Dishonored 2
Infinite mana
Note: Create a backup save before using this exploit, as it could cause issues with your game. It can cause weird visual effects at your start and save screens. In Mission 6: The Dust District, knockout Paolo. This may also work on Breanna in Mission 5. Loot his body for three Bonecharms, but make sure to sacrifice the third Bonecharm. Kill him, then you should be able to loot him again for the same charm. It should now be glitched. It will always unequip itself. Sacrificing the Bonecharm will not give you any additional Whalebones; it will just re-appear. Stack five Void Favor Charms (four traits) to get unlimited mana.
Safe locations and codes
Search the indicated locations to find the safes and codes to unlock the safes to obtain the corresponding loot:
Mission 1: A Long Day In Dunwall
Safe Location 1: When you exit the palace and are on the Dunwall streets, progress until you see a large “For Rent” sign on a house to the left. Search the door to the left of that one (as you look at it) for another door. Inside is the safe, and the code for it is ” 451 “. The clue can be found behind the painting in the room. The safe contains two Silver Bars and some bullets.
Mission 2: Edge Of The World
Safe Location 2: There is a safe inside the Vice Overseers Office in the Karnaca Enclave. Go to the room nearby with a projector inside and grab the note off the table. It will tell you to remember three specific things. Go back to the safe and check the book on the bench to the right. Use the numbers from the Seven Strictures that were on the first note. For example, if it said remember Lying Tongue, Wanton Flesh, and Restless Hands, the code would be 2, 6, 3. The code is unique to each player. The safe contains Raw Whale Bone, Rune, and lot of money.
Safe Location 3: Progress through the mission until you reach the Carriage objective. Before you enter the station, search nearby for a Winslow Safe Company shop. It is near a large black and white banner featuring Delilah Kaldwin. There is a “Try To Unlock Me” contest inside with a large Winslow safe. The combination is inside the cash register at the front of the shop. The safe contains a Bone Charm and 300 money.
Mission 3: The Good Doctor
Safe Location 4: When you enter the area, go to the far right and up the broken walkway above. Just ahead is a room with a couple of safe’s inside. One is locked and one is open. The combination is on the table near the doorway from where you entered.
Safe Location 5: During the story, proceed towards the mission objective to meet Alexandria Hypatia. Once you reach her, do not speak to her. Instead, explore the nearby room with an injured many lying in the bed. He will give you directions to the safe and the code.
Mission 4: The Clockwork Mansion
Safe Location 6 (Lower Aventa District): Exit the sewers and go left towards the map on the board up the stairs. Go down the left alley until you reach all the people, then enter the apartment. Go upstairs to find a safe in a room. To get the code for the safe, check the blackboard in the nearby room. It will have two digits in the corner. Enter the two digits, and then cycle the remaining digit until it opens. The safe contains money.
Mission 5: The Royal Conservatory
Safe Location 7 (Cyria Gardens Conservatory): Once you reach the Royal Conservatory, there will be a Light Gate blocking the front door. Turn directly around so the gate is at your back and look up for a balcony. Go inside and look for the Witch and Bloodflies. The safe is in the room with the Witch. To get the combination for the safe, you must purchase the safe code document from the Black Market in this area.
Mission 6: The Dust District
Safe Location 8: This is actually the door to the Black Market, but it requires a code this time. Walk around the back of the building to the alleyway and look through the barred windows for a door blocked by wood. Destroy the wood, then go inside and up the stairs into the room. There is a Wedding Silvergraph behind a photograph near the desk at the end. It says “Month of Rain”. Proceed to the hallway in the house to find numbers and a list of months. Check “Rain” and note the number for it and the date circled on the calendar. Those numbers are the code.
Mission 7: A Crack In The Slab
Safe Location 9 (Aramis Stiltons Manor): Enter the manor, and use your Heart to locate the Black Boneshard — it is near an elevator. The door is locked in both time periods, but proceed to the present. Crawl under the desk near the wall, switch to the past, and enter the room. Collect the dog, put it inside the furnace, and turn it on. Switch to the present and the bug nests will now be gone. You will see the safe door on the floor. Remember the code, then switch to the past.
