



Xbox One Debuts Backward Compatibility

Xbox One Debuts Backward Compatibility

During today’s Microsoft E3 press conference, the company announced the addition of a backwards compatibility program for Xbox 360 games on the Xbox One. It’s not true backward compatibility in terms of working immediately for every game, but Microsoft is hoping to have the largest library of titles it can. Backwards compability will be available for all Xbox One users this holiday season, when Microsoft will release 100 titles via the service. More titles will be released as long as their publishers give Microsoft permission to convert them over – publishers won’t have to do any work besides signing on the dotted line to make it happen.

To access digital titles you own on the Xbox 360, you’ll just have to re-download them to your Xbox One. They will automatically apear in your library when they are available. To access titles you own on disc, you can put the disc into your Xbox One, and then download the backwards-compabible version. Microsoft will not be charging for these downloads, provided you’ve already purchased the game for 360.

The first wave of games, which will be available soon for Xbox One preview program users, is listed below:

Banjo Kazooie: N n B



BattleBlock Theater

Defense Grid

Geometry Wars Evolved

Hexic HD

Jetpac Refuelled


Mass Effect

Perfect Dark

Perfect Dark Zero

Small Arms

Super Meat Boy

Toy Soldiers

Toy Soldiers: Cold War

Viva PiƱata

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