Dragon Quest 9: Sentinels of the Starry Skies was developed by Square Enix and released in July 2009 in Japan before coming over to the West exactly one year later. The game was received very well. Many praised the polished game design and graphics of the handheld title however, the repetitive nature of the Dragon Quest series was starting to be felt by some more negative critics.
Dragon Quest 9 Premise
Sentinels of the Starry Skies follows a customizable player character that is of the Celestrian people. The player finds themself trapped in the mortal world. While completing the main story quest, you can pick up optional side quests and even synthesize items and equipment through alchemy. This title has a lot in common with most classic JRPGs. It is turn-based, it uses a four-man party, and there is a ton of customization available when it comes to how the game is approached.
Dragon Quest 9 Main Characters
- The Hero: A customizable protagonist, chosen by the goddess to protect the world.
- Aquila: A Celestial and the hero’s mentor, tasked with guiding and supporting the protagonist.
- Erinn: An innkeeper who helps the hero and dreams of reviving the legendary Quester’s Rest inn in Stornway.
- Stella: A sassy fairy who serves as the navigator of the Starflight Express and assists the hero throughout their journey.
- Greygnarl: The leader of the dragon warriors, playing a vital role in the fight against the Gittish Empire.
- Corvus: A tragic fallen Celestial whose arc drives the main conflict of the story.
- Celestria: The benevolent goddess who oversees the Celestials and humanity, central to the game’s lore.
- King Godwyn: The main antagonist, a power-hungry ruler who seeks to control the Fyggs and the power of the goddess.
- Patty: An energetic character who helps the hero recruit party members at the inn.
- Selma: An assistant to Erinn, helping to manage the revitalized Quester’s Rest.
Other Dragon Quest Titles In The Series
- Dragon Quest (1986)
- Dragon Quest II: Luminaries of the Legendary Line (1987)
- Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation (1988)
- Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen (1990)
- Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride (1992)
- Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation (1995)
- Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past (2000)
- Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King (2004)
- Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies (2009)
- Dragon Quest X: Awakening of the Five Tribes Online (2012)
- Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age (2017)
Dragon Quest 9 Cheats
Bonus Mini Medal items
Turn in the indicated number of Mini Medals to Cap’n Max Meddlin, the pirate king found in the town of Dourbridge, to receive the corresponding item:
Bunny Suit: 13 Mini Medals
Dragon Robe: 80 Mini Medals
Jolly Roger Jumper: 18 Mini Medals
Mercury Bandanna: 08 Mini Medals
Meteorite Bracer: 50 Mini Medals
Miracle Sword: 32 Mini Medals
Rusty Helmet: 62 Mini Medals
Sacred Armor: 40 Mini Medals
Thief’s Key: 04 Mini Medals
Transparent Tights: 25 Mini Medals
After Cap’n Max Meddlin receives 80 Mini Medals, he will sell rare items to you, at the cost of Mini Medals instead of gold. The following items will be for sale, at the indicated price:
Elfin Elixir: 5 Mini Medals
Orihalcum: 15 Mini Medals
Pixie Boots: 20 Mini Medals
Prayer Ring: 3 Mini Medals
Reset Stone: 10 Mini Medals
Saint’s Ashes: 8 Mini Medals
Duplicating items
Connect Dragon Quest 9: Sentinels Of The Starry Skies with someone else who has the game through Ad-hoc. Give them any desired items you want to duplicate, then turn the game off without leaving their world. Since you did not save the game after leaving their world, you will still retain the items you gave them, and they have them as well. They can now give the items back to you to duplicate them while still keeping the items for themselves. Repeat this as many times as desired.
DQVC mode
DQVC mode allows you to download a list of special items, usually rare or unobtainable through any other way, with always very good prices. It also allows access to new quests and dungeons. The dungeons and some sidequests are very new data compared to the items which are already included in the game’s code, waiting to be “released”. To get access to this feature, successfully complete the entire Coffinwell related story. Then, go back to Quester’s Rest in Stornwell, and talk to the woman next to the Alchemy Pot. Her name is Sellma, and she is the person responsible for the DQVC. Note: You can only download new things once per day, but you will still gain access to the shop at any time within that same day. New downloadables are available every day starting at 8 a.m.
