Deciding which Pokemon game to play next can be daunting. Players must think about mechanics, Pokemon, trading systems, etc., and that’s without mentioning enhanced sequels like Emerald and Platinum. However, the decision doesn’t have to be hard once you break down the games; this article will do just that. Today, we will examine Pokemon Sword/Shield and Diamond/Pearl to see which is right for you. Let’s explore what makes these games unique and worth picking up.

© – Original
Sword/Shield was the first mainline Pokemon game on the Nintendo Switch (that wasn’t a remake). For the first time, fans could see the potential and future of the franchise as it was on a portable device but could handle advanced graphics and settings.
The game was released in 2019 and sold over 25 million copies worldwide, making it the second best-selling Pokemon game. While this may surprise some, the success of the Switch and a return to the formula in the series meant Sword/Shield was destined to be a hit.
Similar to how Sworld/Shield were the first mainline titles on the Switch, Diamond/Pearl were the first Pokemon games on the DS. Released in 2006, they went on to sell over 17 million copies worldwide. While often considered one of the best Generations, players usually refer to Platinum, an enhanced game version.
Category | Diamond/Pearl | Sword/Shield |
Release Year | 2006 | 2019 |
Total Units Sold | 17 million | 25 million |
Consoles | Nintendo DS | Nintendo Switch |

Sword/Shield are set in the Galar region, an area based on the United Kingdom. The UK represents “strength” and “greatness,” which are the themes of the titles. The region is a long island with multiple environments, such as countryside towns, modern cities, and frigid mountains. Its location is near the Kalos region from Pokemon X/Y.
The games also feature DLCs, adding new areas like The Isle of Armor and Crown Tundra. The Isle of Armor is a large island with tropical weather and some extreme terrain. The same goes for the Crown Tundra, as the icy climate can cause blizzards and hail. While not the largest region in the franchise, it’s one of the most diverse and expansive.
Pokemon Diamond/Pearl is set in the Sinnoh region, based on the Japanese island Hokkaido. The region has very few water routes and features the first-ever snow route in Pokemon. The area is split by a large mountain, creating two sub-regions. At release, the area was the largest region by population in the series but has since been kicked down to fourth.

Similar to how Sword/Shield features new mechanics for the Nintendo Switch, Diamond/Pearl does the same for the DS. After all, each of them was the “first” release on their respective devices. But considering the age Diamond/Pearl has, and its influence on the series, some of these changes became staples in titles moving forward.
- Categories: Pokemon moves for the first time were categorized into Status, Physical, or Special classes.
- Second Screen: With the Nintendo DS, the two screens could now be used instead of the standard one screen from past Game Boy devices.
- Wi-Fi: Players could now use wifi to connect, trade, and battle instead of using the link cables.
- Doubles: Double Battles were expanded and focused on more.
- K.O: When Pokemon get knocked out, new Pokemon no longer receive an incoming attack. Instead, the turns reset and start from the beginning.
- A new Elite Four team was introduced and located in the Pokemon League. Cynthia is often considered one of the hardest Pokemon Champions to defeat.
- GTS (Global Trade System) was created for Trainers to trade Pokemon by putting them up for other players to see. With the search function, players could search for Pokemon around the world.
Sword/Shield were the first games in the series to receive DLC, a feature that has become standard now. After feedback from Let’s Go, Pikachu/Eevee, the first Pokemon game on the Switch, the games sought to return to a more traditional style that fans were used to. However, like most titles, innovations and new mechanics were added to give them their charm.
- New Forms: Dynamax and Gigantamax forms were added. Using a Dynamax Band, Dynamax allows Pokemon from Galar to become larger and stronger with Max Moves. Gigantamax is similar but changes the Pokemon’s appearance while making them stronger.
- Max Raid Battles: Up to four players can work together to challenge a Dynamax Pokemon. The feature works locally and on Nintendo Switch Online.
- Wild Pokemon: An all-new wild area features roaming Pokemon and random encounters in the tall grass. These areas connect towns and give the best of both worlds when wanting to battle wild Pokemon.
- Battle Stadium: Battle Stadium is an online mode that allows Trainers to battle one another. There is also a ranked mode for more serious players.
- A Pokemon Camp was added, allowing players to interact with their Pokemon and visit friends.
Gym Battles

Both games keep the classic eight Gym Leader Battles, but only Diamond/Pearl keeps the Elite Four. In Sword/Shield, a new challenge format was introduced. Players must battle other Trainers in a tournament-style match-up to battle the Champion. The winner of the tournament gets the chance to compete for their title.
