Heartgold and Soulsilver stand as timeless classics that captivated the hearts of both new and seasoned trainers. Released in 2009 as enhanced remakes of the iconic Pokémon Gold and Silver, these games transport players to the scenic Johto region, where a new adventure awaits alongside the ability to revisit the Kanto region. With their innovative Pokéwalker accessory, rich storytelling, and the introduction of gameplay features that would become staples in the franchise, Heartgold and Soulsilver left an indelible mark on the world of Pokémon, reminding us that the thrill of becoming a Pokémon Champion never truly fades.
Now, let’s discuss why you’re here. Choosing the best Pokémon is difficult. There are a multitude of factors: personal preference, style, power, move lists, and more. For our list, we’ll base our decision on move lists, appearance, and presence.
Pokémon in Heartgold & Soulsilver
First, let’s list all available Pokémon in Heartgold & Soulsilver. As with every generation, some Pokémon are locked behind certain editions.
Generation I Pokémon in HeartGold & SoulSilver:
Pokémon | HeartGold | SoulSilver |
Bulbasaur | Yes | No |
Charmander | Yes | No |
Squirtle | Yes | No |
Caterpie | Yes | Yes |
Weedle | Yes | Yes |
Pidgey | Yes | Yes |
Rattata | Yes | Yes |
Spearow | Yes | No |
Ekans | Yes | No |
Pikachu | Yes | Yes |
Sandshrew | Yes | No |
Nidoran♀ | Yes | No |
Nidoran♂ | Yes | No |
Clefairy | Yes | No |
Vulpix | Yes | No |
Jigglypuff | Yes | Yes |
Zubat | Yes | Yes |
Oddish | Yes | Yes |
Paras | Yes | No |
Venonat | Yes | No |
Diglett | Yes | No |
Meowth | Yes | No |
Psyduck | Yes | No |
Mankey | Yes | No |
Growlithe | Yes | No |
Poliwag | Yes | Yes |
Abra | Yes | No |
Machop | Yes | No |
Bellsprout | Yes | No |
Tentacool | Yes | No |
Geodude | Yes | No |
Ponyta | Yes | Yes |
Slowpoke | Yes | Yes |
Magnemite | Yes | No |
Farfetch’d | Yes | No |
Doduo | Yes | No |
Seel | Yes | Yes |
Grimer | Yes | No |
Shellder | Yes | Yes |
Gastly | Yes | No |
Onix | Yes | Yes |
Drowzee | Yes | No |
Krabby | Yes | No |
Voltorb | Yes | No |
Exeggcute | Yes | Yes |
Cubone | Yes | Yes |
Hitmonlee | Yes | No |
Hitmonchan | Yes | No |
Lickitung | Yes | No |
Koffing | Yes | No |
Weezing | Yes | No |
Rhyhorn | Yes | No |
Chansey | Yes | No |
Tangela | Yes | No |
Kangaskhan | Yes | No |
Horsea | Yes | No |
Goldeen | Yes | No |
Seaking | Yes | No |
Staryu | Yes | No |
Mr. Mime | Yes | No |
Scyther | Yes | Yes |
Jynx | Yes | No |
Electabuzz | Yes | Yes |
Magmar | Yes | Yes |
Pinsir | Yes | Yes |
Tauros | Yes | No |
Magikarp | Yes | Yes |
Gyarados | Yes | Yes |
Lapras | Yes | No |
Ditto | Yes | Yes |
Eevee | Yes | Yes |
Vaporeon | Yes | No |
Jolteon | Yes | No |
Flareon | Yes | No |
Porygon | Yes | No |
Omanyte | Yes | No |
Kabuto | Yes | No |
Aerodactyl | Yes | No |
Snorlax | Yes | Yes |
Articuno | Yes | No |
Zapdos | Yes | No |
Moltres | Yes | No |
Dratini | Yes | No |
Mewtwo | Yes | No |
Mew | Yes | No |
Generation II Pokémon in HeartGold & SoulSilver:
Pokémon | HeartGold | SoulSilver |
Chikorita | Yes | No |
Cyndaquil | Yes | No |
Totodile | Yes | No |
Sentret | Yes | Yes |
Hoothoot | Yes | Yes |
Ledyba | Yes | Yes |
Spinarak | Yes | Yes |
Mareep | Yes | Yes |
Marill | Yes | Yes |
Sudowoodo | Yes | Yes |
Hoppip | Yes | Yes |
Aipom | Yes | Yes |
Sunkern | Yes | Yes |