Armamentalist vocation
Once Abbot Jack of Alltrades is back at the Alltrades Abbey, go inside the Abbey. Near the entrance, you will find a person with a red hat (Windy). Talk to him, and he will give you the “Elementary Training” quest. This quest requires a lot of patience. You must defeat a certain number of Metal Slimes, but with a character that has used the ability “Wizard Ward”. It must be that very character that delivers the final blow. Up to this point, your characters are probably at very good levels and the Metal Slimes will always flee. To keep them in battle, you need low-level characters. Use two new level 1 characters made in Stornway, and let them die. You can find Metal Slimes at the Quaratomb, west of Coffinwell. If possible, try to have two characters die, and the other two characters with low health. Engage any Metal Slime you encounter, and use Wizard Ward as soon as possible. Have the other character defend for the rest of the battle. Then, attack the Metal Slime until it dies. Once you complete the quest, go back to the Abbey, and talk to Windy again to gain access to the Armamentalist vocation.
Gladiator vocation
Once Abbot Jack of Alltrades is back to Alltrades Abbey, go downstairs in the Abbey, and talk to the purple person standing in front of the Inn. He will give you the “Gladiator Graduator” quest. This quest requires that you defeat a certain number of slimes with a Super High-Tension Dragon Slash. Dragon Slash is an MP-free ability that a few classes can learn, and to achieve Super High-Tension, you must use “Egg On” on the same character multiple times. When you are on a Tension of 50, there is a 50% chance to successfully achieve Super High-Tension (Tension of 100). Just keep Egging On the same character until you achieve this. A quick way to finish this quest is to go to Newid Isle and repeatedly engage in a battle with a Slime. There is a good chance it will not be alone. You must not let the Slimes merge into a Slime Stack or a Slime King, as only Slimes count for this quest. Use Snooze at every turn to make them sleep. Keep Egging On the character with Dragon Slash, and use Dragon Slash when the Tension is at 100. You can easily finish this quest with only one battle, as most of the time three or more Slimes will appear in battle. Once you complete the quest, go back to the Abbey, and talk to the purple person again to gain access to the very powerful Gladiator vocation.
Luminary vocation
Successfully complete the game. Then, travel to the Desert Kingdom of Gleeba. Enter the Dance Hall, and go to the backstage entrance to encounter Applaudia, who will train you to become a Luminary. Defeat a Moai Minstrel with the “Hot Lick” skill. Moai Minstrels can be found in high-level Grottoes.
Paladin vocation
Once one of your characters knows the “Whipping Boy” warrior ability, go to Gleeba in the Djust Desert. Enter the Mirage Mahal Palace. Go on the roof, move north, and talk to Brunhild. You will get the “Taking Soul Control” quest. This quest requires you to successfully use “Whipping Boy” ten times. This is probably the easiest quest for unlocking other vocations. It is possible to complete it in a single battle. Go to the desert, and try to engage in a battle with Axolhotls. They usually appear in groups and attack weaker characters in your party. Use Whipping Boy on your weakest character, and have the other characters defend. You should complete the quest with only one battle. Then, go back and talk to Brunhild to gain access to the Paladin vocation.
Ranger vocation
Once you have a character with the ability to use knives, go southeast of Dourbridge, in the direction of Zere Rocks. Before entering the forest that leads to Zere Rocks, talk to Odval. She will give you the “Ranger Changer” quest. This quest is very easy. Use the “Toxic Dagger” ability to poison a given number of Hocus Chimaeras. Let them die by the venom and not any other attacks. They each have approximately 70 HP in the following forest; try to calculate the hits you inflict on them, then use Toxic Dagger. After defeating the given number of Hocus Chimaeras, go back and talk to Odval to gain access to the Ranger vocation.