Mission 8: The Grand Palace
Safe Location 10 (The Grand Palace): Enter the shopkeeper’s apartment. Go to the safe shop and loot the register for a key. Then, go to the door that leads to the Grand Palace, but do not go through it. Check the nearby apartments to find the safe. The code is found in the picture frame in the office. The code is ” 123 “.
Safe Location 11: The safe is inside the Captain’s Quarters on the first floor. To get the code, enter the Grand Palace and take the elevator up to the third floor. Enter the room to your right. In the far right corner is a small desk, not the main one. There is a First Captain’s Safe note on the desk, which contains the code for the safe.
Mission 9: Death To The Empress
Safe Location 12: This safe is in the same location as the first time you visited this area. The code is also the same, which was found behind the painting.
Blueprint locations
Search the indicated locations to find the corresponding blueprint:
Mission 2: Edge Of The World
Dispersed Incendiary Release blueprint: Go to the dock with the beached whale and turn to face the buildings. Above you will see an awning with an open window. Blink/Far Reach onto the awning and crawl into the engineering office to find it inside the safe. The blueprint creates the Incendiary Bolt, which immolates the enemy.
Hardened Bolt blueprint: Progress through the area until you reach the Karnaca Enclave. Go up the stairs to the Overseers Office to find the blueprint on the table. The blueprint creates the Hardened Bolt, which inflicts greater damage.
Mission 3: The Good Doctor
Combat Sleep Dart Formula blueprint: When you enter the building through the main glass doors, look up to your right. Go up to the broken walkway and into the next room to find it inside the safe. The Combat Sleep Dart Formula creates an instant sleep dart.
Mercury Vapor Distillation blueprint: It is found inside Joe Hamilton’s office, on the desk. If you do not get the key from him, search the box behind him with the gun inside to find the key. His office is on the top floor, up the last set of stairs next to elevator. The blueprint creates the Stinging Bolt, which causes enemies to flee and forget.
Dispersed Incendiary Release blueprint: It is found inside Dr. Hypatia’s lab, to the left of the Bloodfly autopsy.
Mission 4: The Clockwork Mansion
Pyro-Sonic Casing blueprint: It is found inside the station in the Lower Aventa District, in the far back left corner. There is a room with a safe inside. You may be able to get in without a key, but otherwise buy the key from the Black Market.
Alloy Polarization blueprint: It is found on a desk in a classroom inside the building you have to enter to disable the Light Gate in the Upper Aventa District.
Conductive Filaments blueprint: In the Clockwork Mansion, proceed until you reach the room with the two civilians talking inside. There is a switch on the wall. Activate the switch and quickly leave, waiting for the floor from above to come down. Return to the room to find the blueprint on the table.
Slug Splintering Wedges blueprint: In the final area in the Clockwork Mansion, where you either encounter Kirin Jindosh, look up and jump to the next level to see a large desk with a painting behind it. Check the cupboard in the front of the desk to find the blueprint.
Mission 5: The Royal Conservatory
Triggered Housing blueprint: On the first floor in the Cyria Gardens Conservatory, go to the elevator. Look to the right, and go inside the room with the prototype Light Gate to find the blueprint on the table.
Configurable Grooving blueprint: Speak to the Black Market vendor in Cyria Gardens Conservatory for him to offer you a side quest. Successfully complete the quest to get two blueprints as a reward.
Mission 6: The Dust District
Spike Grenade Housing blueprint: Go to the Crone Hand Pub to find Paolo sitting in the courtyard. Climb the stairs behind the bar and search the nearby rooms to find a large chest with the blueprint inside.
Secondary Coiling blueprint: Go to the Crone Hand Pub, and look towards the bar with the sign above that says “Saloon”. Turn around and go down the stairs through the door. Take a right, then a left to find the blueprint on the table.
Mission 7: A Crack In The Slab
Firing Chamber Pivot blueprint: Progress through the Aramis Stiltons Manor area until you reach the large dining room in the past. Drop down and explore the nearby hallways until you see a large vault. Switch back to the present, walk into the vault, switch back to the past, and then search the safe for the blueprint.