While both of these end-game battles test the player’s strength and might, Sword/Shield is much easier. Diamond/Pearl is known for their intelligent AI that uses strategy and counters, while Sword/Shield makes it easy to over-level due to having Exp. Share that cannot be turned off. Sword/Shield will make your entire Pokemon team around the same level, which can easily win you the tournament.

©GOLIN/[email protected] – Original
Both of these games introduced new Pokemon exclusive to their Generation. However, each also featured Pokemon from past titles to expand the Pokedex. Sword/Shield features 400 Pokemon plus many more if you get the DLC, bringing the total to over 600.
Diamond/Pearl Pokemon
Pokedex # | Pokemon | Type | Evolution |
#0387 | Turtwig | Grass | Beginning of evolution, Grotle (#388) |
#0388 | Grotle | Grass | Turtwig (#387), Torterra (#389) |
#0389 | Torterra | Grass, Ground | Grotle (#388), End of evolution |
#0390 | Chimchar | Fire | Beginning of evolution, Monferno (#391) |
#0391 | Monferno | Fire, Fighting | Chimchar (#390), Infernape (#392) |
#0392 | Infernape | Fire, Fighting | Monferno (#391), End of evolution |
#0393 | Piplup | Water | Beginning of evolution, Prinplup (#394) |
#0394 | Prinplup | Water | Piplup (#393), Empoleon (#395) |
#0395 | Empoleon | Water, Steel | Prinplup (#394), End of evolution |
#0396 | Starly | Normal, Flying | Beginning of evolution, Staravia (#397) |
#0397 | Staravia | Normal, Flying | Starly (#396), Staraptor (#398) |
#0398 | Staraptor | Normal, Flying | Staravia (#397), End of evolution |
#0399 | Bidoof | Normal | Beginning of evolution, Bibarel (#400) |
#0400 | Bibarel | Normal, Water | Bidoof (#399), End of evolution |
#0401 | Kricketot | Bug | Beginning of evolution, Kricketune (#402) |
#0402 | Kricketune | Bug | Kricketot (#401), End of evolution |
#0403 | Shinx | Electric | Beginning of evolution, Luxio (#404) |
#0404 | Luxio | Electric | Shinx (#403), Luxray (#405) |
#0405 | Luxray | Electric | Luxio (#404), End of evolution |
#0406 | Budew | Grass, Poison | Beginning of evolution, Roselia (#315) |
#0407 | Roserade | Grass, Poison | Roselia (#315), End of evolution |
#0408 | Cranidos | Rock | Beginning of evolution, Rampardos (#409) |
#0409 | Rampardos | Rock | Cranidos (#408), End of evolution |
#0410 | Shieldon | Rock, Steel | Beginning of evolution, Bastiodon (#411) |
#0411 | Bastiodon | Rock, Steel | Shieldon (#410), End of evolution |
#0412 | Burmy | Bug | Beginning of evolution, Wormadam (#413), Mothim (#414) |
#0413 | Wormadam | Bug, Grass Bug, Ground Bug, Steel | Burmy (#412), End of evolution |
#0414 | Mothim | Bug, Flying | Burmy (#412), End of evolution |
#0415 | Combee | Bug, Flying | Beginning of evolution, Vespiquen (#416) |
#0416 | Vespiquen | Bug, Flying | Combee (#415), End of evolution |
#0417 | Pachirisu | Electric | No evolution |
#0418 | Buizel | Water | Beginning of evolution, Floatzel (#419) |
#0419 | Floatzel | Water | Buizel (#418), End of evolution |
#0420 | Cherubi | Grass | Beginning of evolution, Cherrim (#421) |
#0421 | Cherrim | Grass | Cherubi (#420), End of evolution |
#0422 | Shellos | Water | Beginning of evolution, Gastrodon (#423) |
#0423 | Gastrodon | Water, Ground | Shellos (#422), End of evolution |
#0424 | Ambipom | Normal, | Aipom (#190), End of evolution |
#0425 | Drifloon | Ghost, Flying | Beginning of evolution, Drifblim (#426) |
#0426 | Drifblim | Ghost, Flying | Drifloon (#425), End of evolution |
