



Insomniac Making “Beast” Games?

Insomniac Making “Beast” Games?


Since the Resistance series has shown us the “fall of man” three times already, Insomniac Games might be ready to move on to a brand new storyline. So what plot devices can replace a story about horrible space monsters destroying all of humanity? Probably some other game about horrible space monsters destroying all of humanity.

Insomniac has recently filed trademarks for two new titles: “Galaxy Beasts” and “Space Beasts.” The titles sound a little more casual than the standard fare for Insomniac, and as such, fans are speculating that these titles will be produced by Insomniac’s new Facebook-centric division “Click.” Though, to be fair, this is all just speculation.

So what do you think that “Space Beasts” or “Galaxy Beasts” could be about? If it’s another action shooter about humanity fighting back against an interstellar menace, I’ll eat my hat. Then again, if it’s a Facebook-based action shooter about humanity fighting back against an interstellar menace, that might be kind of fun. If anything, maybe I’ll finally be able to shoot aliens with my grandmother.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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