The Pokémon franchise dates back over twenty years with over 16 mainline games (32 if you count the two games released at once separately). Because of this, it can be challenging to figure out which game is best for you. With so many changes and mechanics, finding the differences can be overwhelming.
This article compares Pokemon X/Y and Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl. By the end, you’ll understand everything there is to know about these games and decide which title to play next. Let’s journey into the tall grass together and unravel the mysteries of these two iconic games in the Pokemon franchise.

Pokemon X/Y was the first game in the franchise to be featured on the 3DS. Released in 2013, the combined sales totaled over 16 million copies worldwide. It became the second best-selling game on the 3DS, right behind Mario Kart 7. Being the first Pokemon game on the most advanced system at the time allowed new mechanics and upgraded graphics for the games.
Brilliant Diamond/ Shining Pearl are remakes of the 2006 games Diamond/Pearl, which were similarly the first Pokemon games released on the DS. The remakes feature modernized graphics, a new engine, and an overhaul to some gameplay mechanics. As of 2022, BD/SP sold over 14 million copies worldwide. These sales are close to the original titles that sold 17 million copies.
Category | Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl | Pokemon X/Y |
Release Year | 2021 | 2013 |
Total Units Sold | 14 million | 16 million |
Console | Nintendo Switch | Nintendo 3DS |

Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl brings players back to the Sinnoh region, an island based on the Japanese island of Hokkaido. Due to its location, it featured the first snow/cold weather route in the franchise. A large mountain splits the island in half, creating two distinct sub-regions. It also doesn’t have many water routes, with most areas in the games taking place on land despite being an island.
Pokemon X/Y introduces players to the Kalos region for the first time, an area inspired by France. The country was chosen due to its association with beauty, which fit the theme for the two games. A large network of rivers snakes throughout the area and cities. To the east, a large mountain range exists with extreme temperatures. West, players can find a large ocean and Shalour City. Population-wise, Kalos is the largest region in the series, with over 1,200 residents.

Pokemon X/Y added many new features to the series, making it one of the most distinct titles. Not only are there changes made that would become standard in future Pokemon games, but exclusive mechanics that make the games one of a kind.
- New Pokemon: 72 new Pokemon were added, bringing the total number of Pokemon to 721. Kalos has the largest regional Pokedex with 457 catchable Pokemon.
- Fairy-Type Pokemon were first introduced.
- 62 new moves were added, along with 27 new abilities.
- The game features completely 3D environments, models, battle systems, etc. It is the first entirely 3D Pokemon game and the first not to use sprites.
- Three new Battle Modes were added: Sky Battles, Horde Encounters, and Inverse Battles. Sky Battles feature flying Pokemon that can use Levitate. Horde Encounters are battles against multiple wild Pokemon. Inverse Battles reverse Type matchups.
- Eight-directional grid walking was implemented. Previous games had four.
- Players can customize their character.
- Wild Pokemon can ambush Trainers by lunging or running at them.
- TMs expanded from 95 to 100.
- Exp. Share was created to split experience among Pokemon on your team after battles.
- Mega Evolutions: Mega Evolutions are a temporary in-battle transformation that increases a Pokemon’s stats, abilities, and type.
Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl are relatively faithful remakes of the original games but have distinct differences. These changes make the game easier and less of a headache and grind to get through. While not all of them are popular, it showed how the developers tried to modernize the game for today’s audience.
- HM Moves: HM or Hidden Machine moves make their return in BD/SP. In the original games, these were moves taught to Pokemon and were required to access certain areas. Only the required HMs return and no longer require teaching one of your own Pokemon to use them.
- Auto-Save: Unlike past titles, BD/SP have auto-saves, meaning you won’t have to save after every minor accomplishment manually.
- Portable PC: The player’s PC can be accessed from anywhere after unlocking it from the first Gym Battle. No longer will players have to travel to a Pokemon Center to swap out Pokemon.
- Exp. Share: Pokemon can now gain experience and level without having to battle. If one Pokemon wins a battle, every Pokemon on the team will receive some exp.
