



Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes for Xbox (XB)

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Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes for Xbox (XB)

Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban

Character special abilities

Each character (Harry, Ron, and Hermione) has a special ability. Use Ron to find hidden passages. Use Harry to jump long gaps. Use Hermione to crawl under small spaces. This is useful when getting spellbooks or escaping Trolls and Prefects. The best player to use is Hermione. When you learn spells with her, it is much easier than with Harry. It is easier to cast spells as well. Harry is not as good at spells, but is much faster when walking and has more stamina. Ron is not really good for anything.

Getting Chizpurfels for Snape’s Class

You cannot just run over to Chizpurfels and pick them. You must do something to them so that they are safe to pick up. When you speak to Hagrid, he tells you to lure the Chizpurfels that are under the trees on the right-hand side into the lake by the Venomus Tentacula (after speaking to him after awhile). Hermione then says, “Come on we’ve got to find Buckbeak”. However, you do not need Buckbeak at all. As Ron, run over to the Chizpurfels and equip Lumos on your spells. There are two Venomous Tentaculas. One is awake, and one is asleep. Lure the Chizpufels one by one in front of the Venomous Tentacula that is awake. The Venomus Tentacula will chew the Chizpurfels and spit them back out. They will now be safe to pick up.

Getting Doxey eggs for Potions class

Have plenty of Antidote because Doxeys are poisonous. Use Flapindo to get rid of the Doxeys, then have Harry use the spell that grabs things, Carpe Retractum, to pull the eggs towards you. Hold the Analog-stick Toward you to pull them.

Getting Fairy Wings

Have Hermione repair the dragon statue with Reparo. Then, shoot Draconifors at it to light the bush in which the fairies are hiding in. The fairies will get mad and attack you. Then, have Hermione shoot them with Flipendo then use Glacius on them while they are on the ground.

Getting Fireseeds for Potions class

To get Fireseeds, go outside then go to the right. Keep going until you see the greenhouses. There is a tree here. Have Hermione go up to the tree and use the Glacious spell. When the fire is gone, Fireseeds will appear.

Getting the non-jinxed Qudditch crate for Harry

Fly in through the top with Buckbeak, using Hermione as the rider. Dismount when inside the courtyard and find a puddle of water. Use Glacious to freeze the puddle and it will turn into an ice block. Have Hermione climb the ice block and set the dragon statue on fire with Draconifors. The dragon will light up and blow fire. The fire will burn the rope that the crate is hanging from, and it will fall. Because you only have a limited time to go to the Quidditch field, just fly Buckbeak as fast as possible. The field will be where there is a tower with four colored flags. Once you see them, land on the green next to the tower to complete the task.

Easy beans

You can get lots of beans and Wiggenweild Potions in Fred and George’s bathroom. Play as Ron and go to the back room. Go up to the robes and press A for both sides. Beans and sometimes Wiggenweild Potions will appear. Go through the secret wall, then go back to Fred and George’s. Go to the robes and do the same thing. Keep going back and forth and you will have plenty of beans.

When using Harry, Hermione, or Ron, fire your attacking spell at a bush. A bean will appear. Continue to do this as many times as desired.

When playing as Ron, go up to a bookcase and search it. You will either find a bean, stink pellet, or Wiggenweld Potion. This only works while playing as Ron.

The Charms classroom has probably the most beans in it. If you walk to the back of the classroom, there is an obvious chest. However, if you go into the back left-hand corner, you will notice a bookshelf. Beside the bookshelf is a broken box that can be repaired with Reparo and can be climbed upon to reach the shelf and the chest, which has many beans in it. However, there is yet one more set of beans. Go to the right side of the classroom and climb up into the desk areas. There is a bookshelf. To the left of the shelf is an object that can be pulled down using Carpus Retractum. This opens the bookshelf beside you. Inside is another chest with many beans and two flying books.

Hidden Collector Cards

Using Hermione, go to every fireplace around the school, including the Gryffindor common room fireplace, and use the Glacius spell on them. By doing this, a Famous Witches or Wizards card will appear. Also using Hermione, purchase the Snufflifores Spellbook at Fred and George’s shop for 50 Beans. Using this spell, you can turn flying books into mice, which will run away into a mouse hole located within that room. When the mouse enters the hole, either a rare card or Bertie Bott’s Beans will appear.

Go to Fred and George’s bathroom on the Sixth Floor. Use Hermione and go to the second cubicle on the left as you enter. The toilet will be leaking, and a puddle will have formed on the floor. Use Glacius on it to for an ice block, and a rare card will appear.