Sage vocation
Go to Gittingham Palace in the ruins of the Gitt Empire. Once you enter, move counterclockwise around the first floor until you find a staircase. Climb the staircase, then go to the hole in the floor. Directly next to the hole is a bookcase, with a book that is actually an ancient sage sealed into it. The Supreme Sage tells you that to become a sage you must defeat five great trolls with Frizz. To easily do this, find out how many attack turns it requires to kill the great troll. Attack every turn until only one more turn is needed to defeat it. Then, let the mage finish the battle with Frizz.
Birthday bonus
Set the system date to match your hero’s birthday. The drop rate for items will be noticeably increased.
Dourbridge secret shop
Go to the back of the village shop in Dourbridge, and enter the hidden door using the Ultimate Key. Go down the stairs to enter a secret shop that sells rare items.
Alchemy Pot
Successfully complete the entire story related to the Wight Knight. Then, visit Quester’s Rest, and Erinn will tell you she found the Alchemy Pot, which allows you to create new weapons, armor, accessories, items, etc. Either try your luck or use recipes. You can get recipes by reading books, talking to certain NPCs, or receiving specific sidequests.
Super High-Tension
Super High-Tension is a very good state, as any move performed while in this state is more powerful, whether it is a spell, ability, or attack. To reach this state, make sure you have the “Egg On” ability (a 0 MP ability). Only the hero can get it when he talks to a certain woman living under the tree in Zere. Each time you use this ability on someone, his tension will rise, going from 5 to 20 to 50 to the final 100. As soon as the character uses a move (other than defend), his Tension will go back to normal (0). Also, some states will revert the Tension to 0, such as falling asleep or getting paralyzed, among other things. Keep Egging On a specific character and have the target character always doing “Defend”. Once a character has a tension of 50, you have a 50% chance to successfully rise to a tension of 100, so just keep Egging On. This is a very useful boost to regular attacks, offensive spells, or even healing spells.
Action Replay Codes
!!!Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies (U)
!!YDQE 23A95403
!Random Game Enhancer/Fun Codes
::Debug Code
:::Might not work on some settings, backup save before use
12000EC8 00001001
12000EF0 00001000
::Quick Message Speed
52066A58 1AFFFD1E
02066A58 EAFFFD1E
D0000000 00000000
::Infinite Quick Save
5216E558 1A00001E
0216E558 EA000013
D2000000 00000000
::(Read Comment for Bug) Quick Save Never Return To Title
:::Just quick save but don’t save to recover the missing text box
5216A1E8 03A01001
E216A1E8 00000028
03A01028 05801BB8
03A01001 05801BC0
03A0102E 05C011C0
03A00000 058F07FC
EBFB1576 EA000032
D2000000 00000000
!Misc Codes
::Unlimited Money In Bank
020F6D44 0098967F
::Unlimited Money In Hand
020F6D48 0098967F
::Full Mini Medals
020F6D50 000003E7
::[SEL]Inn Max Level/Upgrades
:::Used at own risk
94000130 FFFB0000
120FD764 000003E8
220FD76C 00000006
D2000000 00000000
::[SEL]Fix Guest Book Freeze
94000130 FFFB0000
220FD768 00000000
D2000000 00000000
::Battle Any Monsters You Want, Select Monster At Defeated Monster List Then Press [START+A], Hold L/R for Encounter. Disable Before Boss
:::Disable Before Boss! Select Monster At Defeated Monster List Then Press [START+A], Hold L/R for Encounter
92388C62 00000238
94000130 FFF60000
DA000000 02388C5C
D7000000 02000600
D2000000 00000000
521B72D8 E3570000
E21B72DC 00000024
BA000011 E1A01007
E28A002C EBFAF398
E28A802C E3A07000
E28D201C E28D0024
EA000006 00000000
A4000130 FCFF0300
021B72F8 00000000
021B72FC 00000001
E21B72DC 00000018
E59F100C E28D001C
E3A0200B EBF929D4
EA000080 021B72F4
DA000000 02000600
D7000000 021B72F4
D2000000 00000000
::Hold [A] To Walkthrough Walls
52193140 E5882008
02193144 EBFA0282
94000130 FFFE0000
02193144 E1A00000
D2000000 00000000
::Equipment Restrictions Lifted
520DD708 E1840000
020DD708 E3A00000
D0000000 00000000
::Highlight an item in the bag, activate code, and get 99 – Press Start + R to activate
:::Note:- only use for items in bag. doesn’t work while in stornway inn.
