WWF SmackDown! Just Bring It

Wrestle as Fred Durst

Choose Slobber Knocker mode. Choose The Undertaker and defeat 15 wrestlers in ten minutes. -From: [email protected] and [email protected]

Wrestle as Jerry Lynn

Choose anyone who does not hold a title. Say that you do not want to form a tag team to Vince. Talk trash on the mic, then say that you were just messing. Let time run out in roaming. Win the battle royal. Let time run out in roaming. Win the battle royal. Show up on stage. Win the match and the match that follows. Jerry Lynn will now be unlocked. -From: [email protected] and [email protected]

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Wrestle as Michael Cole

Meet Michael Cole in story mode. Accept his challenge, then defeat him. Michael Cole will now be unlocked. -From: [email protected] and [email protected]

Wrestle as Mick Foley

Choose anyone who does not hold a title. Say that you do not want to form a tag team to Vince. Talk trash, then say that you want to kick his ass. Go to parking lot to find Vince. Win the match. Show up on stage. Win the match. Lose the match at Wrestlemania. Foley will appear and make it a hell in a cell. Win the hell in a cell match. Mick Foley will now be unlocked. -From: [email protected] and [email protected]

Wrestle as Rhyno

Choose anyone who does not hold a title. Say that you do not want to form a tag team to Vince. Run down and attack (if you win, you have an advantage in the following match. KO them to win). Lose the match, stay backstage, then go to Earl Hebner. He will be near the vending machines in the lobby. Tell him you are going after hard core title. Defeat Rhyno to unlock him. -From: [email protected] and [email protected]

Wrestle as Spike Dudley

Accept a tag team match. Find anyone, then win the match. Get your partner to find the third partner for six man tag. Go to the corridor where the APA office is located (door opposite vending machines in lobby). Help Spike, then win the tag table match. Win the tag team title match and Spike Dudley will be unlocked. -From: [email protected] and [email protected]

Wrestle as Shane McMahon and Stephanie McMahon Helmsley

To unlock Shane McMahon and Stephanie McMahon Helmsley, you need to unlock all the SmackDown cards. If you have not unlocked them all, go through one of them again to get to WrestleMania. You will unlock about three to four cards each time. Another way to do it is to defend a belt. Each time you defend, you unlock a card. However, when you are left with about three cards remaining (Shane’s and Steph’s cards included), you will need to go through story mode and win the WWF title at WrestleMania. To do this, choose anyone who does not hold a title. Say that you do not want to form a tag team to Vince. Talk trash on the mic, then say you want to kick his ass. Go to the parking lot to find Vince. Win the match. Show up on stage. Win the match. Then, win the match at WrestleMania. -From: [email protected] and [email protected]

Wrestle as Tajri

Choose anyone who does not hold a title. Answer that you do not want to form a tag team to Vince. Talk trash on the mic, then say you were messing. To get to Regal’s office, go down stairs on left, then go into the door on left before the vending machines. The first on the left is Regal’s office. Say that you do not want the Euro title match. Defeat Tajiri to unlock him. -From: [email protected] and [email protected]

New SmackDown! arena

Choose Slobber Knocker mode. Choose The Rock and defeat 16 wrestlers in ten minutes. -From: [email protected] and [email protected]

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InsurreXtion arena

Choose anyone that does not hold a title. Say that you do not want to form a tag team to Vince. Talk trash on mic, then say you were just messing. Talk to Earl Hebner and say “Hi Earl, how are you doing?” He will take you to Regal. Answer that you would rather have a European title match. Win the match at InsurreXtion. Win the following match and the InsurreXtion arena will be unlocked.

WrestleMania X-7 arena

Choose anyone who does not hold a title. Say you do not want to form a tag team to Vince. Talk trash on mic, then say you want to kick his ass. Go to the parking lot to find Vince. Win the match. Show up on stage. Win the match. Then, win the WWF title at WrestleMania and the WrestleMania X-7 arena will be unlocked.

