Crazy Taxi 3: High Roller
Cheat mode
At the character selection screen, simultaneously hold L + R + Left Analog-stick + Right Analog-stick + X + Y on controllers one and four until a voice is heard to unlock all drivers, courses, and vehicles.
Disable arrow indicators
At the character selection screen, hold White and press A. If you entered the code correctly, the message “No Arrows” will appear in the lower left corner.
Disable destination indicator
At the character selection screen, hold Black and press A. If you entered the code correctly, the message “No Destination Mark” will appear in the lower left corner.
Expert mode
At the character selection screen, hold Black + White and press A. If you entered the code correctly, the word “Expert” will appear in the lower left corner. No stop or arrow indicators will appear in this mode.
Course maps
Successfully complete Level 1 in Crazy X mode to unlock the West Coast, Glitter Oasis, and Small Apple course maps.
Bonus vechicles
Successfully complete Level 2 in Crazy X mode to unlock the bike, stroller, and carriage as vechicles.
Another Day mode
Successfully complete Level 3 in Crazy X mode to unlock Another Day mode.
All drivers
Successfully complete Level S-S in Crazy X mode to unlock all drivers for each course.
Toggle headlights
Click the Right Analog-stick to turn your headlights on and off.
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.