



Lost Sea Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for Xbox One

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Lost Sea Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for Xbox One

Lost Sea Achievements

Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:

    Adventurer (10 points): Successfully complete the tutorial island.
    Skipper (10 points): Skip the tutorial island.
    Chopper (10 points): Find the machete on the tutorial island.
    Survivor (30 points): Get revived 50 times by crew members.
    Deathwish (20 points): Die 50 times.
    Captain (10 points): Recruit 100 crew members.
    Party Leader (10 points): Lead a full party of 4 crew members.
    Guardian Angels (30 points): Lead a full party of 4 crew members, each with the revive ability and active halos.
    Tycoon (20 points): Collect 10,000 gold.
    Veteran (20 points): Collect 50,000 XP.
    Carpenter (10 points): Order a crew member with the carpenter ability to repair a bridge.
    Miner (10 points): Order a crew member with the miner ability to excavate a dig spot.
    Lock Smith (10 points): Order a crew member with the locksmith ability to unlock a chest.
    Cartographer (30 points): Reveal 1000 island regions on the map.
    Technician (20 points): Use 100 items.
    Botanist (10 points): Find and interact with a healing tree.
    Healer (30 points): Interact with a healing tree 50 times.
    Marauder (20 points): Kill 3000 enemies.
    Spin Doctor (10 points): Kill 100 enemies using the spin attack.
    Dashing (10 points): Kill 100 enemies using the dash attack.
    Gunslinger (10 points): Kill 25 enemies using guns.
    Sapper (10 points): Kill 50 enemies using bombs.
    Berserker (10 points): Kill 10 enemies while under the effect of adrenaline.
    Vandal (20 points): Destroy 5000 barrels and crates.
    Bushwhacker (20 points): Destroy 5000 bushes.
    Completionist (50 points): Unlock all player skills and ship upgrades in a single play through.
    Hardy (10 points): Unlock the maximum health upgrade.
    Moxie (10 points): Unlock the maximum stamina upgrade.
    Jungle Explorer (10 points): Successfully complete the jungle zone.
    Desert Explorer (10 points): Successfully complete the desert zone.
    Swamp Explorer (10 points): Successfully complete the swamp zone.
    Snow Explorer (10 points): Successfully complete the snow zone.
    Escapist (20 points): Successfully escape the Bermuda Triangle.
    Speed Demon (50 points): Complete the game in under 2 hours without warping.
    Army of One (100 points): Complete the game without recruiting any crew members.
    Purist (100 points): Complete the game without unlocking any player skills or ship upgrades.
    Traditionalist (50 points): Complete the game without using any items.
    Relic Hunter (20 points): Collect and deliver 100 tablets to the map table.
    High Roller (10 points): Get a combined total of 10 or more across 3 tablets.
    Archaeologist (10 points): Collect 3 tablets on a single island.
    Baiter (20 points): Trigger 100 traps.
    Treasure Hunter (30 points): Collect all 18 pieces of treasure.
    Savior (30 points): Rescue 10 crew members using the life ring ship upgrade.

Additionally, there are three secret achievements:

    Fresh Meat (10 points): Die on the first island you visit after the tutorial.
    Swashbuckler (10 points): Defeat the pirate.
    Pirate Hunter (30 points): Defeat the pirate 20 times.
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