



Muramasa Rebirth Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PS Vita

Muramasa Rebirth Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PS Vita

Muramasa Rebirth

Note: This game is also titled Oboro Muramasa .

Alternate endings

Successfully complete the indicated task as well as Momohime and Kisuke’s Story mode to unlock the corresponding ending:

    Kisuke – Alternate Ending #1: Defeat the final Boss with both Descent Into Misery and Threads Of Fate are equipped.
    Kisuke – Alternate Ending #2: View Kisuke’s alternate ending #1, then defeat the final Boss with Oboro Muramasa equipped.
    Momohime – Alternate Ending #1: Defeat the final Boss with both Descent Into Misery and Threads Of Fate equipped.
    Momohime – Alternate Ending #2: View Momohime’s alternate ending #1, then defeat the final Boss with Oboro Muramasa equipped.

“Game Credits” option

Successfully complete Momohime and Kisuke’s Story mode to unlock the “Game Credits” option.

Easy “Aren’t WE precocious?” trophy

Start a new game, then immediately turn left when the game prologue begins to inspect the first road barrier and get the “Aren’t WE precocious?” trophy.

Easy “Change In Management” trophy

Momohime’s first Boss fight is a great place to get the “Change In Management” trophy. The Boss is one of the easiest bosses in the game, and he yells every time he performs an attack, making it really easy to dodge them.

Easy “Evil Only Hurts if You Let It” trophy

A great place to get the “Evil Only Hurts If You Let It” trophy is Mikawa – Seven Samurai Evil Cave.

Easy “From the Depths of R’lyeh” and “Hey, You’re Not Sea Foam Yet?!” trophies

In Izu, talk to the fisherman to travel on his boat. Successfully complete the fish catching mini-game, then return to Izu, and talk to the fisherman again to fight the Sea Monster. Defeat it to get the “From the Depths of R’lyeh” trophy. Once you defeat it, go back to Izu again, and talk the the fisherman to ride the boat again to encounter the mermaid and get the “Hey, You’re Not Sea Foam Yet?!” trophy.

Easy “Hours, Persons, Doors” trophy

Kisuke’s second Boss fight (Giant Centipedes) is a great place to get the “Hours, Persons, Doors” trophy. Start attacking when the centipedes are close to each other, and use Cyclone and attack with a short blade until it recovers. You can also wait until you get the Narukami accessory after completing the game, which allows you to spam the Cyclone.


Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:

    Master of the Oboro Style! (Platinum): Obtained all trophies!
    Secret Arts FTW! Literally… (Bronze): Defeat a boss using a sword’s Secret Art.
    Kerouac Has Nothing on You! (Bronze): Take down all of the barriers blocking the main road.
    That’s Pretty Steamy… (Silver): View all of the game’s hot spring events.
    Change in Management (Bronze): Defeat a boss without taking any damage.
    Hours, Persons, Doors (Silver): Perform a 999-hit combo.
    From the Depths of R’lyeh (Silver): Defeat the Sea Monster
    Evil Only Hurts if You Let It (Bronze): Emerge from a Cave of Evil unscathed.
    665 and a Half Won’t Do! (Bronze): Defeat 666 monsters.
    That’s the Spirit! (Bronze): Obtain 666 souls while wandering the roads.
    108 Swords of Destiny (Silver): Obtain all of the blades available in the game.
    Accessories for Every Occasion (Silver): Obtain all of the accessories available in the game.
    You’re Already Fed (Silver): Enjoy 88 dishes in the country’s various restaurants.
    Can’t You Go Any Faster?! (Silver): Complete the game in 3 hours.
    YOU > Evil…Caves (Gold): Conquer all Caves of Evil with Kisuke and Momohime.

Additionally, there are 27 secret trophies:

    …Ninja Dog (Bronze): Complete the tutorial section using Kisuke.
    A Boy and his…Kitsune? (Bronze): Complete the prologue of Ninja Scroll of the Demon Blade.
    Nothing Ventured… (Bronze): Complete chapter 2 of Ninja Scroll of the Demon Blade.
    Godiva, She’s Not (Bronze): Complete chapter 3 of Ninja Scroll of the Demon Blade.
    Ghosts of the Past (Bronze): Complete chapter 4 of Ninja Scroll of the Demon Blade.
    The Maiden of Narukami (Bronze): Complete chapter 5 of Ninja Scroll of the Demon Blade.
    Battlefield of the Damned (Bronze): Complete chapter 6 of Ninja Scroll of the Demon Blade.
    The Dragon God of Mount Fuji (Bronze): Complete chapter 7 of Ninja Scroll of the Demon Blade.
    Born Again and Again and Again (Bronze): Experience the finale of Ninja Scroll of the Demon Blade.
    A New Hope (Silver): See all of the endings of Ninja Scroll of the Demon Blade.
    Valkyrie, ARISE! (Bronze): Complete the tutorial section using Momohime.
    You’ve Got (no) Soul! (Bronze): Complete the prologue of Pandemonium of the Oboro Blade.
    The Devil’s Whorehouse (Bronze): Complete chapter 2 of Pandemonium of the Oboro Blade.
    It’s Not the Sword that Kills (Bronze): Complete chapter 3 of Pandemonium of the Oboro Blade.
    Wow, Hida is Boar-ing! (Bronze): Complete chapter 4 of Pandemonium of the Oboro Blade.
    Machiavellian Betrayal (Bronze): Complete chapter 5 of Pandemonium of the Oboro Blade.
    Where in Hell is My Sword?! (Bronze): Complete chapter 6 of Pandemonium of the Oboro Blade.
    …Stairway to Heaven. (Bronze): Complete chapter 7 of Pandemonium of the Oboro Blade.
    In Buddha’s Infinite Mercy (Bronze): Experience the finale of Pandemonium of the Oboro Blade.
    Beware the Words of the Mad… (Silver): See all of the endings of Pandemonium of the Oboro Blade.
    Aren’t WE precocious? (Bronze): Inspect the first road barrier before completing the prologue.
    They’re Swords, not Hammers… (Bronze): Break 108 blades.
    Hey, You’re Not Sea Foam Yet?! (Silver): Encounter a mermaid
    Oboro, Shmoboro! (Silver): Beat both Kisuke and Momohime in battle.
    But I Only Have Two Hands! (Silver): Equip Descent into Misery, The Threads of Fate, and Oboro Muramasa.
    Thousand Flowers of Darkness (Gold): View all of the Ninja Scroll endings while playing “Fury” mode.
    Ascendancy of the Oboro Style (Gold): View all of the Pandemonium endings while playing “Fury” mode.
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