Last Man Standing, Street Fight, and Ultimate Submission modes

Go the route to WrestleMania. During that route you will have a choice between three matches. Do this three times choosing a different match each time. Win the match to unlock Last Man Standing, Street Fight, and Ultimate Submission modes once you finish the story.

Theater mode movies

When you win the WWF title at WrestleMania, you will unlock five additional movies in theater mode. The complete set of movies are:

    1. SmackDown! Commercial
    2. Making Of SmackDown! Commercial
    3. SmackDown! 2: Know Your Role Commercial
    4. Making Of SmackDown! 2: Know Your Role Commercial
    5. Credits
    6. Dark Summit Trailer (already available)
    7. Recent Greatest SmackDown Moments

SmackDown! cards

    1. Fred Durst
    2. Mick Foley
    3. Tajiri
    4. Rhyno
    5. Jerry Lynn
    6. Spike Dudley
    7. Last Man Standing Match
    8. Street Fight
    9. Submission match
    10. Wrestlemania X-7 Arena
    11. InsurreXtion Arena
    12. 55 Extra Ability points for CAW.
    13 to 32 are new Movesets. (Moveset 4 is RVD and Moveset 2 is Booker T, etc.)
    33. Theater Mode Movies
    34. Original Entrance music for CAW
    35. Original Entrance music for CAW
    36. New SmackDown Arena
    37. 10 Paint parts
    38. 8 Mask parts
    39. 8 Item parts
    40. 8 Sleeve parts
    41. 9 T-Shirt parts
    42. 5 Wrist band parts
    43. 6 Elbow pad parts
    44. 4 Glove parts
    45. 10 Pattern parts
    46. 8 Shoe parts
    47. 8 Tights parts
    48. 10 Belt parts
    49. 5 Mini skirt parts
    50. 9 Long skirt parts
    51. Shane McMahon
    52. Stephanie McMahon Helmsley

Unknown CAW move sets

    Unknown 1 NCDP: DDP
    Unknown 2 NCBT: Booker T
    Unknown 3 EMA: Mike Awesome
    Unknown 4 ERV: RVD
    Unknown 5 ELS: Lance Storm
    Unknown 6 NCSO: Sean O’Haire
    Unknown 7 NCBK: Billy Kidman
    Unknown 8 NCHH: Hurricane Helms
    Unknown 9 WGM: Grand Master Sexay
    Unknown 10 WS2: Scotty 2 Hotty
    Unknown 11 WXP: XPac
    Unknown 12 EJC: Justin Credible
    Unknown 13 WAS: Al Snow
    Unknown 14 WVV: Val Venus
    Unknown 15 WGF: Goodfather
    Unknown 16 WTM: Taka Michenoku
    Unknown 17 WFU: Sho Funaki
    Unknown 18 WDB: Dlo Brown
    Unknown 19 WKK: K-Kwick
    Unknown 20 WER: Essa Rios
    Unknown 21 WBM: Big Boss Man
    Unknown 22 WGG: Gangrel
    Unknown 23 ZAG: Andre The Giant
    Unknown 24 ZSM: Shawn Michaels
    Unknown 25 ZSS: Sgt Slaughter
    Unknown 26 ZBB: Bob Backland
    Unknown 27 WRD: Road Dogg
    Unknown 28 CRF: Ric Flair
    Unknown 29 CKN: Kevin Nash
    Unknown 30 CSH: Scott Hall
    Unknown 31 CBG: Bill Goldburg
    Unknown 32 CST: Sting
    Unknown 33 CHH: Hulk Hogan
    Unknown 34 CJJ: Jeff Jarret
    Unknown 35 CSS: Scott Steiner
    Unknown 36 JIDA: Japanese Puroresu Set A
    Unknown 37 JIDB: Japanese Puroresu Set B
    Unknown 38 MEX: Mexican Luchadore Set
    Unknown 39 NJKS: Kensuke Sasaki
    Unknown 40 ZOSH: Shinya Hashimoto
    Unknown 41 NJMC: Masahiro Chono
    Unknown 42 NJHT: Hiroyoshi Tenzan
    Unknown 43 NJKM: Keiji Mutoh
    Unknown 44 NJMN: Manabu Nakanishi
    Unknown 45 NJYN: Yuji Nagata
    Unknown 46 NJJL: Jyushin Thunder Lyger
    Unknown 47 MGS: Great Susake
    Unknown 48 NJKK: Kuniaki Kobayashi
    Unknown 49 NOVD: Vader
    Unknown 50 NOMM: Mitsuhara Misawa
    Unknown 51 NOKK: Kenta Kobashi
    Unknown 52 NOJA: Jun Akiyama
    Unknown 53 AJTK: Toshiaki Kawada
    Unknown 54 AJGT: Genichiro Tenryu
    Unknown 55 JAO: Atsushi Ohnita
    Unknown 56 PAI: Antonio Inoki
    Unknown 57 PNO: Naoya Ogawa
    Unknown 58 PAT: (Unknown PAT – F’s: ultimate knee attack/karate kick)
    Unknown 59 PGP: (Unknown PGP – Japanese Shoot Set)
    Unknown 60 LKS: Ken Shamrock
    Unknown 61 DLTF: Terry Funk
    Unknown 62 CHKF: Kung Fu Move Set

