There has never been a better time to get into the Pokémon games. With 16 games to choose from (32 if you count each physical game), it could be a bit overwhelming sifting through the similarities and differences. Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl and HeartGold/Soul Silver are both remakes of games from the 2000s and they were released 11 years apart from each other. With a decade of added development experience, how do these two games differ? How are they similar? Which one is more worth your time? All questions are answered in this article!
A Tale Of Two Remakes
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are remakes of the Generation IV releases. The first Pokemon games were released for the Nintendo DS console. The remakes provide updated graphics and movement. HMs were removed and TMs were changed back to single-use items. Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver are remakes of the generation II releases. The changes were similar in these remakes. The HeartGold and SoulSilver remakes updated the graphics. The controls were updated to accommodate the second screen of the Nintendo DS and the gyms were revamped to be a bit more interesting. The biggest difference between Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl and HeartGold/SoulSilver is their graphics and their reception by fans.
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl take place in the region of Sinnoh. The Sinnoh region has a lot of ties to real-world Japan. Its name is based on a Japanese kanji that translates to mysterious. The geography of the region is based on the real island of Hokkaido. Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver take place in the region of Johto, another region that draws heavily from Japan. This time the region draws from the Kansai Region which provides its unique geography. The region also shares a border with Kanto and shares the same Elite Four and Champions!
![Promotional screenshot of a player battling a trainer in Pokemon SoulSilver](
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl brought new features to the Generation IV games. Some of these features are unique to these games. These games were released to mixed reviews but one thing is for certain these games are a unique way to experience the Sinnoh region.
- The underground from the original games was completely revamped.
- The Grand Underground allows a new way for players to play against or with each other as they adventure through the underground.
- The games also added a new post-game area called Ramanas Park where players can encounter Legendary Pokemon from other regions.
- HMs no longer need a Pokemon to use it, HMs now call on Wild Pokemon to perform the tasks.
- A new way to save with auto-saving.
- Experience is shared throughout a team no matter who actually participates in battle.
- Pokemon and item storage can now be accessed anywhere with the portable PC.
Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver breathed new life into the Gameboy-era games. These games were received very well with many believing this is the definitive way to experience the Johto region.
- New Pokemon mechanics were added, allowing Pokemon the ability to follow the player and respond to certain situations.
- New areas were added to the region that are only accessible in these games.
- Small changes were added to specific locations to make them fit their themes a little better.
- These games launched with the PokeWalker, a Tamagotchi-style device allowing players to train their Pokemon as the player walked in real life.
- The Kimono Girls were rewritten to have a larger role in the game’s story.
Gym Battles
![Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl Trainers Guide](
Both of these games follow the pre-Scarlet and Violet formula. One of the goals of these games is to defeat the eight gym leaders and challenge the Elite Four. The Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver games are praised for the amount of content because in these games you actually travel to Kanto and fight those gym leaders. That brings the total gym leader count in HeartGold and SoulSilver to a whopping 16.
Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl Gym Leaders
![Brilliant Diamond](
Gym Leader | Teams |
Roark from Oreburgh City | Level 12 Geodude Level 12 Onix Level 14 Cranidos |
Gardenia from Eterna City | Level 19 Cherubi Level 19 Turtwig Level 22 Roserade |
Maylene from Veilstone City | Level 27 Meditite Level 27 Machoke Level 30 Lucario |
Crasher Wake from Pastoria City | Level 27 Gyarados Level 27 Quagsire Level 30 Floatzel |
Fantina from Hearthome City | Level 32 Drifblim Level 34 Gengar Level 36 Mismagius |
Byron from Canalave City | Level 36 Bronzor Level 36 Steelix Level 39 Bastiodon |
Candice from Snowpoint City | Level 38 Snover Level 38 Sneasel Level 40 Medicham Level 42 Abomasnow |
Volkner from Sunyshore City | Level 46 Raichu Level 47 Ambipom Level 47 Octillery Level 49 Luxray |
HeartGold & SoulSilver Gym Leaders
![Pokemon soulsilver promo screenshot of a level](
Gym Leader | Teams |
Falkner from Violet City | Level 9 Pidgey Level 13 Pidgeotto |
Bugsy from Azalea Town | Level 15 Metapod Level 15 Kakuna Level 17 Scyther |
Whitney from Goldenrod City | Level 17 Clefairy Level 19 Miltank |
Morty from Ecruteak City | Level 21 Gastly Level 21 Haunter Level 23 Haunter Level 25 Gengar |
Chuck from Cianwood City | Level 29 Primeape Level 31 Poliwrath |
Jasmine from Olivine City | Level 30 Magnemite Level 30 Magnemite Level 35 Steelix |
Pryce from Mahogany Town | Level 30 Seel Level 32 Dewgong Level 34 Piloswine |
Clair from Blackthorn City | Level 38 Dragonair Level 38 Dragonair Level 38 Gyrados Level 41 Kingdra |
Lt. Surge from Vermillion City in Kanto | Level 51 Raichu Level 47 Electrode Level 47 Electrode Level 47 Magneton Level 53 Electabuzz |
Sabrina from Saffron City in Kanto | Level 53 Espeon Level 53 Mr. Mime Level 55 Alakazam |
Erika from Celadon City in Kanto | Level 51 Jumpluff Level 52 Tangela Level 56 Victreebel Level 56 Bellossom |
Misty from Cerulean City in Kanto | Level 49 Golduck Level 49 Quagsire Level 52 Lapras Level 54 Starmie |
Janine from Fuschia City in Kanto | Level 47 Crobat Level 44 Weezing Level 47 Ariados Level 47 Ariados Level 50 Venomoth |
Brock from Pewter City in Kanto | Level 51 Graveler Level 51 Rhyhorn Level 53 Omastar Level 54 Onix Level 52 Kabutops |
Blaine is from Cinnabar but is currently on The Seafoam Islands in Kanto | Level 54 Magmar Level 54 Magcargo Level 59 Rapidash |
Gary from Viridian City | Level 55 Exeggutor Level 56 Machamp Level 58 Arcanine Level 58 Rhydon Level 52 Gyarados Level 60 Pidgeot |
Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl’s Elite 4
![Promotional art for Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl shows characters exploring the new Grand Underground.](
Elite Four | Teams |
Aaron | Level 53 Dustox Level 53 Beautifly Level 54 Vespiquen Level 54 Heracross Level 57 Drapion |
Bertha | Level 55 Quagsire Level 56 Sudowoodo Level 56 Golem Level 55 Whiscash Level 59 Hippowdon |
Flint | Level 58 Rapidash Level 57 Steelix Level 58 Drifblim Level 57 Lopunny Level 61 Infernape |
Lucian | Level 59 Mr Mime Level 59 Girafarig Level 60 Medicham Level 60 Alakazam Level 63 Bronzong |
Champion Cynthia | Level 61 Spiritomb Level 60 Roserade Level 60 Gastrodon Level 63 Lucario Level 63 Milotic Level 66 Garchomp |
HeartGold & SoulSilver’s Elite 4
![promotional screenshot of Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver with player walking around a town.](
Elite Four | Teams |
Will | Level 40 Xatu Level 41 Jynx Level 41 Exeggutor Level 41 Slowbro Level 42 Xatu |
Koga | Level 40 Ariados Level 41 Venemoth Level 43 Forretress Level 42 Muk Level 44 Crobat |
Bruno | Level 42 Hitmontop Level 42 Hitmonlee Level 42 Hitmonchan Level 43 Onix Level 46 Machamp |
Karen | Level 42 Umbreon Level 42 Vileplume Level 45 Gengar Level 44 Murkrow Level 47 Houndoom |
Champion Lance | Level 44 Gyarados Level 49 Dragonite Level 49 Dragonite Level 48 Aerodactyl Level 48 Charizard Level 50 Dragonite |
Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl uses the Generation IV Pokedex but uses their Generation VIII iterations. This provides the Pokemon with updated movesets and stats.
