



DoDonPachi Resurrection Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for Xbox 360

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DoDonPachi Resurrection Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for Xbox 360

DoDonPachi Resurrection

Note: This game is also titled DoDonPachi Daifukkatsu Ver 1.5 .

Open Second Loop

Collect 35 or more hidden bee icons. To find them, fire the laser so the front edge of the beam passes over the icon and does not continue. Defeat Shooty on Stage 5 and answer Longhena’s question with the first option. This will take you to the Open Second Loop, with Taisabachi as the final Boss. Alternately, successfully complete the First Loop without dying.

Hidden Second Loop

Collect all 45 hidden bee icons and get on the hidden Ura Route when you defeat Shooty at the end of the First Loop. Select “Yes” to start the Hidden Second Loop. In this loop, after Taisabachi is destroyed, Hibachi will attack you.

Play as Hibachi

Defeat Hibachi in the Hidden Second Loop to unlock him as a playable character.


Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:

    10,000 Hits! (15): Connect a 10,000 HIT combo. (Arrange A)
    100,000 Hits! (35): Connect a 100,000 HIT combo. (Arrange A)
    2x Bonus! (10): Connect a 500 HIT combo.
    3x Bonus! (15): Connect a 1000 HIT combo.
    5x Bonus! (25): Connect a 5000 HIT combo.
    7x Bonus! (50): Connected a 10,000 HIT combo.
    A Daunting Task (20): Enter the Open Second Loop.
    A.I. (15): Destroy the Stage 1 boss “Element Daughter A.I”.
    Abominable Execution Weapon (30): Destroy “Golden Disaster”.
    Activate Hyper! (5): Activate a hyper by using a bomb stock.
    Automatic Transmission (5): Trigger 3 auto-bombs during play. (Arrange B)
    Bee Completion (25): Collect all the bee items in a stage.
    BOMB Style Victory (30): Clear the game using Bomb Style.
    Bombing ]-[|/34<# (25): Destroy ]-[|/34<#! using Bomb style.
    By no means. (10): Select “NO” at the end of the first loop.
    Charged Up (20): Collect 5 hyper items and fill the Hyper Meter to MAX. (Arrange A)
    Descent to Hell (20): Picked up a bee item while it was flashing on a stage with an average enemy rank of more than 50.
    Engage Hostiles (5): Start up the game.
    Extreme Generator (20): Charge up 5 hyper stocks during one hyper activation. (Arrange A)
    Full Power! (20): Activate your hyper with 5 hyper items in stock. (Arrange A)
    God-like Existence (10): Increase the Expert Gauge to MAX. (Arrange B)
    Humanity’s Triumph (50): Destroyed ]-[|/34<#!.
    Hyper Cancelling (10): Cancel a hyper.
    Hyper*Hyper (10): Use a ton of hypers during Stage 1. (Arrange B)
    In the RED (5): Use the RED Mode.
    Iron Plate Love (20): Collect 10,000 “Expert Items” on Stage 3. (Arrange B)
    Just Don’t Bomb (10): Pick up a 1up item.
    KABOOM!!!! (5): Survived the mother ship’s destruction by an abominable force.
    Lonnnnnng Range (15): Stayed at bottom of the screen using Laser Custom. (Bottom 1/3 of the screen for 70% of a stage)
    NextExy (15): Destroy the Stage 2 boss “Element Daughter NextExy”.
    Non-infinite Loop (30): Clear the first loop. (Arrange A)
    Overpowering ]-[|/34<# (25): Destroy ]-[|/34<#! using Power style.
    Perfect* (15): Destroy the Stage 3 boss “Element Daughter Perfect*”.
    POWER Style Victory (30): Clear the game using Power Style.
    Prepped for Sheer Violence (5): Select Strong Style.
    Pruning the Tulips (5): Destroy the Stage 1 mid-boss “Tulip”.
    Quitting my Bomb Addiction (50): Clear the game without picking up a Bomb Item.
    Raiko (10): Destroy the Stage 4 mid-boss “Raiko”.
    Ray’n (15): Destroy the Stage 4 boss “Element Daughter Ray’n”.
    RED GAUGE MAX (10): Increase the RED Gauge to MAX.
    Senko (10): Destroy the Stage 2 mid-boss “Senko”.
    Shooty (15): Destroy the Stage 5 boss “Element Daughter Shooty”.
    Slow and Steady Wins the Race (25): Entered the secret route after Stage 3.
    STRONG Style Victory (30): Clear the game using Strong Style.
    Stronger than ]-[|/34<# (50): Destroy ]-[|/34<#! using Strong style.
    Suicide Mission (40): Enter the Hidden Second Loop.
    Taking a Detour (10): Enter the secret route in Stage 1.
    Taking a Detour (15): Enter the secret route. (Arrange A)
    Thank You For Playing (30): Score more than 50 million points across all stages. (Arrange B)
    The One that Got Away… (10): Let a hyper item drift off-screen.
    This One’s Free! (5): Used a Free Bomb. (Arrange B)
    Too Close for Comfort (10): While using Bomb Custom style, bombed when a bullet was 1 pixel away. (Free Bombs not counted)
    TYPE-A (20): Clear the game using the Type-A ship.
    TYPE-B (20): Clear the game using the Type-B ship.
    TYPE-C (20): Clear the game using the Type-C ship.
    UwaAaaAAaAa (10): Cancel a ton of enemy bullets after activating hyper. (Arrange B)
    White Bee Hive (20): Collect all bee items in a stage while they are white. (Arrange A)
    ]-[|/34<#! (50): Destroy ]-[|/34<#!.
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