- Battle Knowledge: After battling a Pokemon once, the game will inform you which moves are effective/not effective, making fights easier.
- Pokemon Platinum: Pokemon Platinum is often seen as one of the best games in the franchise. The game fixed issues from Diamond/Pearl and created one of the most memorable experiences. However, content and changes from Platinum cannot be found in these remakes, being more faithful to their direct games.
Gym Battles

Both games feature the classic Pokemon system of fighting eight Gym Leaders before fighting the Elite Four and eventually the Pokemon Champion. Each game features Exp. Share, making the final fights and encounters much easier than past titles. However, unlike Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl, players can opt not to use Exp. Share in X/Y. This will make the game significantly harder but also require more grinding for levels on individual Pokemon.

BD/SP features the Generation IV Pokedex but does have some changes to movepools that were released in Generation VIII. As mentioned before, X/Y has the largest regional Pokedex in the franchise and added over 70 new Pokemon. We only included the new Pokemon added to these games for this list, as some Pokemon from previous Generations appear in-game. You can also get previous Pokemon from trading.
New Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl Pokemon
Pokedex # | Pokemon | Type | Evolution |
#0387 | Turtwig | Grass | Beginning of evolution, Grotle (#388) |
#0388 | Grotle | Grass | Turtwig (#387), Torterra (#389) |
#0389 | Torterra | Grass, Ground | Grotle (#388), End of evolution |
#0390 | Chimchar | Fire | Beginning of evolution, Monferno (#391) |
#0391 | Monferno | Fire, Fighting | Chimchar (#390), Infernape (#392) |
#0392 | Infernape | Fire, Fighting | Monferno (#391), End of evolution |
#0393 | Piplup | Water | Beginning of evolution, Prinplup (#394) |
#0394 | Prinplup | Water | Piplup (#393), Empoleon (#395) |
#0395 | Empoleon | Water, Steel | Prinplup (#394), End of evolution |
#0396 | Starly | Normal, Flying | Beginning of evolution, Staravia (#397) |
#0397 | Staravia | Normal, Flying | Starly (#396), Staraptor (#398) |
#0398 | Staraptor | Normal, Flying | Staravia (#397), End of evolution |
#0399 | Bidoof | Normal | Beginning of evolution, Bibarel (#400) |
#0400 | Bibarel | Normal, Water | Bidoof (#399), End of evolution |
#0401 | Kricketot | Bug | Beginning of evolution, Kricketune (#402) |
#0402 | Kricketune | Bug | Kricketot (#401), End of evolution |
#0403 | Shinx | Electric | Beginning of evolution, Luxio (#404) |
#0404 | Luxio | Electric | Shinx (#403), Luxray (#405) |
#0405 | Luxray | Electric | Luxio (#404), End of evolution |
#0406 | Budew | Grass, Poison | Beginning of evolution, Roselia (#315) |
#0407 | Roserade | Grass, Poison | Roselia (#315), End of evolution |
#0408 | Cranidos | Rock | Beginning of evolution, Rampardos (#409) |
#0409 | Rampardos | Rock | Cranidos (#408), End of evolution |
#0410 | Shieldon | Rock, Steel | Beginning of evolution, Bastiodon (#411) |
#0411 | Bastiodon | Rock, Steel | Shieldon (#410), End of evolution |
#0412 | Burmy | Bug | Beginning of evolution, Wormadam (#413), Mothim (#414) |
#0413 | Wormadam | Bug, Grass Bug, Ground Bug, Steel | Burmy (#412), End of evolution |
