



Pokémon Let’s Go Pikachu & Let’s Go Eevee vs. Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl: Full Comparison

Pokémon Let’s Go Pikachu & Let’s Go Eevee vs. Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl: Full Comparison

The Nintendo Switch is one of the most popular consoles on the market and in history. With over 130 million units sold, the portable system has revolutionized the industry. With this popularity, bringing back old classics for fans is a no-brainer. Not everyone has a DS or Game Boy but wants to experience older games with a fresh makeover.

Let’s Go, Pikachu/Eevee!, and Brilliant Diamond/ Shining Pearl do exactly that for Pokemon fans. These games are remakes of the originals, allowing new fans to play modernized versions with the convenience of their Switch. But when looking at the two, deciding which one is right for you can be difficult. Look no further, as this article will break down everything there is to know about them. Their differences, similarities, and unique features listed will help you figure out which game fits your needs.  


Two logos for Let's Go Pokemon.
Using Pokemon like Charizard to fly, causes players to skip over battles and wild Pokemon encounters.

As mentioned, both of these games are remakes of past titles. Let’s Go, Pikachu/Eevee! are remakes of Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow, released in 1996 (Japan). Let’s Go ushered in a new age for Pokemon by becoming the first title in the franchise released on Switch. Since 2018, when the game was released, all Pokemon games have been exclusively released on the Switch. The game sold over 15 million copies worldwide and quickly became one of the most successful titles in the series. 

On the other hand, Pokemon Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl remakes the 2006 release of Diamond/Pearl. Like Let’s Go, the games feature an overhaul to the graphics and engine to give a modern and sleek design. As of 2022, BD/SP has sold over 14 million copies worldwide, which isn’t too far from the 17 million copies the original games sold.           

CategoryLet’s Go, Pikachu/EeveeBrilliant Diamond/ Shining Pearl
Release Year20182021
Total Units Sold15 million 14 million
ConsoleNintendo SwitchNintendo Switch


Kanto Sinnoh
The Kanto region is often seen as primitive compared to other regions, considering it was the first one.

Let’s Go, Pikachu/Eevee is set in the Kanto region, the first region created for the franchise. It takes its name and is inspired by its real-life Japanese counterpart. Players start in Pallet Town before venturing out into the world. With eight cities, one island, caves, forests, water routes, and the Indigo Plateau, there is much to explore. 

Brilliant Diamond/ Shining Pearl occurs in the Sinnoh region, an island north of Kanto. The area is based on the Japanese island of Hokkaido. Due to its location, it featured the first snow/cold weather route in the franchise. A large mountain splits the island in half, creating two distinct sub-regions. It also doesn’t have many water routes, with most areas in the games taking place on land despite being an island.      


Promotional art for Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl shows characters exploring the new Grand Underground.
Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl features a Chibi art style that shows off the colorful world of Pokemon.

While comparing these two games, it’s important to understand how they changed from the original titles. Knowing how they altered and modernized the games will also help show their differences. 

Let’s Go, Pikachu/Eevee added many more features than Red/Blue/Yellow. Not only is there a twenty-year difference in release date, but Let’s Go also followed the success of Pokemon GO. While the games still follow the original story, characters, Pokemon, etc., some notable changes exist. Not all of these changes were well-received by fans, but they helped show a new direction for the franchise.   

  • No Wild Battles: Players can only capture wild Pokemon instead of battling wild Pokemon. The battle mechanic was removed to feature the new catch mechanic from Pokemon GO because most players were running from wild Pokemon. 
  • Random Encounters: They removed random encounters and introduced wandering Pokemon that players can choose to walk into.
  • Pokemon GO: The game is integrated with the Pokemon GO app, including a transfer feature. After linking your accounts, the Pokemon you catch in Pokemon GO can appear in your Let’s Go game.  
  • Poke Ball Controller: Players can use a new controller shaped like a Poke Ball for catching Pokemon. 
  • Co-Op: Players can play Let’s Go with one other friend and explore the world together and battle.
  • Customization: Players can customize the look of their character instead of choosing one of two base options. They can also put various outfits on their starter Pikachu/Eevee. 

