



Ready 2 Rumble Boxing Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes for PlayStation (PSX)

Ready 2 Rumble Boxing Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes for PlayStation (PSX)

Ready 2 Rumble Boxing Bronze class

Select “Championship Mode” from the main menu. Then, choose “New Game” and enter ” BRONZE ” as a gym name to unlock all class bronze boxers in championship mode. Note: This also unlocks Kemo Claw in arcade mode. -From: [email protected]

Silver class

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Select “Championship Mode” from the main menu. Then, choose “New Game” and enter ” SILVER ” as a gym name to unlock all class silver boxers in championship mode. Note: This also unlocks Bruce Blade in arcade mode. -From: [email protected]

Gold class

Select “Championship Mode” from the main menu. Then, choose “New Game” and enter ” GOLD ” as a gym name to unlock all class gold boxers in championship mode. Note: This also unlocks Nat Daddy in arcade mode. -From: [email protected]

Champ class

[lasso rel="amzn-razer-blackshark-v2-and-usb-sound-card-multi-platform-headset-for-esports-pc-mac-playstation-4-switch-xbox-1-smartphone-50mm-drivers" id="177836"]

Select “Championship Mode” from the main menu. Then, choose “New Game” and enter ” CHAMP ” as a gym name to unlock all class champ boxers in championship mode. Note: This also unlocks Damien Black in arcade mode. -From: [email protected]

Alternate costumes

At the character selection screen, press Circle + Square. -From: [email protected]

Cheap training equipment

Select the “Train Boxer” option in championship mode. Then, go to “Rumble Aerobics Training”, press Left and immediately press X. If done correctly, you will have just purchased the $25,000 vitamin bottle for $500. You can do this with any of the training equipment, however the vitamin bottle will save the most money.