94000130 FEF70000
7238A784 00000098
DA000000 0238A784
D6000000 020F5DE0
B20F5DDC 00000000
220F5F18 00000063
D3000000 00000000
020F5DE0 020F5F18
D2000000 00000000
:::Need to reactivate after leveling up, or equipment change.
94000130 FEFF0000
622BBD10 00000000
B22BBD10 00000000
00000034 FFFFFFFF
10000038 0000FFFF
D2000000 00000000
::All Party Tricks
12108A50 0000FFFF
22108A52 000000FF
::WiFi Shop Restocks
5215C12C E584E004
0215C12C E1A00000
D0000000 00000000
!Camera Codes
::360 Camera Angle WorldMap
520A21E8 11A08007
020A21E0 E1A00000
020A21E8 E1A00000
D0000000 00000000
::360 Camera Angle Town and Dungeons
520A23C8 B1A06000
020A2358 EA000002
020A23C8 E1A00000
D0000000 00000000
:Hide The Party Codes
::Invisible Party Members
:::Special thanks to cha0s22
920F1F7C 00000001
92153664 00000000
A20F5490 00000001
D9000000 022BBC28
D4000000 FF100000
D6000000 022CD2E8
D3000000 00000000
D6000000 022DE9A8
D3000000 00000000
D6000000 022F0068
D3000000 00000000
D9000000 022BBC20
D4000000 FF100000
D6000000 022CD2E0
D3000000 00000000
D6000000 022DE9A0
D3000000 00000000
D6000000 022F0060
D0000000 00000000
D0000000 00000000
D0000000 00000000
920F1F7C 00000001
322BBC28 FFB00000
422BBC28 00A00000
D9000000 022BBC28
D4000000 00F00000
D6000000 022CD2E8
D3000000 00000000
D6000000 022DE9A8
D3000000 00000000
D6000000 022F0068
D3000000 00000000
D6000000 022BBC28
D3000000 00000000
D9000000 022BBC20
D4000000 00F00000
D6000000 022CD2E0
D3000000 00000000
D6000000 022DE9A0
D3000000 00000000
D6000000 022F0060
D3000000 00000000
D6000000 022BBC20
D2000000 00000000
::Disabling Movement of P2
:::It makes the rest of the character stay on ground
922CD272 00FF0200
922CD292 00FF0200
222CD352 00000000
D2000000 00000000
!Encounter Codes
::Hold [A] Enemy Wil Never Chase After You
:::Battle triggers if contact with enemy
52079478 E3500000
0207947C 1A000017
D2000000 00000000
52079478 E3500000
94000130 FFFE0000
0207947C EA000017
D2000000 00000000
::No Random Battles, Push Start+Right for Instant Battle
220FDB85 000000FF
94000130 FFE70000
120FDB84 00000000
D2000000 00000000
::L+R to push enemy away
:::World Map, Cave
94000130 FCFF0000
C0000000 0000000B
022F0C74 00000000
022F0C78 00000000
022F0C7C 00000000
DC000000 00000198
D2000000 00000000
::Run through enemies (no encounters), Hold [A] to battle
52196AD8 E3560000
02196ADC EA000040
D0000000 00000000
52196AD8 E3560000
94000130 FFFE0000
02196ADC 0A000040
D2000000 00000000
!Daylight Codes
::Daytime, push Start and Up
94000130 FFB70000
020F37A4 43520000
D2000000 00000000
::Night Time, push Start and Down
94000130 FF770000
020F37A4 43D20000
D2000000 00000000
!Unlock Codes
::All Party Tricks
12108A50 0000FFFF
22108A52 000000FF
::All Zoom Locations
12108910 0000FFFF
22108912 00000003
::All Visitors Rooms Unlocked for Inn