There are several big differences that BD/SP makes from the original games. The games are more faithful remakes than Let’s Go, bringing back features like battling wild Pokemon and random encounters. But let’s examine the changes the games make to get a better understanding of the remake.

  • HM Moves: HM or Hidden Machine moves make their return in BD/SP. In the original games, players had to teach these moves to Pokemon in order to access certain areas. Only the required HMs return and no longer require teaching one of your own Pokemon to use them. 
  • Auto-Save: Unlike past titles, BD/SP have auto-saves, meaning you won’t have to save after every minor accomplishment manually. 
  • Portable PC: Players can access their PC from anywhere after unlocking it following the first Gym Battle. No longer will players have to travel to a Pokemon Center to swap out Pokemon. 
  • Exp. Share: Pokemon can now gain experience and level without having to battle. If one Pokemon wins a battle, every Pokemon on the team will receive some exp.
  • Battle Knowledge: After battling a Pokemon once, the game will inform you which moves are effective/not effective, making fights easier. 
  • Pokemon Platinum: Many consider Pokemon Platinum as one of the best games in the franchise. The game fixed issues from Diamond/Pearl and created one of the most memorable experiences. However, content and changes from Platinum cannot be found in these remakes, as they aim to be more faithful to their respective original games.

Gym Battles

Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu!

Both games feature Elite Four and Gym Battles to become the Pokemon Champion. In Let’s Go, Pikachu/Eevee! players must travel to the Indigo Plateau and battle Lorelei, Bruno, Agatha, Lance, and their rival after defeating eight Gym Leaders. Trainers must battle Aaron, Bertha, Flint, Lucian, and Champion Cynthia in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl after defeating eight Gym Leaders.

These remakes make the final encounters a lot easier due to features like Exp. Share, which was not present in the original games. This can be good or bad, depending on your play style. Exp. Share eliminates hours of level grinding but can often make your team over-leveled, leading to easy victories against the Elite Four and Champion with just a few hits.


Pokémon Brilliant Diamond

Each remake features the original Pokemon, except for Let’s Go, which adds one new Mythical Pokemon, Meltan. Other than that, Let’s Go, Pikachu/Eevee! has the classic 151 Pokemon fans have come to know and love. BD/SP features the Generation IV Pokedex but incorporates some changes to movepools introduced in Generation VIII.