Pokedex # | Pokemon | Type |
#0387 | Turtwig | Grass |
#0388 | Grotle | Grass |
#0389 | Torterra | Grass/Ground |
#0390 | Chimchar | Fire |
#0391 | Monferno | Fire/Fighting |
#0392 | Infernape | Fire/Fighting |
#0393 | Piplup | Water |
#0394 | Prinplup | Water |
#0395 | Empoleon | Water/Steel |
#0396 | Starly | Normal/Flying |
#0397 | Staravia | Normal/Flying |
#0398 | Staraptor | Normal/Flying |
#0399 | Bidoof | Normal |
#0400 | Bibarel | Normal/Water |
#0401 | Kricketot | Bug |
#0402 | Kricketune | Bug |
#0403 | Shinx | Electric |
#0404 | Luxio | Electric |
#0405 | Luxray | Electric |
#0406 | Budew | Grass/Poison |
#0407 | Roserade | Grass/Poison |
#0408 | Cranidos | Rock |
#0409 | Rampardos | Rock |
#0410 | Shieldon | Rock/Steel |
#0411 | Bastiodon | Rock/Steel |
#0412 | Burmy | Bug |
#0413 | Wormadam | Bug/Grass Bug/Ground Bug/Steel |
#0414 | Mothim | Bug/Flying |
#0415 | Combee | Bug/Flying |
#0416 | Vespiquen | Bug/Flying |
#0417 | Pachirisu | Electric |
#0418 | Buizel | Water |
#0419 | Floatzel | Water |
#0420 | Cherubi | Grass |
#0421 | Cherrim | Grass |
#0422 | Shellos | Water |
#0423 | Gastrodon | Water/Ground |
#0424 | Ambipom | Normal |
#0425 | Drifloon | Ghost/Flying |
#0426 | Drifblim | Ghost/Flying |
#0427 | Buneary | Normal |
#0428 | Lopunny | Normal |
#0429 | Mismagius | Ghost |
#0430 | Honchkrow | Dark/Flying |
#0431 | Glameow | Normal |
#0432 | Purugly | Normal |
#0433 | Chingling | Psychic |
#0434 | Stunky | Poison/Dark |
#0435 | Skuntank | Poison/Dark |
#0436 | Bronzor | Steel/Psychic |
#0437 | Bronzong | Steel/Psychic |
#0438 | Bonsly | Rock |
#0439 | Mime Jr | Psychic/Fairy |
#0440 | Happiny | Normal |
#0441 | Chatot | Normal/Fairy |
#0442 | Spiritomb | Ghost/Dark |
#0443 | Gible | Dragon/Ground |
#0444 | Gabite | Dragon/Ground |
#0445 | Garchomp | Dragon/Ground |
#0446 | Munchlax | Normal |
#0447 | Riolu | Fighting |
#0448 | Lucario | Fighting/Steel |
#0449 | Hippopotas | Ground |
#0450 | Hippowdon | Ground |
#0451 | Skorupi | Poison/Bug |
#0452 | Drapion | Poison/Dark |
#0453 | Croagunk | Poison/Fighting |
#0454 | Toxicroak | Poison/Fighting |
#0455 | Carnivine | Grass |
#0456 | Finneon | Water |
#0457 | Lumineon | Water |
#0458 | Mantyke | Water/Flying |
#0459 | Snover | Grass/Ice |
#0460 | Abomasnow | Grass/Ice |
#0461 | Weavile | Dark/Ice |
#0462 | Magnezone | Electric/Steel |
#0463 | Lickilicky | Normal |
#0464 | Rhyperior | Ground/Rock |
#0465 | Tangrowth | Grass |
#0466 | Electivire | Electric |
#0467 | Magmortar | Fire |
#0468 | Togekiss | Fairy/Flying |
#0469 | Yanmega | Bug/Flying |
#0470 | Leafeon | Grass |
#0471 | Glaceon | Ice |
#0472 | Gliscor | Ground/Flying |
#0473 | Mamoswine | Ice/Ground |
#0474 | Porygon-Z | Normal |
