



Cloud And Squall Coming To Steam

Trails of Cold Steel III key art

Cloud And Squall Coming To Steam

During the console gaming boom that accompanied the original Sony PlayStation, Squaresoft threw PC gamers a bone and ported Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VIII to the original gaming machine. These ports were more or less forgotten until fairly recently, when Square Enix updated them and brought them out as digital releases through their online store. They had achievements and some other quality of life features grafted on.

Now, it appears as though they’ll be joining the Steam roster. The SteamDB page currently has logos for both titles, which is a fairly solid indicator, despite the lack of any sort of official announcement, that both classic titles will soon be available on that most prolific of digital distribution clients. Given that the current PC version of FFVII is mod-compatible, it’s even possible there will be Steam Workshop integration.

Source: GamesReview

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