Let’s Go, Pikachu/Eevee! Pokedex

Pokedex #PokemonTypeEvolution
#001BulbasaurGrass, PoisonBeginning of evolution, Ivysaur (#002)
#002IvysaurGrass, PoisonBulbasaur (#001), Venusaur (#003)
#003VenusaurGrass, PoisonIvysaur (#002), Mega Evolution, Gigantamax
#004CharmanderFireBeginning of evolution, Charmeleon (#005)
#005CharmeleonFireCharmander (#004), Charizard (#006)
#006CharizardFire, FlyingCharmeleon (#005), Two Mega Evolutions
, Gigantamax
#007SquirtleWaterBeginning of evolution, Wartortle (#008)
#008WartortleWaterSquirtle (#007), Blastoise (#009)
#009BlastoiseWaterWartortle (#008), Mega Evolution, Gigantamax
#0010CaterpieBugBeginning of evolution, Metapod (#011)
#0011MetapodBugCaterpie (#010), Butterfree (#012)
#0012ButterfreeBug, FlyingMetapod (#011), Gigantamax
#0013WeedleBug, PoisonBeginning of evolution, Kakuna (#014)
#0014KakunaBug, PoisonWeedle (#013), Beedrill (#015)
#0015BeedrillBug, PoisonKakuna (#014), Mega Evolution
#0016PidgeyNormal, FlyingBeginning of evolution, Pidgeotto (#017)
#0017PidgeottoNormal, FlyingPidgey (#016), Pidgeot (#018)
#0018PidgeotNormal, FlyingPidgeotto (#017), Mega Evolution
#0019RattataNormalBeginning of evolution, Raticate (#020)
#0020RaticateNormalRattata (#019), End of evolution
#0021SpearowNormal, FlyingBeginning of evolution, Fearow (#022)
#0022FearowNormal, FlyingSpearow (#021), End of evolution
#0023EkansPoisonBeginning of evolution, Arbok (#024)
#0024ArbokPoisonEkans (#023), End of evolution
#0025PikachuElectricPichu (#172), Raichu (#026), Gigantamax
#0026RaichuElectricPikachu (#025), End of evolution
#0027SandshrewGroundBeginning of evolution, Sandslash (#028)
#0028SandslashGroundSandshrew (#027), End of evolution
#0029Nidoran♀PoisonBeginning of evolution, Nidorina (#030)
#0030NidorinaPoisonNidoran♀ (#029), Nidoqueen (#031)
#0031NidoqueenPoison, GroundNidorina (#030), End of evolution
#0032Nidoran♂PoisonBeginning of evolution, Nidorino (#033)
#0033NidorinoPoisonNidoran♂ (#032), Nidoking (#034)
#0034NidokingPoison, GroundNidorino (#033), End of evolution
#0035ClefairyFairyCleffa (#173), Clefable (#036)
#0036ClefableFairyClefairy (#035), End of evolution
#0037VulpixFireBeginning of evolution, Ninetales (#038)
#0038NinetalesFireVulpix (#037), End of evolution
#0039JigglypuffNormal, FairyIgglybuff (#174), Wigglytuff (#040)
#0040WigglytuffNormal, FairyJigglypuff (#039), End of evolution
#0041ZubatPoison, FlyingBeginning of evolution, Golbat (#042)
#0042GolbatPoison, FlyingZubat (#041), Crobat (#169)
#0043OddishGrass, PoisonBeginning of evolution, Gloom (#044)
#0044GloomGrass, PoisonOddish (#043), Vileplume (#045), Bellossom (#182)
#0045VileplumeGrass, PoisonGloom (#044), End of evolution
#0046ParasBug, GrassBeginning of evolution, Parasect (#047)
#0047ParasectBug, GrassParas (#046), End of evolution
#0048VenonatBug, PoisonBeginning of evolution, Venomoth (#049)
#0049VenomothBug, PoisonVenonat (#048), End of evolution
#0050DiglettGroundBeginning of evolution, Dugtrio (#051)
#0051DugtrioGroundDiglett (#050), End of evolution
#0052MeowthNormalBeginning of evolution, Persian (#053), Gigantamax
#0053PersianNormalMeowth (#052), End of evolution
#0054PsyduckWaterBeginning of evolution, Golduck (#055)
#0055GolduckWaterPsyduck (#054), End of evolution
#0056MankeyFightingBeginning of evolution, Primeape (#057)
#0057PrimeapeFightingMankey (#056), Annihilape (#979)
#0058GrowlitheFireBeginning of evolution, Arcanine (#059)
#0059ArcanineFireGrowlithe (#058), End of evolution
#0060PoliwagWaterBeginning of evolution, Poliwhirl (#061)
#0061PoliwhirlWaterPoliwag (#060), Poliwrath (#062), Politoed (#186)
#0062PoliwrathWater, FightingPoliwhirl (#061), End of evolution
#0063AbraPsychicBeginning of evolution, Kadabra (#064)
#0064KadabraPsychicAbra (#063), Alakazam (#065)
#0065AlakazamPsychicKadabra (#064), Mega Evolution
#0066MachopFightingBeginning of evolution, Machoke (#067)
#0067MachokeFightingMachop(#066), Machamp (#068)
#0068MachampFightingMachoke (#067), Gigantamax
#0069BellsproutGrass, PoisonBeginning of evolution, Weepinbell (#070)
#0070WeepinbellGrass, PoisonBellsprout (#069), Victreebel (#071)
#0071VictreebelGrass, PoisonWeepinbell (#070), End of evolution
#0072TentacoolWater, PoisonBeginning of evolution, Tentacruel (#073)
#0073TentacruelWater, PoisonTentacool (#072), End of evolution
