This is the only bit of Nintendo news today that doesn’t come as a double-edged sword. Nintendo has revealed the next two mobile games it has in the works, and they’re based on two of its most beloved franchises: Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing . The press release states that the mobile Fire Emblem game will be more accessible than its dedicated gaming system counterparts, but will “offer the great value of a role-playing strategy game.” As for Animal Crossing , “it will be connected with the world of Animal Crossing for dedicated gaming systems. By playing both Animal Crossing games, users will find increased enjoyment.” Let’s just hope Nintendo doesn’t try to tie it in with Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival .
Both of these games are expected to launch by year’s end, which is really exciting. Anyone who thinks it will be a dull holiday for Nintendo due to the NX and Legend of Zelda coming next March needs to stop and think. Animal Crossing is huge in Japan, and so is mobile gaming. Compared to Animal Crossing and Fire Emblem, Mittomo is at the bottom of the food chain, and it’s celebrating over 10 million unique users; pretty incredible considering it’s barely a month old. Nintendo could easily charge $10-15 for either of its newer mobile offerings and still sell millions, so if nothing else, they’re very much looking forward to this holiday season.
Source: Press Release