Army Of Two: The 40th Day
Successfully complete the game to unlock the “Big Heads” and “Infinite Ammo” cheats in the “Options” menu.
Prequel bonus
Have a saved game file from the original Army Of Two to unlock the AS-KRI and S0-Z Grand Pinger for purchase.
Bonus costumes
Successfully complete the game to unlock the Civilian, End, Light Armor, Mall, Medium Armor, and Old School costumes.
Start with fully upgraded weapons
Start a new game. Use the starting money to upgrade your weapons or buy new ones. Play the game until reaching the cutscene with the moral choice. Select the moral choice, then go to the main menu during the cutscene with the explosions. Select Campaign mode, and choose the one that was just played. Select “New”, and you will have all the previously bought weapons, upgrades, and money from the previous mission. However, you can upgrade your weapons again. Repeat this process to fully upgrade and purchase all the starting weapons.
New areas
When entering a new area, take your time to explore it. There may be civilians around that you should protect or alternate paths that you and your partner can exploit.
Easy “Grenadier” trophy
At the first “Civilian” hostage spot in Chapter 1, tie down the three enemies, then throw a grenade in the middle of them to get the “Grenadier” trophy. Note : You will also kill the civilians with the grenade. Thus, restart from the checkpoint after getting the trophy.
Easy “Hate Monger” trophy
Upgrade a weapon until it has nearly a 100% aggro rating to get the “Hate Monger” trophy. Note: Style upgrades such as Jigsaw and Pimp will add a lot of aggro.
Easy “Pumpkin Patch” trophy
At the first “Civilian” hostage spot in Chapter 1, have your partner tie down the first enemy. The other two enemies will get on their knees, allowing you to shoot them both in the head with one bullet to get the “Pumpkin Patch” trophy. Note : Restart from the checkpoint after getting the trophy if desired.
Easy “Rock, Paper, Scissors” trophy
Press Triangle while not in combat and next to your partner to play rock, paper, scissors. Use the D-pad to select rock, paper, or scissors. Win three times in a row to get the “Rock, Paper, Scissors” trophy.
Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:
- Not What I Thought It Was (Bronze): Complete Chapter 1 on any difficulty level.
- A Steep Descent (Bronze): Complete Chapter 2 on any difficulty level.
- A Decent Animal (Bronze): Complete Chapter 3 on any difficulty level.
- Emergency Room (Bronze): Complete Chapter 4 on any difficulty level.
- Gone Shopping (Bronze): Complete Chapter 5 on any difficulty level.
- Meat Bag (Bronze): Use 15 enemies as human shields.
- Chaaaaarge! (Bronze): Charge through 20 enemies.
- Grenadier (Bronze): Kill 3 or more enemies with a single grenade.
- Pistolier (Bronze): Kill 150 enemies with pistols.
- Old Faithful (Bronze): Kill 400 enemies with assault rifles, submachine guns or shotguns.
- One Shot, One Kill (Bronze): Kill 100 enemies with a sniper rifle.
- Quick Draw (Bronze): Kill 25 enemies with a quickdraw from mock surrender.
- Open Hand Slap! (Bronze): Kill 50 enemies with a melee or bayonet.
- Not So Bad After All (Bronze): Tie up 15 enemy combatants instead of executing them.
- Healer (Bronze): Heal your partner 10 times.
- Co-Op Sniper (Bronze): Co-op snipe 5 enemies.
- Attention Grabber (Bronze): Allow your partner to snipe 5 guys while in mock surrender.
- In Synch (Bronze): Kill two enemies with simultaneous quick draws while in co-op mock surrender.
- Pumpkin Patch (Bronze): Shoot 2 enemies in the head with a single bullet.
- Total Fist Bump Destruction (Bronze): Finish the game as best friends.
- Total Fist Bump Deflation (Bronze): Finish the game in a fractured friendship.
- The Truth Is Right Here (Bronze): Listen to all of the radio broadcasts.
- Loot and Pillage (Bronze): Collect $1,000,000.
- Hate Monger (Bronze): Customize a primary weapon to high aggro.
- The Optimist (Bronze): Make a positive coop morality choice.
- The Pessimist (Bronze): Make a negative coop choice.
- Fresh Meat (Bronze): Versus: Revive your partner and perform a partner reload during the same public match.
- Fancy Meeting You Here (Bronze): Versus: Invite a friend before joining a lobby to play a public match.
- Big Game Hunting (Bronze): Versus: Kill both members of a single partnership during a public match.
- Job Seeker (Bronze): Versus: In public matches, kill a player with either the primary or secondary weapon from every weapon kit.
- DIY PMC (Bronze): Versus: Create a custom facemask online ( and wear it in a public match.
- Death Dealer (Bronze): Versus: Kill 10 players on a single map in a public match.
- Power Couple (Bronze): Versus: Earn the highest partnership score in a Co-op Deathmatch, Control or Warzone public match.
- All Guns Blazing (Bronze): Versus: Kill a player with every weapon, including special weapons, in public matches.
- Survivor? (Silver): Complete the game on any difficulty level.
- Softcore (Silver): Complete half the game on hardest difficulty.
- Unbreakable (Silver): Survive an entire level without needing to be revived on normal difficulty or above.
- Full Arsenal (Silver): Collect all weapons and weapon parts.
- Touch Not A Cat But A Glove (Silver): Shoot all Maneki Neko cats in the game.
- Humanist (Silver): Save every hostage.
- Future Visions (Silver): Unlock all potential futures.
- Bound For Life (Silver): Versus: In a public match, survive an entire Extraction map without suffering a single death on your team.
- King Of The Hill (Silver): Versus: Win a public match on every map in Co-op Deathmatch, Control and Warzone.
- Survival Of The Fittest (Silver): Versus: Complete all 16 rounds of an Extraction game in a public match.
- Hardcore (Gold): Complete the game on the hardest difficulty.
- The Beast (Gold): Kill 6,666 people in Campaign.
- Better Than Gold (Platinum): Earn all other trophies.
Additionally, there are four secret trophies:
- Rock, Paper, Scissors (Bronze): Beat your partner at rock, paper, scissors 3 times in a row.
- Scavenger (Bronze): Build a gun using 3 homebrew parts.
- Purist (Bronze): Make only positive choices.
- Heartless (Bronze): Make only negative choices.
The following trophies require the “Chapters Of Deceit” bonus downloadable content:
- Men of the People (Bronze): Escort all hostages to safety.
- Pick A New Face (Bronze): Find one new mask in The Chapters of Deceit.
- Hit And Miss (Silver): Complete Chapter 8 on any difficulty level.
- Train Wrecked (Silver): Complete chapter 9 on any difficulty level.
- Paging Dr. Wu (Bronze): Protect Dr. Wu from the FDI foes.
- Good Guys (Bronze): Positive morality choice. Choose to let the traitor live.
- Good Fellas (Bronze): Negative morality choice. Choose to execute the woman.
- Can It Really Be That Simple? (Bronze): Kill the FDI leader. Could it really be this easy?
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.