#0074GeodudeRock, GroundBeginning of evolution, Graveler (#075)
#0075GravelerRock, GroundGeodude (#074), Golem (#076)
#0076GolemRock, GroundGraveler (#075), End of evolution
#0077PonytaFireBeginning of evolution, Rapidash (#078)
#0078RapidashFirePonyta (#077), End of evolution
#0079SlowpokeWater, PsychicBeginning of evolution, Slowbro (#080), Slowking (#199)
#0080SlowbroWater, PsychicSlowpoke (#079), Mega Evolution
#0081MagnemiteElectric, SteelBeginning of evolution, Magneton (#082)
#0082MagnetonElectric, SteelMagnemite (#081), Magnezone (#462)
#0083Farfetch’dNormal, FlyingNo evolution
#0084DoduoNormal, FlyingBeginning of evolution, Dodrio (#085)
#0085DodrioNormal, FlyingDoduo (#084), End of evolution
#0086SeelWaterBeginning of evolution, Dewgong (#087)
#0087DewgongWater, IceSeel (#086), End of evolution
#0088GrimerPoisonBeginning of evolution, Muk (#089)
#0089MukPoisonGrimer (#088), End of evolution
#0090ShellderWaterBeginning of evolution, Cloyster (#091)
#0091CloysterWater, IceShellder (#090), End of evolution
#0092GastlyGhost, PoisonBeginning of evolution, Haunter (#093)
#0093HaunterGhost, PoisonGastly (#092), Gengar (#094)
#0094GengarGhost, PoisonHaunter (#093), Mega Evolution, Gigantamax Form
#0095OnixRock, GroundBeginning of evolution, Steelix (#208)
#0096DrowzeePsychicBeginning of evolution, Hypno (#097)
#0097HypnoPsychicDrowzee (#096), End of evolution
#0098KrabbyWaterBeginning of evolution, Kingler (#099)
#0099KinglerWaterKrabby (#098), Gigantamax
#0100VoltorbElectricBeginning of evolution, Electrode (#101)
#0101ElectrodeElectricVoltorb (#100), End of evolution
#0102ExeggcuteGrass, PsychicBeginning of evolution, Exeggutor (#103)
#0103ExeggutorGrass, PsychicExeggcute (#102), End of evolution
#0104CuboneGroundBeginning of evolution, Marowak (#105)
#0105MarowakGroundCubone (#104), End of evolution
#0106HitmonleeFightingTyrogue (#236), End of evolution
#0107HitmonchanFightingTyrogue (#236), End of evolution
#0108LickitungNormalBeginning of evolution, Lickilicky (#463)
#0109KoffingPoisonBeginning of evolution, Weezing (#110)
#0110WeezingPoisonKoffing (#109), End of evolution
#0111RhyhornGround, RockBeginning of evolution, Rhydon (#112)
#0112RhydonGround, RockRhyhorn (#111), Rhyperior (#464)
#0113ChanseyNormalHappiny (#440), Blissey (#242)
#0114TangelaGrassBeginning of evolution, Tangrowth (#465)
#0115KangaskhanNormalBeginning of evolution, Mega Evolution
#0116HorseaWaterBeginning of evolution, Seadra (#117)
#0117SeadraWaterHorsea (#116), Kingdra (#230)
#0118GoldeenWaterBeginning of evolution, Seaking (#119)
#0119SeakingWaterGoldeen (#118), End of evolution
#0120StaryuWaterBeginning of evolution, Starmie (#121)
#0121StarmieWater, PsychicStaryu (#120), End of evolution
#0122Mr. MimePsychic, FairyMime Jr. (#439), End of evolution
#0123ScytherBug, FlyingBeginning of evolution, Scizor (#212), Kleavor (#901)
#0124JynxIce, PsychicSmoochum (#238), End of evolution
#0125ElectabuzzElectricElekid (#239), Electivire (#466)
#0126MagmarFireMagby (#240), Magmortar (#467)
#0127PinsirBugBeginning of evolution, Mega Evolution
#0128TaurosNormalNo evolution
#0129MagikarpWaterBeginning of evolution, Gyarados (#130)
#0130GyaradosWater, FlyingMagikarp (#129), Mega Evolution
#0131LaprasWater, IceBeginning of evolution, Gigantamax
#0132DittoNormalNo evolution
#0133EeveeNormalBeginning of evolution, Multiple, Gigantamax
#0134VaporeonWaterEevee (#133), End of Evolution
#0135JolteonElectricEevee (#133), End of evolution
#0136FlareonFireEevee (#133), End of evolution
#0137PorygonNormalBeginning of evolution, Porygon2 (#233)
#0138OmanyteRock, WaterBeginning of evolution, Omastar (#139)
#0139OmastarRock, WaterOmanyte (#138), End of evolution
#0140KabutoRock, WaterBeginning of evolution, Kabutops (#141)
#0141KabutopsRock, WaterKabuto (#140), End of evolution
#0142AerodactylRock, FlyingBeginning of evolution, Mega Evolution
#0143SnorlaxNormalMunchlax (#446), Gigantamax
#0144ArticunoIce, FlyingNo evolution
#0145ZapdosElectric, FlyingNo evolution
#0146MoltresFire, FlyingNo evolution
#0147DratiniDragonBeginning of evolution, Dragonair (#148)
#0148DragonairDragonDratini (#147), Dragonite (#149)
#0149DragoniteDragon, FlyingDragonair (#148), End of evolution
#0150MewtwoPsychicBeginning of evolution, Two Mega Evolutions
#0151MewPsychicNo evolution
Pokémon: Let's Go, Eevee!

Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl Pokedex

Pokedex #PokemonTypeEvolution
#0387TurtwigGrassBeginning of evolution, Grotle (#388)
#0388GrotleGrassTurtwig (#387), Torterra (#389)
#0389TorterraGrass, GroundGrotle (#388), End of evolution
#0390ChimcharFireBeginning of evolution, Monferno (#391)
#0391MonfernoFire, FightingChimchar (#390), Infernape (#392)
#0392InfernapeFire, FightingMonferno (#391), End of evolution
#0393PiplupWaterBeginning of evolution, Prinplup (#394)
#0394PrinplupWaterPiplup (#393), Empoleon (#395)
#0395EmpoleonWater, SteelPrinplup (#394), End of evolution
#0396StarlyNormal, FlyingBeginning of evolution, Staravia (#397)
#0397StaraviaNormal, FlyingStarly (#396), Staraptor (#398)
#0398StaraptorNormal, FlyingStaravia (#397), End of evolution
#0399BidoofNormalBeginning of evolution, Bibarel (#400)
#0400BibarelNormal, WaterBidoof (#399), End of evolution
#0401KricketotBugBeginning of evolution, Kricketune (#402)
#0402KricketuneBugKricketot (#401), End of evolution
#0403ShinxElectricBeginning of evolution, Luxio (#404)
#0404LuxioElectricShinx (#403), Luxray (#405)
#0405LuxrayElectricLuxio (#404), End of evolution
#0406BudewGrass, PoisonBeginning of evolution, Roselia (#315)
#0407RoseradeGrass, PoisonRoselia (#315), End of evolution
#0408CranidosRockBeginning of evolution, Rampardos (#409)
#0409RampardosRockCranidos (#408), End of evolution
#0410ShieldonRock, SteelBeginning of evolution, Bastiodon (#411)
#0411BastiodonRock, SteelShieldon (#410), End of evolution
#0412BurmyBugBeginning of evolution, Wormadam (#413), Mothim (#414)
#0413WormadamBug, Grass
Bug, Ground
Bug, Steel
Burmy (#412), End of evolution
#0414MothimBug, FlyingBurmy (#412), End of evolution
#0415CombeeBug, FlyingBeginning of evolution, Vespiquen (#416)
#0416VespiquenBug, FlyingCombee (#415), End of evolution
#0417PachirisuElectricNo evolution
#0418BuizelWaterBeginning of evolution, Floatzel (#419)
#0419FloatzelWaterBuizel (#418), End of evolution
#0420CherubiGrassBeginning of evolution, Cherrim (#421)
#0421CherrimGrassCherubi (#420), End of evolution
#0422ShellosWaterBeginning of evolution, Gastrodon (#423)
#0423GastrodonWater, GroundShellos (#422), End of evolution
#0424AmbipomNormal,Aipom (#190), End of evolution
#0425DrifloonGhost, FlyingBeginning of evolution, Drifblim (#426)
#0426DrifblimGhost, FlyingDrifloon (#425), End of evolution
#0427BunearyNormalBeginning of evolution, Lopunny (#428)
#0428LopunnyNormalBuneary (#427), Mega Evolution
#0429MismagiusGhostMisdreavus (#200), End of evolution
#0430HonchkrowDark, FlyingMurkrow (#198), End of evolution
#0431GlameowNormalBeginning of evolution, Purugly (#432)
#0432PuruglyNormalGlameow (#431), End of evolution
#0433ChinglingPsychicBeginning of evolution, Chimecho (#358)
#0434StunkyPoison, DarkBeginning of evolution, Skuntank (#435)
#0435SkuntankPoison, DarkStunky (#434), End of evolution
#0436BronzorSteel, PsychicBeginning of evolution, Bronzong (#437)