020FD778 00FFFFFF
::Unlock All Jobs v1
:::Doesn’t reflect on save
521560B0 EBFC5FBE
021560B0 E3A00001
D2000000 00000000
::Unlock All Jobs v2
12108AF8 00000FC9
::[SEL]Defeated Monster List
:::It makes all monsters item drop count to 127
94000130 FFFB0000
C0000000 00000132
D6000000 020FA9C8
D2000000 00000000
::Kracking w/o Ingredients
521537EC EBFC795B
02153800 E3A01000
021538D0 E3A01000
021539A0 E3A01000
D0000000 00000000
::Ingredients Never Decrease
0207C924 E1A00000
020838F4 E1A00000
02086D9C E3A02000
::Ingredients Never Run Out On Field
521987A0 0A000022
021987A0 E1A00000
D0000000 00000000
::[L/R On/Off]Always Success
94000130 FEFF0000
0215CF00 E3A00080
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FDFF0000
0215CF00 E3A00000
D2000000 00000000
!Hero Codes For Battle (P1)
::Actual HP 9999
120F550C 0000270F
::Current HP 9999
120F5510 0000270F
::Actual MP 9999
120F550E 0000270F
::Current MP 9999
120F5512 0000270F
::HP Never Decrease
A20F5510 00000000
DA000000 020F5510
D7000000 020F550C
D2000000 00000000
::MP Never Decrease
A20F5512 00000000
DA000000 020F5512
D7000000 020F550E
D2000000 00000000
!Infinite HP/MP Codes For Battle (P2-P4)
::P2 HP
A20F4BAC 00000000
DA000000 020F4BAC
D7000000 020F4BA8
D2000000 00000000
::P2 MP
A20F4BAE 00000000
DA000000 020F4BAE
D7000000 020F4BAA
D2000000 00000000
::P3 HP
A20F4248 00000000
DA000000 020F4248
D7000000 020F4244
D2000000 00000000
::P3 MP
A20F424A 00000000
DA000000 020F424A
D7000000 020F4246
D2000000 00000000
::P4 HP
A20F38E4 00000000
DA000000 020F38E4
D7000000 020F38E0
D2000000 00000000
::P4 MP
A20F38E6 00000000
DA000000 020F38E6
D7000000 020F38E2
D2000000 00000000
!Item Codes x99
::[L+R]Consumable Items
:::It might not contain all consumable items
94000130 FCFF0000
120F5ED0 000056F8
E20F5DE8 000000E8
55F155F0 55F355F2
55F555F4 55F755F6
55F955F8 55FB55FA
55FD55FC 55FF55FE
56015600 56035602
56055604 56075606
56095608 560B560A
560D560C 560F560E
56115610 56145613
56165615 56190000
561E561D 5620561F
56225621 56245623
56365625 56385637
563A5639 563C563B
563E563D 5640563F
56425641 56445643
56465645 56485647
564A5649 564C564B
564E564D 5650564F
56525651 56545653
56565655 56585657
565A5659 565C565B
565E565D 5660565F
56625661 56645663
56665665 56685667
566A5669 566C566B
567E567D 5680567F
56F10000 56F356F2
56F556F4 56F756F6
D5000000 00000063
C0000000 00000074
D8000000 020F5F18
D2000000 00000000
::[SEL]All Weapons
94000130 FFFB0000
020F61C0 51B651B5
E20F5FB0 00000210
4A6B4A6A 4A6D4A6C
4A6F4A6E 4A724A71
4A744A73 4A764A75
4A784A77 4A7A4A79
4A7C4A7B 4A7E4A7D
4AD24AD1 4AD44AD3
4AD64AD5 4AD84AD7
4E214E20 4E234E22
4E254E24 4E274E26
4E294E28 4E2B4E2A
4E2D4E2C 4E2F4E2E
4E314E30 4E334E32
4E354E34 4E374E36
4E394E38 4E3B4E3A
4E3D4E3C 4E854E84
4E874E86 4E894E88
4E8B4E8A 4E8D4E8C