#0427 | Buneary | Normal | Beginning of evolution, Lopunny (#428) |
#0428 | Lopunny | Normal | Buneary (#427), Mega Evolution |
#0429 | Mismagius | Ghost | Misdreavus (#200), End of evolution |
#0430 | Honchkrow | Dark, Flying | Murkrow (#198), End of evolution |
#0431 | Glameow | Normal | Beginning of evolution, Purugly (#432) |
#0432 | Purugly | Normal | Glameow (#431), End of evolution |
#0433 | Chingling | Psychic | Beginning of evolution, Chimecho (#358) |
#0434 | Stunky | Poison, Dark | Beginning of evolution, Skuntank (#435) |
#0435 | Skuntank | Poison, Dark | Stunky (#434), End of evolution |
#0436 | Bronzor | Steel, Psychic | Beginning of evolution, Bronzong (#437) |
#0437 | Bronzong | Steel, Psychic | Bronzor (#436), End of evolution |
#0438 | Bonsly | Rock | Beginning of evolution, Sudowoodo (#185) |
#0439 | Mime Jr. | Psychic, Fairy | Beginning of evolution, Mr. Mime (#122) |
#0440 | Happiny | Normal | Beginning of evolution, Chansey (#113) |
#0441 | Chatot | Normal, Flying | No evolution |
#0442 | Spiritomb | Ghost, Dark | No evolution |
#0443 | Gible | Dragon, Ground | Beginning of evolution, Gabite (#444) |
#0444 | Gabite | Dragon, Ground | Gible (#443), Garchomp (#445) |
#0445 | Garchomp | Dragon, Ground | Gabite (#444), Mega Evolution |
#0446 | Munchlax | Normal | Beginning of evolution, Snorlax (#143) |
#0447 | Riolu | Fighting | Beginning of evolution, Lucario (#448) |
#0448 | Lucario | Fighting, Steel | Riolu (#447), Mega Evolution |
#0449 | Hippopotas | Ground | Beginning of evolution, Hippowdon (#450) |
#0450 | Hippowdon | Ground | Hippopotas (#449), End of evolution |
#0451 | Skorupi | Poison, Bug | Beginning of evolution, Drapion (#452) |
#0452 | Drapion | Poison, Dark | Skorupi (#451), End of evolution |
#0453 | Croagunk | Poison, Fighting | Beginning of evolution, Toxicroak (#454) |
#0454 | Toxicroak | Poison, Fighting | Toxicroak (#453), End of evolution |
#0455 | Carnivine | Grass | No evolution |
#0456 | Finneon | Water | Beginning of evolution, Lumineon (#457) |
#0457 | Lumineon | Water | Finneon (#456), End of evolution |
#0458 | Mantyke | Water, Flying | Beginning of evolution, Mantine (#226) |
#0459 | Snover | Grass, Ice | Beginning of evolution, Abomasnow (#460) |
#0460 | Abomasnow | Grass, Ice | Snover (#459), Mega Evolution |
#0461 | Weavile | Dark, Ice | Sneasel (#215), End of evolution |
#0462 | Magnezone | Electric, Steel | Magneton (#082), End of evolution |
#0463 | Lickilicky | Normal | Lickitung (#108), End of evolution |
#0464 | Rhyperior | Ground, Rock | Rhydon (#112), End of evolution |
#0465 | Tangrowth | Grass | Tangela (#114), End of evolution |
#0466 | Electivire | Electric | Electabuzz (#125), End of evolution |
#0467 | Magmortar | Fire | Magmar (#126), End of evolution |
#0468 | Togekiss | Fairy, Flying | Togetic (#176), End of evolution |
#0469 | Yanmega | Bug, Flying | Yanma (#193), End of evolution |
#0470 | Leafeon | Grass | Eevee (#133), End of evolution |
#0471 | Glaceon | Ice | Eevee (#133), End of evolution |
#0472 | Gliscor | Ground, Flying | Gligar (#207), End of evolution |
#0473 | Mamoswine | Ice, Ground | Piloswine (#221), End of evolution |
#0474 | Porygon-Z | Normal | Porygon2 (#233), End of evolution |
#0475 | Gallade | Psychic, Fighting | Kirlia (#281), Mega Evolution |
#0476 | Probopass | Rock, Steel | Nosepass (#299), End of evolution |
#0477 | Dusknoir | Ghost | Dusclops (#356), End of evolution |
#0478 | Froslass | Ice, Ghost | Snorunt (#361), End of evolution |
