MLB Pennant Race
Super player
Use the player creation option to create a new pitcher. Enter REX as the first name and BACA as the last name. This player will hit home runs with every successful hit, and can throw 140 mph fast balls.
Super batter
Use the player creation option to create a new pitcher. Enter B as the first name and B as the last name. Name your guy first name B and last name B. This player will hit a home run with every successful hit.
Infinite Strikes | 801F0A1A 0000 |
2 Strikes And You Are Out | D01F0A1A 0000 801F0A1A 0001 |
1 Strike And You Are Out | D01F0A1A 0000 801F0A1A 0002 |
Infinite Balls | 801F0A1C 0000 |
3 Balls And You Walk | D01F0A1C 0000 801F0A1C 0001 |
2 Balls And You Walk | D01F0A1C 0000 801F0A1C 0002 |
1 Ball And You Walk | D01F0A1C 0000 801F0A1C 0003 |
Infinite Outs | 801F0A18 0000 |
2 Outs And The Inning is Over | D01F0A18 0000 801F0A18 0001 |
1 Out And The Inning is Over | D01F0A18 0000 801F0A18 0002 |
Away Team Score Modifier | 3001221E 00?? 30012224 00?? |
Away Team Hits Modifier | 3001221F 00?? 30012225 00?? |
Home Team Score Modifier | 300121DC 00?? 300121E2 00?? |
Home Team Hits Modifier | 300121DE 00?? 300121E3 00?? |
Pitcher Has Infinite Stamina (Home Team) | 801F09F4 0064 |
Pitcher Has No Stamina (Home Team) | 801F09F4 0000 |
Pitcher Has Infinite Stamina (Away Team) | 801F09F6 0064 |
Pitcher Has No Stamina (Away Team) | 801F09F6 0000 |
Character Creation Codes | |
Max Arm | 800B473C 00FF |
Max Control | 800B4740 00FF |
Max Stamina | 800B4744 00FF |
Max Speed | 800B4748 00FF |
Max Glove | 800B474C 00FF |
Max Leap | 800B4750 00FF |
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.