



Decision Making Aided by Action Games

Decision Making Aided by Action Games


Should you lob a grenade and run for it or just find cover and return fire? These kinds of questions are constantly presented to those who play action games, requiring quick decisions if you hope to stay alive. While those who play these games may already aware of this, a new study has proven that these players are able to make quicker decisions than those who don’t play action games (via 1Up).

In a study performed by the University of Rochester, dozens of non-gamers ages 18-25 were put into two groups and had their decision making skills tested. The first group was tasked with playing titles like Call of Duty 2 and Unreal Tournament, while the second was given The Sims 2. After playing these games, the groups were asked questions about them, with answering them quickly and accurately being the goal. The result was the first group answering them up to 25% faster than the second, while maintaining similar accuracy. About the study, researcher Daphne Bavelier states “Action game players make more correct decisions per unit time. If you are a surgeon or you are in the middle of a battlefield, that can make all the difference.”

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