



Kojima Talks About Metal Gear Play Time Scandal

Kojima Talks About Metal Gear Play Time Scandal

You can complete Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes in about two hours. That’s not us saying that. That’s Konami and Hideo Kojima. As you could expect, this has gotten quite a few people upset. Who wants to pay full price for a game that only lasts two hours. Well, Kojima says it’s actually a big misunderstanding. The main story of Ground Zeroes can be completed in two hours, but the game itself lasts longer. Speaking on twitter he said:

MGSV Ground Zeroes includes the main mission alongside 5 Side Ops. All missions include elements such as “Trial Records,” where players can compete against each other online. This is not a liner game like the past. Ground Zeroes offers freedom of approach & play style, which we hope players will enjoy over and over without becoming bored. I believe people will be satisfied with the “Play Time” of Ground Zeroes, without stressing on the “Cleat Time” which is standard for linear games.

So what do you think? Will you be satisfied with a game that has a two hour “Clear Time?” Let us know in the comments.

Source: Kojima’s Twitter

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