Special intermission sequences

To get special intermission sequences in story mode, just choose one of the following wrestlers and follow the path to the WWF Title:

    The Undertaker: Michael Cole will interview him after Vince announces at WrestleMania that he is the special referee. The Undertaker will simply say that somebody is going to be injured tonight.

    The Rock: Michael Cole will interview him after Vince announces at WrestleMania that he is the special referee. The Rock will talk about winning the match, then finish it off with “If you smelllll… what the Rock… is cookin’.”

    Kurt Angle: After defeating whomever Vince put you in a match against at RAW, another individual will call you out, talking about how people are talking about you being closest to the WWF title. Instead of being given the choice of coming out or staying backstage, Kurt Angle will ride down to the ring in a milk truck. He will stop just short of the ring, fling two cartons of milk at the person in the ring, then proceed to climb atop his milk truck and drink milk.

    Steve Austin: After Vince announces at WrestleMania that he will be the special guest referee, Stone Cold is shown backstage talking to Vince. Kurt Angle is nearby, wearing the small cowboy hat he once wore on WWF TV. Austin will talk about how Vince and he will always be friends and proceeds to hug Vince.

    Hardy Boyz: Play as the Hardy Boyz (Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy). Just before your tag team title match, it will show Team Extreme (Hardy Boyz and Lita) talking about how excited they are for the match and put their fists together, as they have done on television.

    Edge and Christian: Choose either Edge or Christian to start a career. Accept to form a tag team, then find the other member (if you are Edge, find Christian and vice versa) and form a tag team. Once Edge and Christian make it to the PPV to fight the tag champions, a special sequence will play before the match. Edge and Christian will find the current tag team champions in the backstage area and proceed to tease them, calling them “reek-a-zoids”, etc. Then the two will deliver a Con-Chair-To to the unfortunate champions and leave them laying.

    Objects and actions

      Run into a dresser in the dressing room and you will climb it. A wrestler with a top rope move can do it from on top of the dresser.

      Play a hard core match and throw someone into the soda machine. A can will appear.

      In the lobby, run into the food stand. You will climb it and then can jump off.

      In the lobby, throw your opponents into the pay phone. A phone will pop out.

    Game Shark Codes

    Master Code (Must Be On) EC8C9BE0 1445DAFC
    Infinite Creation Points [Note] 0D313068 1456E735
    4D313068 1456E404
    Infinite Match Time/Easy Wins 4CB9B0F0 1456E7A5
    99 Wins (Slobber Knocker Mode) 4CE5DFAC 1456E788
    Unlock All Characters After Save 3CE5C6CA 1456E70C
    Unlock All Special Modes After Save 3CE5C6D0 1456E70C
    Unlock All Movies After Save 3CE53340 1456E7CC

    Note: This code is a little buggy, so if it does not work the first time, try removing your memory card and restarting the game. Exit the Create Superstar section and repeat to create more than one character with super stats.

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