Go to Fred and George’s bathroom on the Sixth Floor. As Hermione, walk to the first cubicle on the right hand side. You will see that the toilet is smashed and laying in pieces. Use Reparo to will fix it, and a card will appear.

Go through the secret wall at the back of Fred and George’s bathroom where you got the marauder’s map. Look to the left. Have Ron and Harry lift up the grill and Hermione crawl under and flip the switch. A bridge will extend across from you to the platform which housed the map, and which now has a caged card in the middle. Go across as Hermione and use Glacius on the fire balls. Look at the floor to see that there are three buttons. Choose one character for each of these and, as Harry, use Carpe Retractum on the card in the middle.

When in the marauders map area, you may notice that you cannot get to the gold tower in the middle of the room (the tower with the marauders map at the top), unless you use Hedwig to fly to the top of the tower. When Harry has Carpe Retractum, go to the gold tower room. Use Harry and Ron to lift the iron gate, and have Hermoine to crawl under it and press the switch. When you press the switch, you can go to the gold tower. You will see a Collector Card on a thing in the middle of the tower. Use Carpe Retractum to get the card.

Collector Card set bonuses

Successfully complete the following sets of cards to unlock the corresponding bonus:

    Beasts: 20 House Points.
    Classical Beasts: Ron gets extra endurance.
    Dragons: Ron gets extra endurance.
    Giants: 20 House Points.
    Goblins: 20 House Points.
    Hags: Hermione gets extra endurance.
    Quidditch: Harry gets extra endurance.
    Vampires: 20 House Points.
    Witches: Hermione gets extra endurance.
    Wizards: Harry gets extra endurance.

Stink Pellet Challenge

Go to Fred and George’s shop, located on the Sixth Floor. As Ron, purchase some Stink Pellets. After doing so, Fred and George will offer you a challenge, in which you must go around the school and throw Stink Pellets in the twenty mounted decorations, which resemble two snakes holding up a pot, tipping them over. After doing this, return to the shop and you will be given four Witches and Wizards Cards.

Stink Pellet Holder locations

Ground Floor/Dungeons

    1. Dungeon corridor by the classroom.
    2. Dungeon corridor near the gate.
    3. Potions classroom.
    4. Entrance Hall by the Hufflepuff hourglass.


    5. Go right upon entering the staircase.
    6. Above the History of Magic door (fourth floor).
    7. Between the sixth and seventh floor.

Floor 1 – Transfiguration

    8. Behind the statue of Gregory the Smarmy (secret area behind the tapestry on the right).
    9. In the classroom. Climb up the bookshelves and it will be there.
    10. Also in the classroom, but parallel to pellet holder number nine.

Floor 2 – Charms

    11. First secret area on the right. Use Draconifors. Enter the room and it is by the tapestry.

Floor 3 – Defense Against the Dark Arts

    12. In the back of the room on the right side.
    13. In the classroom. Go past the rails and it is on the right side.

Floor 4 – History of Magic

    14. In the corridor, directly ahead upon entering.
    15. In the corridor above the Hospital Wing door.

Floor 5 – Muggle Studies

    16. Use the main door and it is in the hallway on the left.

Floor 6 – Ancient Runes

    17. In the East Wing. Go straight ahead, turn right and walk straight.
    18. In the bathroom on the right side next to the stalls. Fred or George showed you this one when you first started the Stink Pellet Challenge.

Floor 7- Gryffindor Tower

    19. Fat Lady’s Corridor to the right of the Fat Lady’s portrait/entrance to the common room
    20. In the North Wing. Next to one of the badger statues/columns.

Statue Challenge

When you go into Fred and George’s shop on the Sixth Floor (Ancient Runes) you will see a scroll on display when you are Hermione. Stand next to the scroll until you can find out more information about it. Fred and George will explain the scroll then tell you about the statue challenge and how it will increase you spell power. Start in the entrance hall first. Go down to the dungeon corridor and to the door that is not Snape’s classroom. Search for an elf-like figure. When you stand next to it, read the note and you will have found one statue. Make sure to check everywhere on each floor, and even some secret passageways. Note: Always use Hermione for this challenge only. None of the classrooms have any statues, and the great hall has a statue in the corner. You can also get a book from Fred and George by finding nine statues. Also, have Hermione go on a statue hunt for nine statues. When she finds the first three, Fred and George allow her to improve the power of everyone’s spells. For the second three (six statues) you will improve on defense. The last three (nine statues) will improve the speed of your spells.

Statue locations

    1. Bridget Wenlock: Seventh Floor, Gryffindor Tower. Small statue. Back of the room, to the right of the Fat Lady’s Corridor door.

    2. Gondoline Oliphant: Fourth Floor, History of Magic. Small statue. Turn right upon entrance and use Draconifors on the statue. Enter the room. The statue is in here.

