



Zero Divide Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes for PlayStation (PSX)

Zero Divide Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes for PlayStation (PSX)

Zero Divide

Play as Zulu

Play through the entire game and beat Zulu with all eight characters. Then at the title screen, the announcer will say “Wow” after the last character beats Zulu. Zulu will now be available for selection after the game starts.

Play against Xtal

Beat the entire game without continuing using all eight characters (including Zulu).

Play as Xtal

Beat the entire game without continuing on the normal or hard difficulty level and defeat Xtal.

Play against Neco

Beat the entire game with Xtal without continuing. Then when Xtal’s icon appears at the top of the screen in the pre-fight menu, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Select.

Play as Neco

Beat the entire game with Zulu and Xtal on the normal or hard difficulty level without continuing.


At the title screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2. Keep those buttons held and highlight the “VS play” option by pressing Down + Start. Then, choose any two fighters and watch the CPU take over both.

Area select

Accumulate 30 hours of game play. Then the announcer will say “Wow” after this occurs. Begin a game in two player versus mode with Zulu and Xtal. Win a round with a lap time of less than five seconds with both of them. You will then be able to choose your area of battle when playing in versus mode.

Area 00 Tau
Area 01 Nereid
Area 02 Zero
Area 03 Io
Area 04 Cygnus
Area 05 Draco
Area 06 Eos
Area 07 Wild3
Area 08 Zulu
Area 09 Xtal/Neco

Phalanx mini-game

Hold Select + Start on controller two and turn on the PlayStation. Keep those buttons held until after the Zoom logo appears. If you entered the code correctly, the phrase “Bonus Game” will appear, Tiny Phalanx, will load. Then get the high score and beat the game to be eligible to fight Neco.

Phalanx mini-game invincibility

Go to the Phalanx option screen and highlight “Speed”. Then, press Up + Left + R2 + L2 + Triangle. If you entered the code correctly, the background will turn red.

Special congratulations scene

Accumulate at least two hundred hours of game play. Then a special congratulations screen with artwork of the characters will be displayed.

Manual memory save

Instead of always keeping the Replay Save option on, press Select button after a round to display an option to save the current fight to a memory card.

Flat-shaded turbo mode

Accumulate at least one hundred hours of game play, during which you must have performed a five hit combo. Then, enter the option menu and highlight “Match Point 3”. Hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Down. Now a new “Shadow Obj” option will appear on the screen. Enable this option to allow the PlayStation to have more processing time for action at the cost of graphics. Repeat the code to return to normal mode.

Hidden comics

Beat the game in easy mode without continuing or losing a round. Then, go to the title screen and highlight the option icon. Now on controller 2, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Start + Select. A comic strip featuring Neco will now be displayed.

Alternate colors

At the character selection screen, press Up when choosing a fighter.

Color select

Once you beat the game, you will be allowed to choose from among sixteen different color schemes for the character selected. To choose a different color, hold Select and press any attack button. Player one and player two each have their own set of eight color palettes.

Game Shark Codes

Master Code D00CA7D4 2400
Infinite Health P1 80110B3C 00D0
P1 No Health 80110B3C 0000
Infinite Health P2 801118C0 00D0
P2 No Health 801118C0 0000
Infinite Time 800E8968 0700
Unlock Xtal 800E811A 0021
Timer Resets at 0 800E896A 0700
Enable Switch View 800E8960 0004
Overall Playing Time is .01 Seconds 800E811C 0020
Overall Playing Time is .00 Seconds 800E811A 0021
PAL Mode 800C40CC 0001
Overall Playing Time is ???? 800E811E ????
Save Count is ???? 800E8120 ????
Best Time is ???? 800E8124 ????
Start on Level 1, Room A D00EEC24 0000
800EEC24 0000
Start on Level 1, Room B D00EEC24 0000
800EEC24 0100
Start on Level 1, Room C D00EEC24 0000
800EEC24 0200
Tiny Phalanx Codes
Infinite Lives 800AC634 0002
Infinite Bombs 800AC4A0 0003
Start with 99 Lives D00AC634 0002
800AC634 0063
Start with 99 Bombs D00AC4A0 0003
800AC4A0 0063

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