Wooper | Yes | Yes |
Quagsire | Yes | Yes |
Espeon | Yes | No |
Umbreon | Yes | No |
Murkrow | Yes | Yes |
Slowking | Yes | Yes |
Misdreavous | Yes | Yes |
Unown | Yes | Yes |
Wobbuffet | Yes | Yes |
Girafarig | Yes | Yes |
Pineco | Yes | Yes |
Forretress | Yes | Yes |
Dunsparce | Yes | Yes |
Gligar | Yes | Yes |
Steelix | Yes | Yes |
Snubbull | Yes | Yes |
Granbull | Yes | Yes |
Qwilfish | Yes | Yes |
Scizor | Yes | Yes |
Shuckle | Yes | Yes |
Heracross | Yes | Yes |
Sneasel | Yes | Yes |
Teddiursa | Yes | Yes |
Ursaring | Yes | Yes |
Slugma | Yes | Yes |
Magcargo | Yes | Yes |
Swinub | Yes | Yes |
Piloswine | Yes | Yes |
Corsola | Yes | Yes |
Remoraid | Yes | Yes |
Octillery | Yes | Yes |
Delibird | Yes | Yes |
Mantine | Yes | Yes |
Skarmory | Yes | Yes |
Houndour | Yes | Yes |
Houndoom | Yes | Yes |
Kingdra | Yes | Yes |
Phanpy | Yes | Yes |
Donphan | Yes | Yes |
Porygon2 | Yes | Yes |
Stantler | Yes | Yes |
Smeargle | Yes | Yes |
Tyrogue | Yes | Yes |
Hitmontop | Yes | Yes |
Smoochum | Yes | Yes |
Elekid | Yes | Yes |
Magby | Yes | Yes |
Miltank | Yes | Yes |
Blissey | Yes | Yes |
Raikou | Yes | Yes |
Entei | Yes | Yes |
Suicune | Yes | Yes |
Larvitar | Yes | Yes |
Pupitar | Yes | Yes |
Tyranitar | Yes | Yes |
Lugia | Yes | No |
Ho-Oh | Yes | Yes |
Celebi | Yes | No |
If we’re going to make a realistic list, we’ll ignore first-generation Pokémon. Instead, we’ll only choose new Pokémon. Also, these Pokémon will be listed in no particular order.
1. Salamence

Salamence stands out as one of the most formidable choices for trainers due to its remarkable stats, versatile move pool, and overall combat prowess. Its Dragon/Flying typing provides a unique combination of resistances and only two vulnerabilities. Salamence’s extensive moves include potent Dragon-type and Flying-type attacks and diverse coverage moves. To harness the full capabilities of Salamence, beginning with Bagon, evolving into Shelgon at level 30, and eventually into Salamence at level 50, is the path to a Pokémon that can soar to victory.
Salamence’s Move List in HeartGold & SoulSilver:
- Dragon Claw (Dragon-type)
- Type Strengths: Dragon
- Type Weaknesses: Steel, Fairy
- Fire Blast (Fire-type)
- Type Strengths: Grass, Bug, Ice, Steel
- Type Weaknesses: Water, Rock, Fire
- Aerial Ace (Flying-type)
- Type Strengths: Grass, Fighting, Bug
- Type Weaknesses: Electric, Rock, Steel
Salamence’s Evolution Guide in HeartGold & SoulSilver:
- Bagon evolves into Shelgon at level 30.
- Shelgon evolves into Salamence at level 50.
Salamence’s Move List in HeartGold & SoulSilver:
- Dragon-type
- Flying-type
Strengths (Dragon-type):
- Dragon
Weaknesses (Dragon-type):
- Steel
- Fairy
Strengths (Flying-type):
- Grass
- Fighting
- Bug
Weaknesses (Flying-type):
- Electric
- Rock
- Steel
2. Lugia

Lugia is a captivating and awe-inspiring creature found in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver. It is a Psychic/Flying type with a move pool that includes powerful attacks like Aeroblast, Hydro Pump, and Psychic. Lugia is a symbol of strength and is a versatile powerhouse in battles. Its ability to control the weather and calm storms adds to its mystique, making it a legendary Pokémon sought after by trainers for its grace and power. Since it’s a legendary Pokémon, there is no evolution.
