Battlefield 4 has certainly had a good run. The game came out back in October 2013, but was still receiving content updates up until December last year. In fact, that very Legacy Operations free expansion, which included a new version of Battlefield 2’ s Dragon Valley, could end up being the game’s last one. David Sirland, DICE LA Producer, says that no more content will be released on the Community Test Environment.
The Battlefield 4 Community Test Environment is where DICE would test new content for the game before it launched. It’s going to stay open, but nothing new will be added. DICE also says it will leave the game’s servers online and keep an eye on them. Which is pretty nice, considering this is a game that will turn three this year. Not to mention, Battlefield Hardline was released last year. It’s probably best that the developer’s focus shifts to that and newer projects.
Source: Twitter