



EA Not Looking To Include Women’s Football In FIFA

EA Not Looking To Include Women’s Football In FIFA


EA Sports has said that the developer isn’t looking to include women’s soccer in FIFA anytime soon.

“We get literally thousands upon thousands of suggestions from our fans for new features and we have to evaluate those suggestions, such as the inclusion of female players in the game, against our resources, priorities and overall fan feedback,” FIFA executive producer David Rutter told CVG. “At present, we don’t have plans to include female players in the game.” A Change.org petition argues that female players being excluded from FIFA “makes no sense:”

“The US Department of State says that over 40% of soccer players in the US are girls. By offering just men’s teams as playable options on FIFA we’re not only denying these girls a chance to relate to the characters they play on a video game, but we’re also wasting a great opportunity to encourage those same girls to be who they are, develop their passion, motivation and promote a healthy image and relation between women and sports.”

“Young girls can’t be portrayed by male videogame characters. We want them to be able see themselves in the games they love, as the soccer players that inspire them,” the petition continues. “Don’t restrict our choices to Messi, Rooney, Neymar, Cristiano Ronaldo. Allow girls and boys to play with Wambach, Sawa, Morgan, Cristiane, Miyama, Rapinoe, Marta, Hope Solo, Mia Hamm, Birgit Prinz.”

FIFA 13 launches in North America on September 25 and in Europe on September 28.

By Zak Islam

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