



Madden 22 vs Madden 23: What Are The Differences?

Madden 22 vs Madden 23: What Are The Differences?

When trying to decide between Madden 22 vs. Madden 23, both are fun games, but they do differ. The biggest difference between Madden 22 and Madden 23 is their franchise modes. Madden 23 features Player Motivations such as relocation. In Madden 22 franchise mode, free agents got the highest dollar amounts. Let’s look a little closer at these two popular titles.

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Madden 22 vs. Madden 23: Comparison 

While there may not be many improvements from Madden 22 to Madden 23, some key differences will set the two apart. Both games feature the exact same game modes, including Franchise, Superstar KO, The Yard, and Ultimate Team. Madden 23 does offer an updated roster meaning that players who want to keep up with the latest teams and players should opt for Madden 23.    

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Madden 22 vs. Madden 23: Graphic Quality

Madden 23 features improved graphics from Madden 22, mainly in the form of player face scans. While both offer realistic graphics, weather effects, and cinematics, Madden 23 has noticeably improved faces. Players look more like their real-life counterparts, adding additional features into their body dimensions, offering more realistic body proportions.

The change in graphic quality will depend on the system you are playing on. Players on last-generation consoles may notice a difference in the quality of character models, hair effects, NPCs, and the field. While Madden 23 does have improved graphics, it doesn’t make or break the game. Madden 22 offers realistic graphics and won’t distract players who are just looking for a fun title to play.     

Madden 22 vs. Madden 23: Franchise Mode

Franchise Mode is a popular Madden game mode that puts the player in charge of managing a team or several teams spanning many seasons. While players will coach the games, they also have additional features such as general manager duties for signing and trading players. This game mode has been present in every Madden game since Madden NFL 99 and begs the question: What is different about it this year? 

On the surface level fans of Madden will say that franchise mode and the game as a whole are the exact same thing year to year. However, some key differences in Madden 23 make it stand out. Madden 23 focuses on giving players intricate and deeper gameplay mechanics like Player Motivations and Tags.

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New Features

Player Motivations are for when you are signing a player to a team. Each player will have different values, like Close to Home, which makes the player want to play for teams near them. Highest Offer, is for players who value money over anything else and will take the largest contract. These motivations add a layer of realism never before seen in Madden.  Before Player Motivations, players would always sign with the team who offered the most amount of money. It’s a give-and-take between gamers and their teams where they now have to consider and weigh their options.

Player Tags are also a new feature that affects how players fit into their team and how the game functions around them. Award Winners are players who have won yearly awards, creating more competition from teams who want them. Future Starters are players with potential but who need more time to be ready to play. These players will remain benched but gain extra XP during weekly training.          

While Madden 22 lacks these features, some differences set it apart from the titles that came before it. Madden 22 brings back offensive and defensive coordinators, adds press conferences and interviews, staff upgrades, college scouting, and a franchise HUB. 

Madden 22 vs. Madden 23: 3 Must-Know Facts

  • Madden 23 features an upgraded contract system that offers more realism and complexity.
  • Compared to Madden 22, Madden 23 has more realistic movements and controls, which alters how the game plays and feels. 
  • Madden 23 character model graphics are a large improvement from Madden 22 


Madden 22 and Madden 23 are both great games if you are looking for some football fun. While the games may not have huge differences, there is enough offered for players to decide between the two. If they don’t sound like a big enough change, it may suit you better to go with Madden 22 as it will be cheaper and provide the same experience. Players may also enjoy the more “arcade” like movement in Madden 22 as opposed to the realistic movement in Madden 23. 

Players can also expect changes based on the system they are currently playing on. If you plan on buying or have a next-generation console, it may suit you better to get Madden 23. Some features will be lost in both versions of the game if played on last-generation consoles. Madden 22 has also received more updates in an attempt to fix problems like bugs or glitches that cause upsets among fans.

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