Mission 8: The Grand Palace
Small-scale Combustion blueprint: It is found inside the shopkeeper’s apartment. Go to the safe shop and loot the register for a key. Then, go to the door that leads to the Grand Palace, but do not go through it. Check the nearby apartments to find it inside the apartments with the upstairs exit to the Grand Palace that bypasses the Light Gate.
Blade Conversion blueprint: Once you are inside the Grand Palace, take the elevator to the third floor. Exit the elevator and enter the room on your right to find the blueprint inside the cabinet between the two bookshelves.
Folded Galvani Resin blueprint: Locate the stairwell inside the Grand Palace on any floor. Follow it to the bottom to eventually reach a room with a guard and boxes on shelves. It looks like a dead end, but use your vision ability to see a lever on the other side of the wall opposite the door you used to enter. Nearby is a tiny button; use it to open the passageway and go down the stairs to find the blueprint on the large table.
Mission 9: Death To The Empress
Dual Layered Galvani Weave blueprint: Aboard the Dreadful Wale before you embark on the mission, go to the room where Anton Sokolov is painting a picture. Check the nearby crafting desk to find the blueprint.
Counter-blast Inversion blueprint: Just before you reach the objective marked “Dunwall Tower Entrance”, there is a building to your right you can enter — the one with the first safe you could find. Go inside to find the blueprint on the table.
Musical Duo locations
Search the indicated locations to find all three Musical Duos and get the “Songs Of Serkonos” achievement:
Mission 2 – Edge Of The World: They are found at the market before entering Addermire Station.
Mission 6 – The Dust District: They are found in the Howler’s gang hideout. You must enter stealthily and listen to them from behind the bar.
Mission 8 – The Grand Palace: They are found near the start of the mission, in a back alley where you encounter the first enemies (before going through the Wall Of Light, go through the buildings on the right).
Make sure to listen to a full song for it to count. When you see them, they will already be playing a song. Let them finish that one and then listen to another song from start to finish until they stop playing. This will take around 10 minutes. When you start a fight near them, they will run away and stop playing music. You must stay stealthy when visiting the singers. At the third duo, you may not get the achievement instantly. Just talk to them a few times after their song or run around the map for a while and then return. You will miss this achievement if you scare away the singers, you do not listen long enough, or you miss them entirely since there is no mission select available.
All audiograph and journal locations
Search the indicated locations to find all audiographs and journals from Meagan Foster (your female comrade) and Anton Sokolov (the eldery man) aboard the Dreadful Wale. The Dreadful Wale is the ship you visit between missions. It is basically the hub area. Only journals and audiographs located on the ship count for the “Royal Spymaster” achievement. You do not have to find any during missions. Collecting them is quick and easy, as they are all sitting right next to each other. You visit the Dreadful Wale a total of 6 times during the story — at the start of Missions 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 9. If you miss a relevant item and proceed to the next mission, you cannot go back (no mission select). It is recommended to create a manual save every time you are on the ship. Everything can be reached with either Corvo or Emily. It does not matter if you do high chaos or low chaos. Your story decisions also have no impact on this. For example, if you rescue Dr. Hypatia in Mission 3, she will join the ship and leave behind some notes and audiographs of her own. These do not matter because you only need the ones from Sokolov and Meagan. So it does not matter if you kill her or save her. The contents of some letters can change depending on which character you choose and which story decisions you make, but this does not affect the achievement. The letters will only have different text but spawn in the same location. There is no way to keep track of what you have found — so you must be very careful to not forget anything. Some of the letters shown in the video are from other people and they may not be necessary to collect, but since there are also letters from Sokolov and Meagan in there, it is hard to tell which ones count and do not count. Thus, it is better to be safe than sorry.