#0414 | Mothim | Bug, Flying | Burmy (#412), End of evolution |
#0415 | Combee | Bug, Flying | Beginning of evolution, Vespiquen (#416) |
#0416 | Vespiquen | Bug, Flying | Combee (#415), End of evolution |
#0417 | Pachirisu | Electric | No evolution |
#0418 | Buizel | Water | Beginning of evolution, Floatzel (#419) |
#0419 | Floatzel | Water | Buizel (#418), End of evolution |
#0420 | Cherubi | Grass | Beginning of evolution, Cherrim (#421) |
#0421 | Cherrim | Grass | Cherubi (#420), End of evolution |
#0422 | Shellos | Water | Beginning of evolution, Gastrodon (#423) |
#0423 | Gastrodon | Water, Ground | Shellos (#422), End of evolution |
#0424 | Ambipom | Normal, | Aipom (#190), End of evolution |
#0425 | Drifloon | Ghost, Flying | Beginning of evolution, Drifblim (#426) |
#0426 | Drifblim | Ghost, Flying | Drifloon (#425), End of evolution |
#0427 | Buneary | Normal | Beginning of evolution, Lopunny (#428) |
#0428 | Lopunny | Normal | Buneary (#427), Mega Evolution |
#0429 | Mismagius | Ghost | Misdreavus (#200), End of evolution |
#0430 | Honchkrow | Dark, Flying | Murkrow (#198), End of evolution |
#0431 | Glameow | Normal | Beginning of evolution, Purugly (#432) |
#0432 | Purugly | Normal | Glameow (#431), End of evolution |
#0433 | Chingling | Psychic | Beginning of evolution, Chimecho (#358) |
#0434 | Stunky | Poison, Dark | Beginning of evolution, Skuntank (#435) |
#0435 | Skuntank | Poison, Dark | Stunky (#434), End of evolution |
#0436 | Bronzor | Steel, Psychic | Beginning of evolution, Bronzong (#437) |
#0437 | Bronzong | Steel, Psychic | Bronzor (#436), End of evolution |
#0438 | Bonsly | Rock | Beginning of evolution, Sudowoodo (#185) |
#0439 | Mime Jr. | Psychic, Fairy | Beginning of evolution, Mr. Mime (#122) |
#0440 | Happiny | Normal | Beginning of evolution, Chansey (#113) |
#0441 | Chatot | Normal, Flying | No evolution |
#0442 | Spiritomb | Ghost, Dark | No evolution |
#0443 | Gible | Dragon, Ground | Beginning of evolution, Gabite (#444) |
#0444 | Gabite | Dragon, Ground | Gible (#443), Garchomp (#445) |
#0445 | Garchomp | Dragon, Ground | Gabite (#444), Mega Evolution |
#0446 | Munchlax | Normal | Beginning of evolution, Snorlax (#143) |
#0447 | Riolu | Fighting | Beginning of evolution, Lucario (#448) |
#0448 | Lucario | Fighting, Steel | Riolu (#447), Mega Evolution |
#0449 | Hippopotas | Ground | Beginning of evolution, Hippowdon (#450) |
#0450 | Hippowdon | Ground | Hippopotas (#449), End of evolution |
#0451 | Skorupi | Poison, Bug | Beginning of evolution, Drapion (#452) |
#0452 | Drapion | Poison, Dark | Skorupi (#451), End of evolution |
#0453 | Croagunk | Poison, Fighting | Beginning of evolution, Toxicroak (#454) |
#0454 | Toxicroak | Poison, Fighting | Toxicroak (#453), End of evolution |
#0455 | Carnivine | Grass | No evolution |
#0456 | Finneon | Water | Beginning of evolution, Lumineon (#457) |
#0457 | Lumineon | Water | Finneon (#456), End of evolution |
#0458 | Mantyke | Water, Flying | Beginning of evolution, Mantine (#226) |
#0459 | Snover | Grass, Ice | Beginning of evolution, Abomasnow (#460) |
#0460 | Abomasnow | Grass, Ice | Snover (#459), Mega Evolution |
#0461 | Weavile | Dark, Ice | Sneasel (#215), End of evolution |
#0462 | Magnezone | Electric, Steel | Magneton (#082), End of evolution |