4E8F4E8E 4E914E90
4E934E92 4E954E94
4E974E96 4E994E98
4E9B4E9A 4EE84E9C
4EF44EF3 4EF64EF5
4EF84EF7 4F454F43
4F4D4F4C 4F4F4F4E
4F514F50 4F534F52
4F554F54 4F574F56
4F594F58 4F5B4F5A
4F5D4F5C 4F5F4F5E
4F614F60 4FB14FB0
4FB34FB2 4FB54FB4
4FB74FB6 4FB94FB8
4FC34FC2 500E500D
5010500F 50155014
50175016 50195018
501B501A 501D501C
501F501E 50215020
50235022 50255024
50275026 50295028
502B502A 50795078
507B507A 507D507C
507F507E 50815080
50835082 50855084
50875086 50895088
508B508A 508D508C
50DD50DC 50DF50DE
50E150E0 50E350E2
50E550E4 50E750E6
50E950E8 50EB50EA
50ED50EC 50EF50EE
51415140 51435142
51455144 51475146
51495148 514B514A
514D514C 514F514E
51515150 51535152
51555154 51A45156
51A651A5 51A851A7
51AA51A9 51AC51AB
51AE51AD 51B051AF
51B251B1 51B451B3
D5000000 00006363
C0000000 00000084
D7000000 020F61D0
D2000000 00000000
::[SEL]All shield
94000130 FFFB0000
120F6338 00005395
E20F62E0 00000058
52095208 520B520A
520D520C 520F520E
52115210 52135212
52155214 52635216
52655264 52C65267
52C852C7 52CA52C9
532052D0 53225321
532B532A 532E532C
5330532F 53325331
538E5333 5390538F
53925391 53945393
D5000000 00000063
C0000000 0000002C
D8000000 020F6340
D2000000 00000000
::[SEL]All Upper Body Armor
94000130 FFFB0000
020F64D8 35E135DF
120F64DC 000035E2
E20F6370 00000168
32C932C8 32CB32CA
32CD32CC 32CF32CE
32D232D1 32D432D3
32D632D5 32D832D7
32DA32D9 32DD32DC
32DF32DE 32E132E0
32E332E2 32E732E4
32E932E8 32EB32EA
32ED32EC 32EF32EE
32F132F0 33273318
33293328 332B332A
332D332C 332F332E
33693368 3372336A
33743373 33763375
33783377 337A3379
337C337B 337E337D
3380337F 33823381
33843383 33863385
33893388 338B338A
338D338C 338F338E
33913390 33933392
33953394 33973396
33993398 339B339A
33EB33EA 33F433EC
33F633F5 33F833F7
33FA33F9 33FC33FB
33FE33FD 340033FF
34023401 34043403
34063405 340C3408
340E340D 3410340F
344E3411 34B2344F
34BC34B3 34BE34BD
34C034BF 34C234C1
34C434C3 34C634C5
34C934C7 34CB34CA
34CD34CC 34CF34CE
34D134D0 351634D2
35213520 35233522
35253524 35273526
35293528 352C352A
352E352D 3530352F
35323531 35343533
35363535 35383537
353A3539 357F353B
35843580 35DE3585
D5000000 00000063
C0000000 000000B6
D8000000 020F64F0
D2000000 00000000
::[SEL]All Lower Body Armor
94000130 FFFB0000
120F6658 00003EDD
E20F65B0 000000A8
3F3F3EE8 3F4A3F48
3F4C3F4B 3F4E3F4D
3F503F4F 3F523F51
3F543F53 3F563F55
3F583F57 3F5A3F59
3F5C3F5B 3F5E3F5D
3F603F5F 3F653F64
3F673F66 3F693F68
3F6B3F6A 3F6D3F6C
3F713F70 3F743F73
3F763F75 3F7B3F78
3F7F3F7C 3F813F80
3F833F82 3F853F84
3F873F86 3F9E3F9B
3FA03F9F 3FA23FA1
3FB43FB3 3FB63FB5
D5000000 00000063
C0000000 00000054
D8000000 020F6670
D2000000 00000000
::[SEL]All Headwear
94000130 FFFB0000
E20F66D0 00000108
2F8B2F8A 2F952F94
2F972F96 2F992F98
2F9B2F9A 2F9D2F9C
2FA02F9F 2FA22FA1
2FA52FA3 2FA72FA6
2FB32FB1 30022FB4
30043003 30083007
