



Nvidia Sales Hit Record Numbers

Nvidia Sales Hit Record Numbers

The PC gaming market is absolutely thriving these days. As a platform that connects things that would otherwise be console exclusive, more and more gamers are turning to the PC platform as a viable gaming alternative. As a result, chipmaker Nvidia is hitting record sales… according to them, at least.

The company recently reported that it saw record sales for the last three months between November and January. Revenue was up by 9% from the same period last year, hitting the $1.25 billion mark. Money from the sales of GeForce GPUs climbed by 38%, and over the course of the year the company made $4.7 billion.

It’s good to know that the PC gaming world is thriving alongside consoles. This may be because the younger generation of gamers grew up with PCs and are less intimidated by building gaming rigs. What do you think? Why do you think PC gaming has seen such a resurgence? Let us know in the comments.

Source: Nvidia

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