#0475 | Gallade | Psychic/Fighting |
#0476 | Probopass | Rock/Steel |
#0477 | Dusknoir | Ghost |
#0478 | Froslass | Ice/Ghost |
#0479 | Rotom | Electric/Ghost Electric/Fire Electric/Water Electric/Ice Electric/Flying Electric/Grass |
#0480 | Uxie | Psychic |
#0481 | Mespirit | Psychic |
#0482 | Azelf | Psychic |
#0483 | Dialga | Steel/Dragon |
#0484 | Palkia | Water/Dragon |
#0485 | Heatran | Fire/Steel |
#0486 | Regigigas | Normal |
#0487 | Giratina | Ghost/Dragon |
#0488 | Cresselia | Psychic |
#0489 | Phione | Water |
#0490 | Manaphy | Water |
#0491 | Darkrai | Dark |
#0492 | Shaymin | Grass Grass/Flying |
#0493 | Arceus | Normal |
HeartGold and SoulSilver use the Generation II Pokedex but use their Generation IV iterations. This provides the Pokemon with updated movesets and stats.
Pokedex # | Pokemon | Type |
#001 | Chikorita | Grass |
#002 | Bayleef | Grass |
#003 | Meganium | Grass |
#004 | Cyndaquil | Fire |
#005 | Quilava | Fire |
#006 | Typhlosion | Fire |
#007 | Totodile | Water |
#008 | Croconaw | Water |
#009 | Feraligatr | Water |
#010 | Pidgey | Normal/Flying |
#011 | Pidgeotto | Normal/Flying |
#012 | Pidgeot | Normal/Flying |
#013 | Spearow | Normal/Flying |
#014 | Fearow | Normal/Flying |
#015 | Hoothoot | Normal/Flying |
#016 | Noctowl | Normal/Flying |
#017 | Rattata | Normal |
#018 | Raticate | Normal |
#019 | Sentret | Normal |
#020 | Furret | Normal |
#021 | Pichu | Electric |
#022 | Pikachu | Electric |
#023 | Raichu | Electric |
#024 | Caterpie | Bug |
#025 | Metapod | Bug |
#026 | Butterfree | Bug/Flying |
#027 | Weedle | Bug/Poison |
#028 | Kakuna | Bug/Poison |
#029 | Beedrill | Bug/Poison |
#030 | Ledyba | Bug/Flying |
#031 | Ledian | Bug/Flying |
#032 | Spinarak | Bug/Poison |
#033 | Ariados | Bug/Poison |
#034 | Geodude | Rock/Ground |
#035 | Graveler | Rock/Ground |
#036 | Golem | Rock/Ground |
#037 | Zubat | Poison/Flying |
#038 | Golbat | Poison/Flying |
#039 | Crobat | Poison/Flying |
#040 | Cleffa | Normal |
#041 | Clefairy | Normal |
#042 | Clefable | Normal |
#043 | Igglybuff | Normal |
#044 | Jigglypuff | Normal |
#045 | Wigglytuff | Normal |
#046 | Togepi | Normal |
#047 | Togetic | Normal/Flying |
#048 | Sandshrew | Ground |
#049 | Sandslash | Ground |
#050 | Ekans | Poison |
#051 | Arbok | Poison |
#052 | Dunsparce | Normal |
#053 | Mareep | Electric |
#054 | Flaafy | Electric |
#055 | Ampharos | Electric |
#056 | Wooper | Water/Ground |
#057 | Quagsire | Water/Ground |
#058 | Gastly | Ghost |
#059 | Haunter | Ghost/Poison |
#060 | Gengar | Ghost/Poison |
#061 | Unown | Psychic |
#062 | Onix | Rock/Ground |
#063 | Steelix | Steel/Ground |
#064 | Bellsprout | Grass/Poison |
#065 | Weepinbell | Grass/Poison |
#066 | Victreebel | Grass/Poison |