#0463 | Lickilicky | Normal | Lickitung (#108), End of evolution |
#0464 | Rhyperior | Ground, Rock | Rhydon (#112), End of evolution |
#0465 | Tangrowth | Grass | Tangela (#114), End of evolution |
#0466 | Electivire | Electric | Electabuzz (#125), End of evolution |
#0467 | Magmortar | Fire | Magmar (#126), End of evolution |
#0468 | Togekiss | Fairy, Flying | Togetic (#176), End of evolution |
#0469 | Yanmega | Bug, Flying | Yanma (#193), End of evolution |
#0470 | Leafeon | Grass | Eevee (#133), End of evolution |
#0471 | Glaceon | Ice | Eevee (#133), End of evolution |
#0472 | Gliscor | Ground, Flying | Gligar (#207), End of evolution |
#0473 | Mamoswine | Ice, Ground | Piloswine (#221), End of evolution |
#0474 | Porygon-Z | Normal | Porygon2 (#233), End of evolution |
#0475 | Gallade | Psychic, Fighting | Kirlia (#281), Mega Evolution |
#0476 | Probopass | Rock, Steel | Nosepass (#299), End of evolution |
#0477 | Dusknoir | Ghost | Dusclops (#356), End of evolution |
#0478 | Froslass | Ice, Ghost | Snorunt (#361), End of evolution |
#0479 | Rotom | Electric, Ghost Electric, Fire Electric, Water Electric, Ice Electric, Flying Electric, Grass | No evolution |
#0480 | Uxie | Psychic | No evolution |
#0481 | Mesprit | Psychic | No evolution |
#0482 | Azelf | Psychic | No evolution |
#0483 | Dialga | Steel, Dragon | No evolution |
#0484 | Palkia | Water, Dragon | No evolution |
#0485 | Heatran | Fire, Steel | No evolution |
#0486 | Regigigas | Normal | No evolution |
#0487 | Giratina | Ghost, Dragon | No evolution |
#0488 | Cresselia | Psychic | No evolution |
#0489 | Phione | Water | No evolution |
#0490 | Manaphy | Water | No evolution |
#0491 | Darkrai | Dark | No evolution |
#0492 | Shaymin | Grass Grass, Flying | No evolution |
#0493 | Arceus | Normal | No evolution |

New X/Y Pokemon
Pokedex # | Pokemon | Type | Evolution |
#0650 | Chespin | Grass | Beginning of evolution, Quilladin (#651) |
#0651 | Quilladin | Grass | Chespin (#650), Chesnaught (#652) |
#0652 | Chesnaught | Grass, Fighting | Quilladin (#651), End of evolution |
#0653 | Fennekin | Fire | Beginning of evolution, Braixen (#654) |
#0654 | Braixen | Fire | Fennekin (#653), Delphox (#655) |
#0655 | Delphox | Fire, Psychic | Braixen (#654), End of evolution |
#0656 | Froakie | Water | Beginning of evolution, Frogadier (#657) |
#0657 | Frogadier | Water | Froakie (#656), Greninja (#658) |
#0658 | Greninja | Water, Dark | Frogadier (#657), End of evolution |
#0659 | Bunnelby | Normal | Beginning of evolution, Diggersby (#660) |
#0660 | Diggersby | Normal, Ground | Bunnelby (#659), End of evolution |
#0661 | Fletchling | Normal, Flying | Beginning of evolution, Fletchinder (#662) |
#0662 | Fletchinder | Fire, Flying | Fletchling (#661), Talonflame (#663) |
#0663 | Talonflame | Fire, Flying | Fletchinder (#662), End of evolution |
#0664 | Scatterbug | Bug | Beginning of evolution, Spewpa (#665) |
#0665 | Spewpa | Bug | Scatterbug (#664), Vivillon (#666) |
#0666 | Vivillon | Bug, Flying | Spewpa (#665), End of evolution |
#0667 | Litleo | Fire, Normal | Beginning of evolution, Pyroar (#668) |
#0668 | Pyroar | Fire, Normal | Litleo (#667), End of evolution |
#0669 | Flabébé | Fairy | Beginning of evolution, Floette (#670) |
#0670 | Floette | Fairy | Flabébé (#669), Florges (#671) |