Lugia’s Move List in HeartGold & SoulSilver:
- Aeroblast (Flying-type)
- Type Strengths: Grass, Fighting, Bug
- Type Weaknesses: Electric, Rock, Steel
- Hydro Pump (Water-type)
- Type Strengths: Fire, Ground, Rock
- Type Weaknesses: Water, Grass, Electric
- Psychic (Psychic-type)
- Type Strengths: Fighting, Poison
- Type Weaknesses: Bug, Ghost, Dark
- AncientPower (Rock-type)
- Type Strengths: Fire, Ice, Flying, Bug
- Type Weaknesses: Water, Grass, Fighting, Ground, Steel
Lugia’s Type Strengths and Weaknesses:
- Psychic-type
- Flying-type
Strengths (Psychic-type):
- Fighting
- Poison
Weaknesses (Psychic-type):
- Bug
- Ghost
- Dark
Strengths (Flying-type):
- Grass
- Fighting
- Bug
Weaknesses (Flying-type):
- Electric
- Rock
- Steel
3. Greninja

Greninja is a remarkable Water/Dark-type Pokémon known for its sleek and agile demeanor. Its mastery over Water-type moves, highlighted by the swift Water Shuriken, showcases Greninja’s battle versatility and potency. As Froakie evolves, it eventually transforms into the enigmatic Greninja, offering a unique journey of growth and transformation. It’s a perfect combination of creativity and strength and brings an ideal balance to most teams.
Greninja’s Move List and Evolution Path in Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver:
- Water Shuriken (Water-type)
- Type Strengths: Fire, Ground, Rock
- Type Weaknesses: Water, Grass, Electric
- Hydro Pump (Water-type)
- Type Strengths: Fire, Ground, Rock
- Type Weaknesses: Water, Grass, Electric
- Aerial Ace (Flying-type)
- Type Strengths: Grass, Fighting, Bug
- Type Weaknesses: Electric, Rock, Steel
- Froakie evolves into Frogadier starting at level 16.
- Frogadier evolves into Greninja starting at level 36.
Greninja’s Type Strengths and Weaknesses:
- Water-type
- Dark-type
Strengths (Water-type):
- Fire
- Ground
- Rock
Weaknesses (Water-type):
- Water
- Grass
- Electric
Strengths (Dark-type):
- Ghost
- Psychic
Weaknesses (Dark-type):
- Fighting
- Bug
- Fairy
4. Heracross

Heracross boasts an impressive Bug/Fighting-type combination that makes it a force to be reckoned with. With its signature move, Megahorn, Heracross can deliver powerful Bug-type attacks, taking advantage of its opponent’s weaknesses. Additionally, its proficiency in Fighting-type moves like Close Combat and its Ground-type move, Earthquake, provide coverage against various foes. Remarkably, Heracross doesn’t undergo any evolution but is formidable, making it a sought-after choice among trainers who appreciate its raw strength and versatility in battles. Its unique design makes it viable more than just power but also in style.
Heracross’s Move List and Evolution Path in Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver:
- Megahorn (Bug-type)
- Type Strengths: Psychic, Dark, Grass
- Type Weaknesses: Fire, Flying, Rock
- Close Combat (Fighting-type)
- Type Strengths: Normal, Ice, Rock, Dark, Steel
- Type Weaknesses: Flying, Psychic, Fairy
- Earthquake (Ground-type)
- Type Strengths: Fire, Electric, Poison, Rock, Steel
- Type Weaknesses: Grass, Ice, Water
- Heracross does not evolve from or into any other Pokémon.
Strengths (Bug-type Moves):
- Psychic
- Dark
- Grass
Weaknesses (Bug-type Moves):
- Fire
- Flying
- Rock
Strengths (Fighting-type Moves):
- Normal
- Ice
- Rock
- Dark
- Steel
Weaknesses (Fighting-type Moves):
- Flying
- Psychic
- Fairy
Strengths (Ground-type Moves):
- Fire
- Electric
- Poison
- Rock
- Steel
Weaknesses (Ground-type Moves):
- Grass
- Ice
- Water