- 1 – Mission 2 – 0:05
- 2 – Mission 4 – 3:07
- 3 – Mission 5 – 4:38
- 4 – Mission 6 – 6:05
- 5 – Mission 8 – 7:11
- 6 – Mission 9 – 8:16
All decorative object locations
Search the indicated locations to find all ten decorative objects for the Dreadful Wale. Collect all decorative objects to get the “Souvenirs” achievement. The decorative objects are found across the nine main missions. In between missions, you will go to the Dreadful Wale ship (hub area). You can view the decorations that have been found on the shelf in the starting room. All of these collectibles are missable because there is no mission select. It is recommended to create a manual save at the start of every mission just in case you missed one, you can reload that save and replay from there. Without a backup, you will have to restart the entire story if you miss one. Everything can be reached with either Corvo or Emily. When playing as Corvo, you should upgrade the Blink range as soon as possible to reach certain places. The collectible progress is only saved when you trigger an auto-save or manual save. If you die without saving, you have to collect them again. It is recommended to save after every collectible. Mission 6 has two decorative objects; every other mission has one. Some of them require you to kill certain enemies while others are physical collectibles that you need to collect. Each mission features an open world design. Thus, you can free roam as you desired and reach any place at any time, but only if you do not complete the mission. Once you leave the mission, you cannot go back. This also makes it easy to work on multiple collectible types at once (for multiple achievements, you need all decorative objects, paintings, journals, and audiographs on the Dreadful Wale). For example, collect the one decorative object, and then collect the paintings. The other collectibles are on the Dreadful Wale in between missions.
- 1. Mission 1 – 0:05
- 2. Mission 2 – 0:37
- 3. Mission 3 – 1:10
- 4. Mission 4 – 2:47
- 5. Mission 5 – 3:48
- 6. Mission 6 – 4:30
- 7. Mission 6 – 5:15
- 8. Mission 7 – 6:04
- 9. Mission 8 – 6:45
- 10. Mission 9 – 7:14
All painting locations
Search the indicated locations to find all 27 painting. Collect all paintings to get the “Art Collector” achievement. The paintings are found across the nine main missions. At the end of each mission, you can view how many you have found. Always double check that you got all of them before proceeding. All of these collectibles are missable because there is no mission select. It is recommended to create a manual save at the start of every mission just in case you missed one, you can reload that save and replay from there. Without a backup, you will have to restart the entire story if you miss one. Everything can be reached with either Corvo or Emily. When playing as Corvo, you should upgrade the Blink range as soon as possible to reach certain places. The collectible progress is only saved when you trigger an auto-save or manual save. If you die without saving, you have to collect them again. It is recommended to save after every collectible. The paintings also give you 200 coins each, which counts towards the “Well Funded” achievement (get 18,000 money in one playthrough). The 27 paintings give you 5,400 coins in total. Each mission features an open world design. Thus, you can free roam as you desired and reach any place at any time, but only if you do not complete the mission. Once you leave the mission, you cannot go back. This also makes it easy to work on multiple collectible types at once (for multiple achievements, you need all decorative objects, paintings, journals, and audiographs on the Dreadful Wale). For example, collect the one decorative object, and then collect the paintings. The other collectibles are on the Dreadful Wale in between missions.
- 1. Mission 1 – 0:05
- 2. Mission 1 – 0:23
- 3. Mission 2 – 0:58
- 4. Mission 2 – 1:27
- 5. Mission 2 – 1:45
- 6. Mission 2 – 2:08
- 7. Mission 3 – 2:38
- 8. Mission 3 – 3:00
- 9. Mission 3 – 3:28
- 10. Mission 4 – 3:46
- 11. Mission 4 – 4:11
- 12. Mission 4 – 4:44
- 13. Mission 4 – 5:11
- 14. Mission 4 – 5:36
- 15. Mission 4 – 6:07
- 16. Mission 5 – 6:26
- 17. Mission 5 – 7:02
- 18. Mission 5 – 7:38
- 19. Mission 6 – 8:18
- 20. Mission 6 – 9:20
- 21. Mission 6 – 9:29
- 22. Mission 7 – 10:08
- 23. Mission 7 – 11:18
- 24. Mission 8 – 12:36
- 25. Mission 8 – 13:17
- 26. Mission 8 – 14:07
- 27. Mission 9 – 14:23
Electroshock Machine puzzle solution
The Electroshock Machine puzzle is at the end of Mission 4: The Clockwork Mansion, when you finally meet with Kirin Jindosh. You can choose from two options. You can kill Kirin or place him in the Electroshock Machine. If you choose the Electroshock Machine, you have to create enough power to flip the switch next to the electric chair Kirin is sitting in. There are two nearby terminals that you can use that list various options such as Weaponry, Anatomy, Optics, etc. There is 11 power available and the Electroshock Machine requires 7 — so you need to make sure the other two panels do not exceed 4. To simply do this, select Anatomy and Optics to have enough power.