Game Shark Codes

Reverse Joker Command D0083B8C ????
Infinite Health P1 80095BD8 0064
Infinite Health P1 (Alternate) 800317B0 0004
800317B2 1080
75% Health P1 D0095BD8 0000
80095BD8 004B
50% Health P1 D0095BD8 0000
80095BD8 0032
25% Health P1 D0095BD8 0000
80095BD8 0019
No Health P1 80095BD8 0000
Infinite Stamina P1 80095BDC 0064
No Stamina P1 80095BDC 0000
Always Have “RUMBLE” P1 80095BE4 0030
Never Have “RUMBLE” P1 80095BE4 0000
Infinite “RUMBLE” Time P1 80095BE8 0235
No “RUMBLE” Time P1 80095BE8 0000
Infinite Health P2 800963F4 0064
Infinite Health P2 (Alternate) 800317B0 0004
800317B2 1480
75% Health P2 D00963F4 0000
800963F4 004B
50% Health P2 D00963F4 0000
800963F4 0032
25% Health P2 D00963F4 0000
800963F4 0019
No Health P2 800963F4 0000
Infinite Stamina P2 800963F8 0064
No Stamina P2 800963F8 0000
Always Have “RUMBLE” P2 80096400 0030
Never Have “RUMBLE” P2 80096400 0000
Infinite Health P1 & P2 800317C2 2400
Infinite Stamina P1 & P2 8003197E 2400
Infinite Round Time 80083E54 0DF0
Infinite Round Time (Alternate) 8002CD12 2400
Infinite Continues 80083FBC 0003
Infinite Continues (Alternate) 80033D4A 2400
Infinite Continue Time 80084030 0009
Infinite Continue Time (Alternate) 80044E7A 2400
Add a Continue Instead of Losing One 80033D40 0001
Championship Mode
Infinite Cash 80097AD8 FFFF
Max Cash 80097AD8 FFFF
80097ADA 00FF
Boris Knokimov
Class Champ 80097ADE 0003
Rank Champ 80097AE0 0000
Fights Left Modifier 80097AE2 00??
Wins Modifier 80097AE4 0???
Losses Modifier 80097AE6 0???
Max Strength 80097AEE 003F
Max Stamina 80097AF2 003F
Max Dexterity 80097AF6 003F
Max Experience 80097AFA 003F
Butcher Brown
Class Champ 80097B2A 0003
Rank Champ 80097B2C 0000
Fights Left Modifier 80097B2E 00??
Wins Modifier 80097B30 0???
Losses Modifier 80097B32 0???
Max Strength 80097B3A 003F
Max Stamina 80097B3E 003F
Max Dexterity 80097B42 003F
Max Experience 80097B46 003F
Afro Thunder
Class Champ 80097B76 0003
Rank Champ 80097B78 0000
Fights Left Modifier 80097B7A 00??
Wins Modifier 80097B7C 0???
Losses Modifier 80097B7E 0???
Max Strength 80097B86 003F
Max Stamina 80097B8A 003F
Max Dexterity 80097B8E 003F
Max Experience 80097B92 003F
Class Champ 80097BC2 0003
Rank Champ 80097BC4 0000
Fights Left Modifier 80097BC6 00??
Wins Modifier 80097BC8 0???
Losses Modifier 80097BCA 0???
Max Strength 80097BD2 003F
Max Stamina 80097BD6 003F
Max Dexterity 80097BDA 003F
Max Experience 80097BDE 003F
“Raging” Rivera
Class Champ 80097C0E 0003
Rank Champ 80097C10 0000
Fights Left Modifier 80097C12 00??
Wins Modifier 80097C14 0???
Losses Modifier 80097C16 0???
Max Strength 80097C1E 003F
Max Stamina 80097C22 003F
Max Dexterity 80097C26 003F
Max Experience 80097C2A 003F
Tank Thrasher
Class Champ 80097C5A 0003
Rank Champ 80097C5C 0000
Fights Left Modifier 80097C5E 00??
Wins Modifier 80097C60 0???
Losses Modifier 80097C62 0???
Max Strength 80097C6A 003F
Max Stamina 80097C6E 003F
Max Dexterity 80097C72 003F
Max Experience 80097C76 003F
Selene Strike
Class Champ 80097CA6 0003
Rank Champ 80097CA8 0000
Fights Left Modifier 80097CAA 00??
Wins Modifier 80097CAC 0???
Losses Modifier 80097CAE 0???
Max Strength 80097CB6 003F
Max Stamina 80097CBA 003F
Max Dexterity 80097CBE 003F
Max Experience 80097CC2 003F
Jet “Iron” Chin
Class Champ 80097CF2 0003
Rank Champ 80097CF4 0000
Fights Left Modifier 80097CF6 00??
Wins Modifier 80097CF8 0???
Losses Modifier 80097CFA 0???
Max Strength 80097D02 003F
Max Stamina 80097D06 003F
Max Dexterity 80097D0A 003F
Max Experience 80097D0E 003F
Rocket Samchay
Class Champ 80097D3E 0003
Rank Champ 80097D40 0000
Fights Left Modifier 80097D42 00??
Wins Modifier 80097D44 0???
Losses Modifier 80097D46 0???
Max Strength 80097D4E 003F
Max Stamina 80097D52 003F
Max Dexterity 80097D56 003F
Max Experience 80097D5A 003F
“Furious” Faz
Class Champ 80097D8A 0003
Rank Champ 80097D8C 0000
Fights Left Modifier 80097D8E 00??
Wins Modifier 80097D90 0???
Losses Modifier 80097D92 0???
Max Strength 80097D9A 003F
Max Stamina 80097D9E 003F
Max Dexterity 80097DA2 003F
Max Experience 80097DA6 003F
Lulu Valentine
Class Champ 80097DD6 0003
Rank Champ 80097DD8 0000
Fights Left Modifier 80097DDA 00??
Wins Modifier 80097DDC 0???
Losses Modifier 80097DDE 0???
Max Strength 80097DE6 003F
Max Stamina 80097DEA 003F
Max Dexterity 80097DEE 003F
Max Experience 80097DF2 003F
“Big” Willy Johnson
Class Champ 80097E22 0003
Rank Champ 80097E24 0000
Fights Left Modifier 80097E26 00??
Wins Modifier 80097E28 0???
Losses Modifier 80097E2A 0???
Max Strength 80097E32 003F
Max Stamina 80097E36 003F
Max Dexterity 80097E3A 003F
Max Experience 80097E3E 003F
Gino Stiletto
Class Champ 80097E6E 0003
Rank Champ 80097E70 0000
Fights Left Modifier 80097E72 00??
Wins Modifier 80097E74 0???
Losses Modifier 80097E76 0???
Max Strength 80097E7E 003F
Max Stamina 80097E82 003F
Max Dexterity 80097E86 003F
Max Experience 80097E8A 003F
Kemo Claw
Class Champ 80097EBA 0003
Rank Champ 80097EBC 0000
Fights Left Modifier 80097EBE 00??
Wins Modifier 80097EC0 0???
Losses Modifier 80097EC2 0???
Max Strength 80097ECA 003F
Max Stamina 80097ECE 003F
Max Dexterity 80097ED2 003F
Max Experience 80097ED6 003F
Bruce Blade
Class Champ 80097F06 0003
Rank Champ 80097F08 0000
Fights Left Modifier 80097F0A 00??
Wins Modifier 80097F0C 0???
Losses Modifier 80097F0E 0???
Max Strength 80097F16 003F
Max Stamina 80097F1A 003F
Max Dexterity 80097F1E 003F
Max Experience 80097F22 003F
Nat Daddy
Class Champ 80097F52 0003
Rank Champ 80097F54 0000
Fights Left Modifier 80097F56 00??
Wins Modifier 80097F58 0???
Losses Modifier 80097F5A 0???
Max Strength 80097F62 003F
Max Stamina 80097F66 003F
Max Dexterity 80097F6A 003F
Max Experience 80097F6E 003F
Damien Black
Class Champ 80097F9E 0003
Rank Champ 80097FA0 0000
Fights Left Modifier 80097FA2 00??
Wins Modifier 80097FA4 0???
Losses Modifier 80097FA6 0???
Max Strength 80097FAE 003F
Max Stamina 80097FB2 003F
Max Dexterity 80097FB6 003F
Max Experience 80097FBA 003F
All Characters
Class Champ/Unlocked (GS 2.2 or Higher Needed) 5011004C 0000
80097ADE 0003
Rank Champ (GS 2.2 or Higher Needed) 5011004C 0000
80097AE0 0000
Fights Left Modifier (GS 2.2 or Higher Needed) 5011004C 0000
80097AE2 00??
Max Strength (GS 2.2 or Higher Needed) 5011004C 0000
80097AEE 003F
Max Stamina (GS 2.2 or Higher Needed) 5011004C 0000
80097AF2 003F
Max Dexterity (GS 2.2 or Higher Needed) 5011004C 0000
80097AF6 003F
Max Experience (GS 2.2 or Higher Needed) 5011004C 0000
80097AFA 003F

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