#0479 | Rotom | Electric, Ghost Electric, Fire Electric, Water Electric, Ice Electric, Flying Electric, Grass | No evolution |
#0480 | Uxie | Psychic | No evolution |
#0481 | Mesprit | Psychic | No evolution |
#0482 | Azelf | Psychic | No evolution |
#0483 | Dialga | Steel, Dragon | No evolution |
#0484 | Palkia | Water, Dragon | No evolution |
#0485 | Heatran | Fire, Steel | No evolution |
#0486 | Regigigas | Normal | No evolution |
#0487 | Giratina | Ghost, Dragon | No evolution |
#0488 | Cresselia | Psychic | No evolution |
#0489 | Phione | Water | No evolution |
#0490 | Manaphy | Water | No evolution |
#0491 | Darkrai | Dark | No evolution |
#0492 | Shaymin | Grass Grass, Flying | No evolution |
#0493 | Arceus | Normal | No evolution |

Sword/Shield Pokemon
Pokedex # | Pokemon | Type | Evolution |
#0810 | Grookey | Grass | Beginning of evolution, Thwackey (#811) |
#0811 | Thwackey | Grass | Grookey (#810), Rillaboom (#812) |
#0812 | Rillaboom | Grass | Thwackey (#811), Gigantamax |
#0813 | Scorbunny | Fire | Beginning of evolution, Raboot (#814) |
#0814 | Raboot | Fire | Scorbunny (#813), Cinderace (#815) |
#0815 | Cinderace | Fire | Raboot (#814), Gigantamax |
#0816 | Sobble | Water | Beginning of evolution, Drizzile (#817) |
#0817 | Drizzile | Water | Sobble (#816), Inteleon (#818) |
#0818 | Inteleon | Water | Drizzile (#817), Gigantamax |
#0819 | Skwovet | Normal | Beginning of evolution, Greedent (#820) |
#0820 | Greedent | Normal | Skwovet (#819), End of evolution |
#0821 | Rookidee | Flying | Beginning of evolution, Corvisquire (#822) |
#0822 | Corvisquire | Flying | Rookidee (#821), Corviknight (#823) |
#0823 | Corviknight | Flying, Steel | Corvisquire (#822), Gigantamax |
#0824 | Blipbug | Bug | Beginning of evolution, Dottler (#825) |
#0825 | Dottler | Bug, Psychic | Blipbug (#824), Orbeetle (#826) |
#0826 | Orbeetle | Bug, Psychic | Dottler (#825), Gigantamax |
#0827 | Nickit | Dark | Beginning of evolution, Thievul (#828) |
#0828 | Thievul | Dark | Nickit (#827), End of evolution |
#0829 | Gossifleur | Grass | Beginning of evolution, Eldegoss (#830) |
#0830 | Eldegoss | Grass | Gossifleur (#829), End of evolution |
#0831 | Wooloo | Normal | Beginning of evolution, Dubwool (#832) |
#0832 | Dubwool | Normal | Wooloo (#831), End of evolution |
#0833 | Chewtle | Water | Beginning of evolution, Drednaw (#834) |
#0834 | Drednaw | Water, Rock | Chewtle (#833), Gigantamax |
#0835 | Yamper | Electric | Beginning of evolution, Boltund (#836) |
#0836 | Boltund | Electric | Yamper (#835), End of evolution |
#0837 | Rolycoly | Rock | Beginning of evolution, Carkol (#838) |
#0838 | Carkol | Rock, Fire | Rolycoly (#837), Coalossal (#839) |
#0839 | Coalossal | Rock, Fire | Carkol (#838), Gigantamax |
#0840 | Applin | Grass, Dragon | Beginning of evolution, Flapple (#841), Appletun (#842), Dipplin (#1011) |
#0841 | Flapple | Grass, Dragon | Applin (#840), Gigantamax |
#0842 | Appletun | Grass, Dragon | Applin (#840), Gigantamax |
#0843 | Silicobra | Ground | Beginning of evolution, Sandaconda (#844) |
#0844 | Sandaconda | Ground | Silicobra (#843), Gigantamax |
#0845 | Cramorant | Flying, Water | No evolution |
#0846 | Arrokuda | Water | Beginning of evolution, Barraskewda (#847) |
#0847 | Barraskewda | Water | Arrokuda (#846), End of evolution |
#0848 | Toxel | Electric, Poison | Beginning of evolution, Toxtricity (#849) |
#0849 | Toxtricity | Electric, Poison | Toxel (#848), Gigantamax |
#0850 | Sizzlipede | Fire, Bug | Beginning of evolution, Centiskorch (#851) |