Easy Jindosh Lock combination solution
In Mission 6: The Dust District, you will encounter the Jindosh Lock. The Jindosh Lock combination is randomized and different for every player and changes with each playthrough. However, you can easily solve it every time by creating a manual save game at the start of the mission, when talking to Meagan Foster (before killing either of the gang bosses). Then, kill and deliver one of the gang bosses to the other. They will give you the combination for your Jindosh Lock. Write down the combination. Then, reload the manual saved game you previously created. Go to the Jindosh Lock and enter the code you wrote down to unlock it and get the “Eureka” achievement. This is also very useful during a stealth run. Use the same method, then reload the manual save and enter the code to skip the entire mission. After opening the Jindosh Lock, the mission will immediately end.
Stilton’s Master Key location
Shortly after Mission 7: A Crack In The Slab begins, you will receive the “Timepiece” item that allows you to time travel. Immediately after getting the Timepiece, go to the far end of the corridor. Switch between past and present time to get through it undetected. Press X to see where enemies are in the other timeline. Stilton’s Master Key is in the room at the end of the corridor. Switch to present time when you enter the room, crawl under the table, switch to past time, and collect the key to get the “Under The Table” achievement.
Easy “Black Market Burglar” achievement
At the start of Mission 2: Edge Of The World, proceed through the Bloodfly infested building to the upper floor. You will find an infected enemy and the key to the Black Market shop. Collect the key and return to the Black Market at the start of the mission. Climb through the window behind the shop and open the door with the key to get the “Black Market Burglar” achievement.
Easy “Circle Of Life” achievement
To do this, you must play as Corvo and buy all of his possession skills by the time you reach Mission 5: The Royal Conservatory (costs 13 runes). If you spend too many runes on other skills or do not find enough runes, you cannot do this. In the area with the Watch Tower (after the first Wall Of Light), make sure you are not spotted and do not kill anyone. Go to the place shown in the video and possess the hound, rats, bloodfly, human, and fish (in that order). You have very limited time to do this. After a few seconds the possession ends — so you must be quick. Create a manual save backup before entering the area with the Watch Tower so you can retry if you make any mistakes.
Easy “Clockwork Collector” achievement
While inside the mansion in Mission 4: The Clockwork Mansion (where you have to find and eliminate Jindosh), you will encounter robots that will attack when causing trouble or making a lot of noise. You must destroy three of those Clockwork Robots and then pick up their plaque from the floor after they self-destruct to get the “Clockwork Collector” achievement. Start by taking their head off (either with a ranged weapon or hold [Melee] for a range strike). It should only take 2-3 hits to take their head off. Then, run around them in circles and hit all body parts with your sword until the yellow armor falls off. They will blow themselves up after taking too much damage and leave a plaque.
Easy “Counter-serum” achievement
During Mission 3: The Good Doctor, one of your main objectives will be to talk to Dr. Hypatia. To get the “Counter-serum” achievement, you must cure her by crafting the anti-serum. Do not kill her or you will not be able to get the achievement. When you talk to her in the morgue, check for a dying patient in the back of the room. He will give you a side quest and the combination to a safe. Grab the counter-serum formula from the safe and craft it. Then, inject it into Dr. Hypatia by performing a non-lethal takedown on her (RB). Complete the mission and you will be aboard the Dreadful Wale (your ship/hub area). Talk to Dr. Hypatia on the ship to get the achievement.