#0671 | Florges | Fairy | Floette (#670), End of evolution |
#0672 | Skiddo | Grass | Beginning of evolution, Gogoat (#673) |
#0673 | Gogoat | Grass | Skiddo (#672), End of evolution |
#0674 | Pancham | Fighting | Beginning of evolution, Pangoro (#675) |
#0675 | Pangoro | Fighting, Dark | Pancham (#674), End of evolution |
#0676 | Furfrou | Normal | No evolution |
#0677 | Espurr | Psychic | Beginning of evolution, Meowstic (#678) |
#0678 | Meowstic | Psychic | Espurr (#677), End of evolution |
#0679 | Honedge | Steel, Ghost | Beginning of evolution, Doublade (#680) |
#0680 | Doublade | Steel, Ghost | Honedge (#679), Aegislash (#681) |
#0681 | Aegislash | Steel, Ghost | Doublade (#680), End of evolution |
#0682 | Spritzee | Fairy | Beginning of evolution, Aromatisse (#683) |
#0683 | Aromatisse | Fairy | Spritzee (#682), End of evolution |
#0684 | Swirlix | Fairy | Beginning of evolution, Slurpuff (#685) |
#0685 | Slurpuff | Fairy | Swirlix (#684), End of evolution |
#0686 | Inkay | Dark, Psychic | Beginning of evolution, Malamar (#687) |
#0687 | Malamar | Dark, Psychic | Inkay (#686), End of evolution |
#0688 | Binacle | Rock, Water | Beginning of evolution, Barbaracle (#689) |
#0689 | Barbaracle | Rock, Water | Binacle (#688), End of evolution |
#0690 | Skrelp | Poison, Water | Beginning of evolution, Dragalge (#691) |
#0691 | Dragalge | Poison, Dragon | Skrelp (#690), End of evolution |
#0692 | Clauncher | Water | Beginning of evolution, Clawitzer (#693) |
#0693 | Clawitzer | Water | Clauncher (#692), End of evolution |
#0694 | Helioptile | Electric, Normal | Beginning of evolution, Heliolisk (#695) |
#0695 | Heliolisk | Electric, Normal | Helioptile (#694), End of evolution |
#0696 | Tyrunt | Rock, Dragon | Beginning of evolution, Tyrantrum (#697) |
#0697 | Tyrantrum | Rock, Dragon | Tyrunt (#696), End of evolution |
#0698 | Amaura | Rock, Ice | Beginning of evolution, Aurorus (#699) |
#0699 | Aurorus | Rock, Ice | Amaura (#698), End of evolution |
#0700 | Sylveon | Fairy | Eevee (#133), End of evolution |
#0701 | Hawlucha | Fighting, Flying | No evolution |
#0702 | Dedenne | Electric, Fairy | No evolution |
#0703 | Carbink | Rock, Fairy | No evolution |
#0704 | Goomy | Dragon | Beginning of evolution, Sliggoo (#705) |
#0705 | Sliggoo | Dragon | Goomy (#704), Goodra (#706) |
#0706 | Goodra | Dragon | Sliggoo (#705), End of evolution |
#0707 | Klefki | Steel, Fairy | No evolution |
#0708 | Phantump | Ghost, Grass | Beginning of evolution, Trevenant (#709) |
#0709 | Trevenant | Ghost, Grass | Phantump (#708), End of evolution |
#0710 | Pumpkaboo | Ghost, Grass | Beginning of evolution, Gourgeist (#711) |
#0711 | Gourgeist | Ghost, Grass | Pumpkaboo (#710), End of evolution |
#0712 | Bergmite | Ice | Beginning of evolution, Avalugg (#713) |
#0713 | Avalugg | Ice | Bergmite (#712), End of evolution |
#0714 | Noibat | Flying, Dragon | Beginning of evolution, Noivern (#715) |
#0715 | Noivern | Flying, Dragon | Noibat (#714), End of evolution |
#0716 | Xerneas | Fairy | No evolution |
#0717 | Yveltal | Dark, Flying | No evolution |
#0718 | Zygarde | Dragon, Ground | No evolution |
#0719 | Diancie | Rock, Fairy | Beginning of evolution, Mega Evolution |
#0720 | Hoopa | Psychic, Ghost Psychic, Dark | No evolution |
#0721 | Volcanion | Fire, Water | No evolution |