    3. Hengist of Woodcroft: Fourth Floor, History of Magic. Small statue. Enter the Fourth Floor Corridor and turn left. The statue is by the Hospital Wing.

    4. Glanmore Peakes. Fifth Floor, Ancient Runes. Small statue. Back of the room; left of the Glanmore Peakes Corridor door.

    5. Beaumont Marjoribanks: Fourth Floor, History of Magic. Small statue. In the back of the History of Magic classroom.

    6. Gunhilda of Gorsemoor: Third Floor, Defense Against the Dark Arts. Large statue. Towards the back of the Gunhilda of Gorsemoor corridor.

    7. Gregory the Smarmy: First Floor, Transfiguration. Large statue. In the middle of the hallway.

    8. Jocunda Sykes: Ground Floor, Entrance Hall. Small statue. Left of the main staircase.

    9. Hooky the House Elf: Dungeons. Small statue. Enter the Dungeon Corridor (same floor as the classroom) and go to the back on the room and turn left. Enter the door. In this room, go to the very back and turn right. The statue will be there.

Finding secret areas

If you have Ron as the active character, the walls that are secret areas and can be opened have a glazed, foggy look to them. Also, when up against the wall/bookcase, it will say “Open” whereas if you have Harry or Hermione as the active character, the secret area will say “Try” when pressed against.

Secret area in the Gryffindor common room

Play as Ron and go to the Gryffindor common room. Search the bookshelf. It will open and reveal a treasure chest. Inside is a page from the Folio Bruti.

Secret area in Muggle Studies

When you enter the Muggle Studies room, go to the left of it. There should be a door that can be lifted by Ron and Harry and crawled under by Hermione. When she enters the hallway, there is a chest with many beans inside. Have her continue into the next room. In this room, evil ducks will attack you. Once you kill them all, go towards the two boxes. Push the box closest to the bookshelf away from it so that it is not blocking the other box. It should look like this:

| Shelf | |Box 1| |Box 2|

Push Box 2 towards the platform nearby. Climb up onto the platform and use Reparo on the broken box. Then, push the wooden box onto box number two so that the wooden crate is on the second box. Then, push the two boxes up against the bookshelf. Then, go back to box number one. Push it against the two boxes so that it forms a staircase like this:

| | | | |Shelf| ~~~~~~ | | Crate | | ~~~~~~ | | ====== ++++++ | | Box 2 Box 1 | | ====== ++++++

Climb up the “staircase” and use Draconifors on the dragon statue on top of the shelf. Enter the door and continue from there.

Secret area in Second Floor

Go to the Second Floor and stand behind the large statue of Gregory The Smarmy. As Harry, look up and target the candlestick. You may need to stand back to do this — be careful if it is at nighttime, as the Prefect may see you. Use Carpe Retractum on the candle, and on your left a secret room with a chest will open.

Shortcut to the fourth floor in Gryffindor Tower

Go to Gryffindor tower and play as Ron. Search the bookshelves. One will open to a room. Go through the door and down the steps, then go to the right. Go down the staircase and open up a wall. It will lead you to the fourth floor.

Searching bookshelves

Play as Ron. When you see a bookshelf, walk up and press A. Ron will search it and will appear with a Bertie Bot, Dungbomb, Wiggenweild Potion, or find a secret passage.

Spying around Hogwarts

Once you get the Expecto Patronum spell, for a short amount of time you can go anywhere without being detected. All you have to do is cast the spell and just move the spell around as if you were trying to hit a Dementor, but instead of searching for a Dementor, you can use this spell to spy around corners and around open areas. This is a very useful for when you have to escape Hogwarts grounds at night and there are Security Trolls as well as Prefects. Note: You cannot use this spell to kill Doxys, Red Caps, or any other monster; it only works on Dementors.

Items in the trunks

In the Boys’ Dormitory, have Harry as the active character. Look at the trunks. Find the trunk that has an “H.P.” on it. Only Harry can open it. Inside has a Wizard Card. Switch to Ron as the active character. Find the trunk with “R.W.” on it. Inside is yet another Wizard Card. The same goes for Hermione in the Girls’ Dormitory, except her trunk is marked “H.G.”, and inside is a piece from the Folio Bruti.


Go to the sixth floor (Ancient Runes) and go into the room with the picture that talks. Use Reparo on the broken vase and it should bring itself back together. Then, the portrait tells you how to get one of your potion ingredients. However, his speech is difficult to hear due to the noise of the books and the Reparo spell.

Hippogriff on the Final Day

Even though Buckbeak flew away with Sirius there will be a new Hippogriff by Hagrid’s hut. This one is orange and its name is unknown.