#0437BronzongSteel, PsychicBronzor (#436), End of evolution
#0438BonslyRockBeginning of evolution, Sudowoodo (#185)
#0439Mime Jr.Psychic, FairyBeginning of evolution, Mr. Mime (#122)
#0440HappinyNormalBeginning of evolution, Chansey (#113)
#0441ChatotNormal, FlyingNo evolution
#0442SpiritombGhost, DarkNo evolution
#0443GibleDragon, GroundBeginning of evolution, Gabite (#444)
#0444GabiteDragon, GroundGible (#443), Garchomp (#445)
#0445GarchompDragon, GroundGabite (#444), Mega Evolution
#0446MunchlaxNormalBeginning of evolution, Snorlax (#143)
#0447RioluFightingBeginning of evolution, Lucario (#448)
#0448LucarioFighting, SteelRiolu (#447), Mega Evolution
#0449HippopotasGroundBeginning of evolution, Hippowdon (#450)
#0450HippowdonGroundHippopotas (#449), End of evolution
#0451SkorupiPoison, BugBeginning of evolution, Drapion (#452)
#0452DrapionPoison, DarkSkorupi (#451), End of evolution
#0453CroagunkPoison, FightingBeginning of evolution, Toxicroak (#454)
#0454ToxicroakPoison, FightingToxicroak (#453), End of evolution
#0455CarnivineGrassNo evolution
#0456FinneonWaterBeginning of evolution, Lumineon (#457)
#0457LumineonWaterFinneon (#456), End of evolution
#0458MantykeWater, FlyingBeginning of evolution, Mantine (#226)
#0459SnoverGrass, IceBeginning of evolution, Abomasnow (#460)
#0460AbomasnowGrass, IceSnover (#459), Mega Evolution
#0461WeavileDark, IceSneasel (#215), End of evolution
#0462MagnezoneElectric, SteelMagneton (#082), End of evolution
#0463LickilickyNormalLickitung (#108), End of evolution
#0464RhyperiorGround, RockRhydon (#112), End of evolution
#0465TangrowthGrassTangela (#114), End of evolution
#0466ElectivireElectricElectabuzz (#125), End of evolution
#0467MagmortarFireMagmar (#126), End of evolution
#0468TogekissFairy, FlyingTogetic (#176), End of evolution
#0469YanmegaBug, FlyingYanma (#193), End of evolution
#0470LeafeonGrassEevee (#133), End of evolution
#0471GlaceonIceEevee (#133), End of evolution
#0472GliscorGround, FlyingGligar (#207), End of evolution
#0473MamoswineIce, GroundPiloswine (#221), End of evolution
#0474Porygon-ZNormalPorygon2 (#233), End of evolution
#0475GalladePsychic, FightingKirlia (#281), Mega Evolution
#0476ProbopassRock, SteelNosepass (#299), End of evolution
#0477DusknoirGhostDusclops (#356), End of evolution
#0478FroslassIce, GhostSnorunt (#361), End of evolution
#0479RotomElectric, Ghost
Electric, Fire
Electric, Water
Electric, Ice
Electric, Flying
Electric, Grass
No evolution
#0480UxiePsychicNo evolution
#0481MespritPsychicNo evolution
#0482AzelfPsychicNo evolution
#0483DialgaSteel, DragonNo evolution
#0484PalkiaWater, DragonNo evolution
#0485HeatranFire, SteelNo evolution
#0486RegigigasNormalNo evolution
#0487GiratinaGhost, DragonNo evolution
#0488CresseliaPsychicNo evolution
#0489PhioneWaterNo evolution
#0490ManaphyWaterNo evolution
#0491DarkraiDarkNo evolution
Grass, Flying
No evolution
#0493ArceusNormalNo evolution
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