#067 | Hoppip | Grass/Flying |
#068 | Skiploom | Grass/Flying |
#069 | Jumpluff | Grass/Flying |
#070 | Paras | Bug/Grass |
#071 | Parasect | Bug/Ground |
#072 | Poliwag | Water |
#073 | Poliwhirl | Water |
#074 | Poliwrath | Water/Fighting |
#075 | Politoed | Water |
#076 | Magikarp | Water |
#077 | Gyarados | Water/Flying |
#078 | Goldeen | Water |
#079 | Seaking | Water |
#080 | Slowpoke | Water/Psychic |
#081 | Slowbro | Water/Psychic |
#082 | Slowking | Water/Psychic |
#083 | Oddish | Grass/Poison |
#084 | Gloom | Grass/Poison |
#085 | Vileplume | Grass/Poison |
#086 | Bellossom | Grass |
#087 | Drowzee | Psychic |
#088 | Hypno | Psychic |
#089 | Abra | Psychic |
#090 | Kadabra | Psychic |
#091 | Alakazam | Psychic |
#092 | Ditto | Normal |
#093 | Pineco | Bug |
#094 | Forretress | Bug/Steel |
#095 | Nidoran (F) | Poison |
#096 | Nidorina | Poison |
#097 | Nidoqueen | Poison/Ground |
#098 | Nidoran (M) | Poison |
#099 | Nidorino | Poison |
#100 | Nidoking | Poison/Ground |
#101 | Yanma | Bug |
#102 | Yanmega | Bug/Flying |
#103 | Sunkern | Grass |
#104 | Sunflora | Grass |
#105 | Exeggcute | Grass/Psychic |
#106 | Exeggutor | Grass/Psychic |
#107 | Sudowoodo | Rock |
#108 | Wobbuffett | Psychic |
#109 | Venonat | Bug/Poison |
#110 | Venomoth | Bug/Poison |
#111 | Scyther | Bug/Flying |
#112 | Scizor | Bug/Steel |
#113 | Pinsir | Bug |
#114 | Heracross | Bug/Fighting |
#115 | Koffing | Poison |
#116 | Weezing | Poison |
#117 | Grimer | Poison |
#118 | Muk | Poison |
#119 | Magnemite | Electric/Steel |
#120 | Magneton | Electric/Steel |
#121 | Voltorb | Electric |
#122 | Electrode | Electric |
#123 | Aipom | Normal |
#124 | Ambipom | Normal |
#125 | Snubbull | Normal |
#126 | Granbull | Normal |
#127 | Vulpix | Fire |
#128 | Ninetales | Fire |
#129 | Growlithe | Fire |
#130 | Arcanine | Fire |
#131 | Stantler | Normal |
#132 | Marill | Water |
#133 | Azumarill | Water |
#134 | Diglett | Ground |
#135 | Dugtrio | Ground |
#136 | Mankey | Fighting |
#137 | Primeape | Fighting |
#138 | Meowth | Normal |
#139 | Persian | Normal |
#140 | Psyduck | Water |
#141 | Golduck | Water |
#142 | Machop | Fighting |
#143 | Machoke | Fighting |
#144 | Machamp | Fighting |
#145 | Tyrogue | Fighting |
#146 | Hitmonlee | Fighting |
#147 | Hitmonchan | Fighting |
#148 | Hitmontop | Fighting |
#149 | Girafarig | Normal/Psychic |
#150 | Tauros | Normal |
#151 | Miltank | Normal |
#152 | Magby | Fire |
#153 | Magmar | Fire |
#154 | Smoochum | Ice/Psychic |
#155 | Jynx | Ice/Psychic |
#156 | Elekid | Electric |
#157 | Electabuzz | Electric |
#158 | Mr. Mime | Psychic |
#159 | Smeargle | Normal |
#160 | Farfetch’d | Normal/Flying |
#161 | Natu | Psychic/Flying |