Easy “Dilapidation” achievement
This can be done immediately after getting the Timepiece item in Mission 7: A Crack In The Slab. Leave the room where you obtained the Timepiece, and switch to the past. In the long corridor, go through the first door on the right, jump up the shelf in the kitchen, switch to present time, and go through the opening in the wall. You will now be in a new area with a balcony. Switch to past time and shoot the two support beams off the balcony. When you switch back to present time, the balcony will have collapsed. Climb up to get the “Dilapidation” achievement.
Easy “Familiarity Breeds Contempt” achievement
This achievement takes place over Mission 1 and Mission 9. If you do not rob Galvani in the first mission, you will have to replay the entire game to get it. In Mission 1, after jumping down to the Dunwall City Streets, enter the first building on the left side (when facing the next objective marker) to find a safe. The combination is behind the painting in the same room. Grab the items from the safe to rob Galvani for the first time. In Mission 9, go to the exact same location as before, except this time you will be coming from a different direction (from Harbor to Dunwall Tower). Open Galvani’s safe again using the same code to get the “Familiarity Breeds Contempt” achievement.
Easy “Fatal Redirect” achievement
To kill an enemy with their own bullet, you need the “Reflexes” and “Superior Deflection” skills, which costs a total of three runes. Both Emily and Corvo have these skills. With these skills, all projectiles shot at you will will now be deflected to the nearest enemy while blocking. Hold Block and look for an enemy with a pistol. They wear red clothing — the first few can be found in Mission 2. You can first damage them with your sword if desired. Only the final hit has to be their own bullet. Eliminate all other enemies in the area so the bullets are not redirected at them.
Easy “Fearless Fall” achievement
When Mission 3: The Good Doctor begins, go straight to the rooftop of the hospital. You can either use the elevator or your traversal powers to get up there. Stand on the arch (edge of rooftop) and jump down onto an enemy. You must kill the enemy by pressing [Melee] just before hitting the ground to get the “Fearless Fall” achievement. You can lure enemies to specific locations by shooting the crossbow or throwing an explosive (the crossbow is best for this). The enemies will investigate the impact point of your crossbow bolt. This makes it much easier to get them in a good position for you to jump on.
Easy “Flooded Basement” achievement
This can be done immediately after getting the Timepiece item in Mission 7: A Crack In The Slab. Leave the room where you obtained the Timepiece, and switch to the past. In the long corridor, go through the first door on the right, jump up the shelf in the kitchen, switch to present time, and go through the opening in the wall. You will now be in a new area. Go around the left side and down to the basement. Switch to past time. There will be two soldiers in the basement. Near them is a crank-wheel and a hole in the wall. Throw the crank through the hole. Switch to present time and place the wheel on the underwater pipe. You can then drain the water to reveal the hidden rune and get the “Flooded Basement” achievement.
Easy “Freedom Of Speech” achievement
While on the streets of Dunwall (after escaping the palace) in Mission 1: A Long Day In Dunwall, you will pass by a place called “Dunwall Courier”. It is a building on the left of the road before going to the harbor. Go to the top floor to see the Printer being threatened by a soldier. Stab the soldier, then talk to the Printer afterwards (he will run into a side room) to get the “Freedom Of Speech” achievement after the dialogue.
Easy “Gazebo” achievement
Early in Mission 9: Death To The Empress, you will have to enter the courtyard of Dunwall Tower. There are many witches gathered around the courtyard/garden area. In the gazebo in the garden is a memorial for Jessamine. Interact with it to get the “Gazebo” achievement.
Easy “Heartbeat Reaper” achievement
Shortly after getting past the Wall Of Light in Mission 2: Edge Of The World, you will reach Addermire Station — a large train station with several enemies and another Wall Of Light inside. This is just before entering the carriage. If you enter the carriage, you have gone too far and it will end the mission. Behind the registration is an armory, where you can find several grenades. Collect the grenades and alert all the enemies around the building. Lure them to the armory, then throw one of the grenades when they are standing close together in the room. The grenades have a large blast radius and will instantly kill all enemies. You can easily get 10+ kills in this area if you lure enough enemies.