#0851 | Centiskorch | Fire, Bug | Sizzlipede (#850), Gigantamax |
#0852 | Clobbopus | Fighting | Beginning of evolution, Grapploct (#853) |
#0853 | Grapploct | Fighting | Clobbopus (#852), End of evolution |
#0854 | Sinistea | Ghost | Beginning of evolution, Polteageist (#855) |
#0855 | Polteageist | Ghost | Sinistea (#854), End of evolution |
#0856 | Hatenna | Psychic | Beginning of evolution, Hattrem (#857) |
#0857 | Hattrem | Psychic | Hatenna (#856), Hatterene (#858) |
#0858 | Hatterene | Psychic, Fairy | Hattrem (#857), Gigantamax |
#0859 | Impidimp | Dark, Fairy | Beginning of evolution, Morgrem (#860) |
#0860 | Morgrem | Dark, Fairy | Impidimp (#859), Grimmsnarl (#861) |
#0861 | Grimmsnarl | Dark, Fairy | Morgrem (#860), Gigantamax |
#0862 | Obstagoon | Dark, Normal | Galarian Linoone (#264), End of evolution |
#0863 | Perrserker | Steel | Galarian Meowth (#052), End of evolution |
#0864 | Cursola | Ghost | Galarian Corsola (#222), End of evolution |
#0865 | Sirfetch’d | Fighting | Galarian Farfetch’d (#083), End of evolution |
#0866 | Mr. Rime | Ice, Psychic | Galarian Mr. Mime (#122), End of evolution |
#0867 | Runerigus | Ground, Ghost | Galarian Yamask (#562), End of evolution |
#0868 | Milcery | Fairy | Beginning of evolution, Alcremie (#869) |
#0869 | Alcremie | Fairy | Milcery (#868), Gigantamax |
#0870 | Falinks | Fighting | No evolution |
#0871 | Pincurchin | Electric | No evolution |
#0872 | Snom | Ice, Bug | Beginning of evolution, Frosmoth (#873) |
#0873 | Frosmoth | Ice, Bug | Snom (#872), End of evolution |
#0874 | Stonjourner | Rock | No evolution |
#0875 | Eiscue | Ice | No evolution |
#0876 | Indeedee | Psychic, Normal | No evolution |
#0877 | Morpeko | Electric, Dark | No evolution |
#0878 | Cufant | Steel | Beginning of evolution, Copperajah (#879) |
#0879 | Copperajah | Steel | Cufant (#878), Gigantamax |
#0880 | Dracozolt | Electric, Dragon | No evolution |
#0881 | Arctozolt | Electric, Ice | No evolution |
#0882 | Dracovish | Water, Dragon | No evolution |
#0883 | Arctovish | Water, Ice | No evolution |
#0884 | Duraludon | Steel, Dragon | Beginning of evolution, Archaludon (#????), Gigantamax |
#0885 | Dreepy | Dragon, Ghost | Beginning of evolution, Drakloak (#886) |
#0886 | Drakloak | Dragon, Ghost | Dreepy (#885), Dragapult (#887) |
#0887 | Dragapult | Dragon, Ghost | Drakloak (#886), End of evolution |
#0888 | Zacian | Fairy Fairy, Steel | No evolution |
#0889 | Zamazenta | Fighting Fighting, Steel | No evolution |
#0890 | Eternatus | Poison, Dragon | No evolution |
#0891 | Kubfu | Fighting | Beginning of evolution, Urshifu (#892) |
#0892 | Urshifu | Fighting, Dark Fighting, Water | Kubfu (#891), Gigantamax |
#0893 | Zarude | Dark, Grass | No evolution |
#0894 | Regieleki | Electric | No evolution |
#0895 | Regidrago | Dragon | No evolution |
#0896 | Glastrier | Ice | No evolution |
#0897 | Spectrier | Ghost | No evolution |
#0898 | Calyrex | Psychic, Grass Psychic, Ice Psychic, Ghost | No evolution |
#0899 | Wyrdeer | Normal, Psychic | Stantler (#234), End of evolution |
#0900 | Kleavor | Bug, Rock | Scyther (#123), End of evolution |
#0901 | Ursaluna | Ground, Normal | Ursaring (#217), End of evolution |
#0902 | Basculegion | Water, Ghost | Basculin (#550), End of evolution |
#0903 | Sneasler | Poison, Fighting | Sneasel (#215), End of evolution |
#0904 | Overqwil | Dark, Poison | Qwilfish (#211), End of evolution |
#0905 | Enamorus | Fairy, Flying | No evolution |