30713070 30733072
30753074 30773076
30793078 307B307A
307D307C 307F307E
30813080 30833082
30853084 30873086
30893088 308C308A
308E308D 3090308F
30923091 30C03094
30CC30CB 30CE30CD
30D030CF 30D230D1
30D430D3 30D630D5
313830D7 319D319C
31EC319E 31F131ED
31F731F6 31F931F8
31FB31FA 31FD31FC
32013200 32033202
32053204 32073206
32093208 320B320A
320D320C 320F320E
32653264 32673266
326B3268 326D326C
326F326E 32713270
32733272 32753274
D5000000 63636363
C0000000 00000020
D6000000 020F67F0
D2000000 00000000
::[SEL]All Handwear
94000130 FFFB0000
020F6918 3BC33BC2
E20F6880 00000098
3A993A98 3A9B3A9A
3A9D3A9C 3AA03A9F
3AA23AA1 3AA63AA5
3AB43AB3 3AB63AB5
3AC53AC3 3AC83AC7
3AF43AF3 3AF63AF5
3B033B02 3B053B04
3B603B56 3BB13BB0
3BB33BB2 3BB53BB4
D5000000 00006363
C0000000 00000026
D7000000 020F6920
D2000000 00000000
::[SEL]All Boot and Shoe
94000130 FFFB0000
120F6A38 0000440D
E20F6970 000000C8
42C442C3 42C642C5
42C842C7 42CD42CC
42CF42CE 42D142D0
42D342D2 42D542D4
42D742D6 42D942D8
42DB42DA 42DD42DC
42DF42DE 42F442E0
42F642F5 42FE42F7
43034300 43074306
430B4308 430D430C
430F430E 43114310
43134312 43154314
43194318 431B431A
431E431D 4320431F
43224321 43244323
43274325 43294328
432B432A 432D432C
432F432E 43964394
43EF4397 43F243F0
43F443F3 43F643F5
43F943F8 43FB43FA
43FD43FC 43FF43FE
44014400 44034402
44054404 44074406
44094408 440C440B
D5000000 00000063
C0000000 00000064
D8000000 020F6A50
D2000000 00000000
::[SEL]All Accessories
94000130 FFFB0000
E20F6AC0 00000068
46514650 46534652
46554654 46574656
46594658 465B465A
465D465C 465F465E
46614660 46634662
46654664 46674666
46694668 466B466A
466D466C 466F466E
46714670 46734672
46774676 467B4678
467D467C 467F467E
46814680 46834682
46854684 46874686
D5000000 63636363
C0000000 0000000C
D6000000 020F6B40
D2000000 00000000
!Treasure Chest Codes
::Use V1 or V2 Only
::Always Drop Chest v1
521F49FC DA00001A
521F4AD8 E1DB10B4
021F4A0C E1A00000
021F4A68 E1A00000
021F4AD4 E1A00000
D2000000 00000000
::Always Drop Chest v2
521D8A48 E3A01000
521F4AD8 E1DB10B4
021F4A0C E1A00000
021F4A68 E1A00000
021F4AD4 E1A00000
D2000000 00000000
::Treasure Map Boss Always Drop Chest
521F4780 E7D08005
021F4780 E3A08064
D2000000 00000000
!Battle Records/Quest
::Max WiFi Time
120FA91C 000003E7
::Max Game Time
120FA918 000003E7
::Battle Won Max
120FA920 0000869F
220FA922 00000001
::Treasure Hunted Max
220FA927 0000000C
::Visitors Max
220FA92A 000000FF
::Quest Completed Max
220FA923 000000FF
::Forge Max
020FAE98 0001869F
::[SELECT]All Extra Quest
94000130 FFFB0000
22108B11 00000038
22108B4D 00000088
22108B4F 00000080
22108B51 00000080
12108B52 00008888
22108B75 00000088
C0000000 00000007
02108B54 88888888
DC000000 00000004
D2000000 00000000
The image featured at the top of this post is ©Dragon Quest IX Box Art.