Easy “Morbid Theft” achievement
When Mission 2: Edge Of The World begins, go straight to the Black Market shop and climb out the window on the back to find a woman named Mindy Blanchard. Talk to her and complete her side quest to get the “Morbid Theft” achievement. She will ask you to get a certain dead body from the Overseer Outpost and bring it to her.
Easy “Oracular Echoes” achievement
After getting past the first Wall Of Light in Mission 5: The Royal Conservatory, you will reach an area with a watchtower and another Wall Of Light. Proceed through that area to reach a large building with a lot of Witches (same building where you have to defeat the main target). In the main hall, go up the first flight of stairs to find a shrine on the balcony with blue glowing markings on the ground. It also has drawings of blue aliens and a machine with a switch. Activate the switch to trigger the voices. Activate it three times to listen to all the voices and get the “Oracular Echoes” achievement. Make sure to wait there until they are done talking.
Easy “Place Of Three Deaths” achievement
This achievement takes place over Mission 4 and Mission 6. The first kill opportunity is in Mission 4. The two remaining opportunities are in Mission 6.
Kill 1 (Mission 4): At the start of the mission, go to the Black Market shop. After exiting the shop, you will have an encounter with Paolo. Kill him there. This is easy to miss. If you missed it, you can either reload an older save game or do it in a new game.
Kill 2 (Mission 6): Paolo is marked as a main objective. Investigate the hideout of the Howler gang to find him.
Kill 3 (Mission 6): After the last kill, Paolo will turn into a group of rats and respawn upstairs in the Howler’s hideout. He is again marked as a main objective. Eliminate him one final time to get the “Place Of Three Deaths” achievement.
Note: Killing him will void the “Clean Hands” achievement (for not killing anyone in a playthrough). So make sure you do it during a High Chaos playthrough.
Easy “Silence” achievement
Halfway through Mission 4: The Clockwork Mansion, you will reach the “Clockwork Mansion”. You will have to eliminate Jindosh, the main target of your mission. To get the achievement, you cannot activate any of the switches around the mansion and cannot be seen by enemies. When activating a switch, the mansion will change its layout or you will hear an audio message from Jindosh, letting him know you are there. The enemies and clockworks are not allowed to be alerted either. A good way to eliminate Jindosh is with a headshot from the crossbow. Stay behind the walls, climb through windows, etc. to get through the mansion undetected. You are allowed to use the elevator at the end. A clockwork will walk near the elevator, but it usually does not notice you.
Easy “Sliding Marksman” achievement
The first firearm is found in the safe room at the start of the game, where you have to use the Imperial Signet Ring. The first opportunity to get this achievement is on the streets of Dunwall in Mission 1. It is recommended you disable auto aim under the game options when attempting this. Equip a pistol and slide towards an enemy. While sliding, you must kill the enemy with a headshot. The pistol has a very wide spread (similar to a shotgun), so this is not too difficult. It can be done with Emily and Corvo. The skill “Focused Slide” makes this easier by slowing down time while sliding, but it is optional and not required for this (both characters can unlock this skill).
Easy “Stay Of Execution” achievement
Shortly after the start of Mission 2: Edge Of The World, you will reach a “Wall Of Light”. This is a type of electric barrier that kills everyone not authorized to pass through it. Two enemies will try to push a civilian into it. Quickly kill the enemies before they execute the civilian to get the “Stay Of Execution” achievement.
Easy “The Lovers” achievement
This can only be done while play as Emily Kaldwin. First, buy the “Domino” skill. Once you have the skill, link two enemies with it by holding LT. Then, choke one of them by pressing RB. While choking one enemy, the other has to attack you. He will hit his choking comrade in the process. This will kill both of them instantly and you will get “The Lovers” achievement. Since the attacking enemy is linked to the one being choked, he essentially kills himself. The first opportunity to do this is in Mission 2. You can do it anywhere after that point.
Easy “Years Ago, Another Time” achievement
This can be done on the Dreadful Wale ship (hub area) between Mission 8 and 9. Go to the upper deck where Meagan is. Pickpocket her key and open the door downstairs with it to find an audiograph and notebook. Collect them to get the “Years Ago, Another Time” achievement.
Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:
- Freedom of Speech (15 points): Saved the Printer of the Dunwall Courier.
- Morbid Theft (15 points): Stole a corpse for Mindy Blanchard.
- Stay of Execution (15 points): Stopped the Grand Guard from pushing a citizen into the Wall of Light.
- Fearless Fall (15 points): Dropped from Addemire’s highest point, taking out an enemy below.
- Counter-serum (15 points): Chatted with Dr. Hypatia aboard the Dreadful Wale.
- Place of Three Deaths (15 points): Killed Paolo three times.
- Silence (15 points): Eliminated Jindosh without him ever knowing you were there.
- Oracular Echoes (15 points): Listened to the voices of the Sisters of the Oracular Order.
- Howlers ’til the End (15 points): Sided with the Howlers in the Dust District.
- Faithful to the Abbey (15 points): Sided with the Overseers in the Dust District.
- Eureka (15 points): Cracked the Jindosh Lock without finding the solution elsewhere.
- Under the Table (15 points): Obtained Stilton’s Master Key from under the table, with the guards there conscious & unalerted.
- Flooded Basement (15 points): Drained the water and recovered the Rune.
- Dilapidation (15 points): Found the hidden balcony passageway.
- Gazebo (15 points): Paid tribute to Jessamine one last time.
- Familiarity Breeds Contempt (15 points): Robbed Galvani multiple times.
- Occult Carver (10 points): Crafted 10 Bonecharms.
- Heartbeat Reaper (30 points): Eliminated 6 enemies in less than 1.5 seconds.
- Fatal Redirect (10 points): Killed an enemy with their own bullet.
- Circle of Life (30 points): Cast Possession once, chaining between human, hound, rat, fish, and bloodfly.
- Ghostly (30 points): Finished an entire mission without being spotted.
- Alternative Approach (20 points): Finished an entire mission with no casualties.
- Black Market Burglar (20 points): Robbed a black market shop.
- Souvenirs (30 points): Collected all the decorative objects for the Dreadful Wale.
- Well Funded (30 points): Found 60% of available loot.
- Heart Whispers (10 points): Used the Heart to listen to the secrets of 40 different people.
- Art Collector (30 points): Acquired all collectible paintings.
- Clockwork Collector (30 points): Obtained numbered plates for 3 Clockwork Soldiers.
- Rogue (10 points): Eliminated 20 unaware enemies.
- Acrobat (10 points): Eliminated 10 enemies with Drop Assassination.
- Shadow (50 points): Finished the game without being spotted.
- Flesh and Steel (50 points): Completed the game without supernatural powers.
- The Royal Protector (50 points): Finished the game with Corvo Attano.
- The Empress (50 points): Finished the game with Emily Kaldwin.
- In Good Conscience (50 points): Completed the game in low chaos.
- Empire in Chaos (30 points): Completed the game in high chaos.
- The Lovers (10 points): Linked 2 characters with Domino just before one killed the other.
- Songs of Serkonos (10 points): Found 3 musical duos across Karnaca, and listened to their songs.
- Sliding Marksman (10 points): Scored a headshot while sliding.
- Royal Spymaster (10 points): Perused all journals and audiographs by Meagan Foster and Anton Sokolov aboard the Dreadful Wale.
- Clean Hands (50 points): Completed the game without killing anyone.
Additionally, there are nine secret achievements:
- Imperial Seal (10 points): Recovered your signet ring.
- Jewel of the South (10 points): Reached Karnaca.
- The Beast Within (10 points): Dealt with Dr. Alexandria Hypatia.
- Labyrinthine Mind (10 points): Found Anton Sokolov in the Clockwork Mansion.
- A Night in 1849 (10 points): Visited the past.
- Spirit Thief (10 points): Took Delilah’s soul.
- Down with the Duke (10 points): Eliminated Duke Luca Abele.
- The Greatest Gift (10 points): Saved your last known family member.
- Years Ago, Another Time (10 points): Heard Meagan Foster’s story.
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.