#162 | Xatu | Psychic/Flying |
#163 | Qwilfish | Water/Poison |
#164 | Tentacool | Water/Poison |
#165 | Tentacruel | Water/Poison |
#166 | Krabby | Water |
#167 | Kingler | Water |
#168 | Shuckle | Bug/Rock |
#169 | Staryu | Water |
#170 | Starmie | Water/Psychic |
#171 | Shellder | Water |
#172 | Cloyster | Water/Ice |
#173 | Corsola | Water/Rock |
#174 | Remoraid | Water |
#175 | Octillery | Water |
#176 | Chinchou | Water/Electric |
#177 | Lanturn | Water/Electric |
#178 | Seel | Water |
#179 | Dewgong | Water/Ice |
#180 | Lickitung | Normal |
#181 | Lickilicky | Normal |
#182 | Tangela | Grass |
#183 | Tangrowth | Grass |
#184 | Eevee | Normal |
#185 | Vaporeon | Water |
#186 | Jolteon | Electric |
#187 | Flareon | Fire |
#188 | Espeon | Psychic |
#189 | Umbreon | Dark |
#190 | Horsea | Water |
#191 | Seadra | Water |
#192 | Kingdra | Water/Dragon |
#193 | Gligar | Ground/Flying |
#194 | Delibird | Ice/Flying |
#195 | Swinub | Ice/Ground |
#196 | Piloswine | Ice/Ground |
#197 | Mamoswine | Ice/Ground |
#198 | Teddiursa | Normal |
#199 | Ursaring | Normal |
#200 | Phanpy | Normal |
#201 | Donphan | Ground |
#202 | Mantine | Water/Flying |
#203 | Skarmory | Steel/Flying |
#204 | Doduo | Normal/Flying |
#205 | Dodrio | Normal/Flying |
#206 | Ponyta | Fire |
#207 | Rapidash | Fire |
#208 | Cubone | Ground |
#209 | Marowak | Ground |
#210 | Kangaskhan | Normal |
#211 | Rhyhorn | Ground/Rock |
#212 | Rhydon | Ground/Rock |
#213 | Murkrow | Dark/Flying |
#214 | Houndour | Dark/Fire |
#215 | Houndoom | Dark/Fire |
#216 | Slugma | Fire |
#217 | Magcargo | Fire/Rock |
#218 | Sneasel | Dark/Ice |
#219 | Misdreavus | Ghost |
#220 | Porygon | Normal |
#221 | Porygon2 | Normal |
#222 | Chansey | Normal |
#223 | Blissey | Normal |
#224 | Lapras | Water/Ice |
#225 | Omanyte | Rock/Water |
#226 | Omastar | Rock/Water |
#227 | Kabuto | Rock/Water |
#228 | Kabutops | Rock/Water |
#229 | Aerodactyl | Rock/Flying |
#230 | Snorlax | Normal |
#231 | Bulbasaur | Grass/Poison |
#232 | Ivysaur | Grass/Poison |
#233 | Venusaur | Grass/Poison |
#234 | Charmander | Fire |
#235 | Charmeleon | Fire |
#236 | Charizard | Fire/Flying |
#237 | Squirtle | Water |
#238 | Wartortle | Water |
#239 | Blastoise | Water |
#240 | Articuno | Ice/Flying |
#241 | Zapdos | Electric/Flying |
#242 | Moltres | Fire/Flying |
#243 | Raikou | Electric |
#244 | Entei | Fire |
#245 | Suicune | Water |
#246 | Dratini | Dragon |
#247 | Dragonair | Dragon |
#248 | Dragonite | Dragon/Flying |
#249 | Larvitar | Rock/Ground |
#250 | Pupitar | Rock/Ground |
#251 | Tyranitar | Rock/Dark |
#252 | Lugia | Psychic/Flying |
#253 | Ho-oh | Fire/Flying |
#254 | Mewtwo | Psychic |
#255 | Mew | Psychic |
#256 | Celebi | Psychic/Grass |