Hippogriff limitations

The Hippogriffs only let Harry and Hermione ride on them. They will attack Ron if he tries.

Buckbeak color change

After you approach the end of the game, where Dumbledore will tell you to finish unfinished business and then attend the House Cup Ceremony, notice that each time you go outside and visit Buckbeak he will be a different color.

Calling other characters

If anybody is falling behind, press L to call them.

Seeing ahead

When you get Expecto Patronum for Harry, fire the spell in any direction and use it as a guide for seeing what is ahead.

Getting past Trolls

Throw a dung bomb by them and you can easily slip past. Another way to get past the Trolls in the north wing of the seventh floor is to use Hermione. Use the Glacius spell on the Troll to distract it then run away. It is not as easy as using dung bombs, but it will do the trick. If you are not careful you can still get caught using this method.

Owl racing

When owl racing, if you fall behind rapidly tap B. You will catch up.

Different dueling teams

During the school day, if you go to the Great Hall and start dueling, you will have the same team everyday. However if you turn off your PlayStation 2, restart the game, then go to the Great Hall, you will face a different team from a different house.

Harry’s Dad’s voice

When you get attacked by a Dementor and it is stealing your soul, listen closely. You will hear a male voice yell “Lily! Its him run!” or “Lily! Take Harry outta here!”, which we can assume its his dad telling his mom to get Harry to safety the night Voldemort came and murdered them.

Hermione in Boys’ Dormitory

Go to the Griffindor common room as Hermione. Go to the door that leads to the Boys’ dormitory. You will then be able to go in the Boys’ room, while Harry and Ron cannot go into the Girls’ room.

Gryriffindor ties and clothing differences

When you talk to other students, look at their ties. Everyone has a Gryriffindor tie, with the exception of Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle (whom have different ones). Also, there are only two people with their shirts out, which are Ron and Seamus, and with either Crabbe or Goyle, only one has a school jumper on.

Defeating the fire armor

When fighting the fire armor thing when you just got Glacius, to avoid the shooting fire rocks when he opens up, stay directly in the middle. You should be able to avoid almost all of them. Start with Flipendo until he opens his mouth, then use Glacius until he sort of explodes (this does not mean that he is defeated). One of his arms will come off. Use Glacius to put out the fire, then use Flipendo to destroy it. Repeat until he is defeated. When in the Glacius Challenge, you will defeat a big fire armor opponent. Walk back through the first big room on your way out of the challenge. Suddenly, a monstrous fire beast magically emerges from the big objects in the room. When the fire thing opens its furnace door, use Hermoine to freeze the inside. It will attack, then launch its arm at you. destroy it, and it will get hurt. Repeat this and you should defeat it.

Defeating Fire Salamanders

Make Hermione the leader, then use Glacious on them. They will turn blue. Then, use Flippindo and they will be destoryed. Use Glacious on the cracks or more salamanders will appear. Note: Use Flippindo quickly because the Fire Salamanders can still move.

Defeating the metal armor

He will try to spin around to attack you. You must dodge it, and when he stops, use the spell that grabs things. You must grab each of his four shields. When the shields hit the ground they will turn into monsters. Once you kill all four, he gets swords. He will stop spinning. Wait before you grab his head with the spell, because he will hit his swords on the ground. After he does this, grab his head and yank it off to defeat him.

Defeating Dementors

Clear out the Dementors in the middle then go up to the Dementors that are sucking the soul out of Sirius and attack them. The health meter at the bottom will go down. Keep attacking until you defeat it. Do this quickly, as Sirius only has a bit of health.

To defeat the Dementors in the first stage (where you drag Sirius Black), do not wait until the Dementors are sucking the soul out of Sirius. Hit any of them that edge closer with Expecto Patronum. After a few hits, the first stage will be over.

The second stage of the Dementors is much more difficult. There are many more. Shoot Expecto Patronum at the Dementors (do not power up as Sirius will get weaker), and press A to charge at them. Break through the crowd in the back. Once you have a path cleared, go for the Dementor attacking Sirius. Power up until it automatically shoots. Remember to press A to charge and go faster. If you take too long the Patronus will die down.

Defeating the Ghoul

On the “Neville And The Ghoul” level, after you have completed all of the tasks and have opened the chamber, light Lumos Duo in its eyes. Then, lead it into the chamber to lock it in.

Defeating Hinkypunks

You will first come in contact with Hinkypunks on the same level with the Ghoul. Hunkypunks are ghost-like creatures with one foot and a lantern. To defeat them, have Ron shine Lumos Duo in their faces. When they become solid and zombie-like, finish them off with Flipendo.

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