Final box art has been chosen for Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon 2 Summit Strike. Expect the stand-alone expansion pack to be out in August.
Summit Strike takes place after the Kazakh President has been assassinated by a Pakistani warlord who wants to take over power. The Ghosts, in conjuction with the U.N. (which, unlike real life, is actually somewhat effective in this game), trek through Kazakhstan to find this warlord in order to stop attacks on other high-profile targets and stop devastation from hitting the entire country.
What makes this game so good? Missions contain several objectives that can be completed with different strategies, leaving the game more open-ended. There are eleven single-player missions fought in extreme terrain, complete with extensive maps and weather effects like falling snow and sand storms. There are fifteen new weapons, including the SCAR (SOF Combat Assault Rifle). The multi-player content is extensive containing twenty-four maps (including some from Ghost Recon 2), twenty-four game modes-squad, solo, and co-op game types included, and new character skins including enemy skins the same as the single-player mode. Two new multi-player modes are featured in this game. “Heli Hunt” requires players to stop enemy helicopters that are hunting them and “Armor Strike” gives players the opportunity to compete against each other in a race to destroy enemy vehicles.
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon 2 Summit Strike developed by Red Storm Entertainment will be sold for $29.99 and is scheduled to ship in August.
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.