



Outlaw Golf Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes for Xbox (XB)

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Outlaw Golf Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes for Xbox (XB)

Outlaw Golf Cheat mode

Create a new file and enter ” Golf_Gone_Wild ” as a case-sensitive name to unlock all courses, golfers, clubs, and events.

Bonus costumes

At the character selection screen, hold L and press Y(2), White, Y, Black, Y to unlock an extra costume for each character.

Super skill

While playing the game, hold R and press White, Back, White, Black, Back. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. You will not slice or hook your shot and will always hit at the set power percentage of your club.

Beating Token

While playing the game, hold R and press Black, X, Black(2), X. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Note: This only works if you do not have any Beating Tokens.

Larger ball

While playing the game, hold R and press Up(3), Down. Repeat this code to increase its effect.

Smaller ball

While playing the game, hold R and press Down(3), Up. Repeat this code to increase its effect.

No wind

While playing the game, hold R and press Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, X(2).

Distract opponent

Start a game with two or more players. While the other person is hitting the ball, press A button to say things to distract them.

More attributes

Play in the tour modes. After completing the putting, driving, etc., you will get more attributes.

Putting help

When putting, press X and a yellow line will appear, showing to path of the ball. Note: You can only do this three times.

New clubs and challenges

After completing the skins mode or match play, you will get new clubs and new challenges for that mode.

Increase composure

Use the following trick in two player mode if your composure is low and you want to increase it without using a Beat Down Token. When teeing off, hit the ball at 100%. While the ball is in flight, press Mulligan. Your composure will increase without losing a Beat Down Token.

Extended beating

When beating up your caddy, if you miss the last hit, keep pressing A repeatedly to continue pounding. This turns a minor failure into a major beating. When using a Beating Token, you can extend the beating far and beyond the fifth hit by repeatedly pressing A for an extra five or six hits. You still have to accurately get the first five hits in order to take advantage of the bonus beatings.

Event bonuses

Successfully complete one of the following events to unlock the corresponding prize:

Event Prize
Jersey Ball Bash Boiler Maker Irons
Rough Riders Cincinnati Balls
Ladies Night Doc Diggler golfer
Garden State Stroke Fest Python Wedge
Back 9 Shuffle Boiler Maker Wedge
Suave’s Revenge Atlas Putter Gold
Hole Lotta Luv! Boiler Maker Fairway Woods
Chicks with Sticks Trixie golfer
Garden State Ménage a Trois Suave’s Balls
Ol’ Blood and Guts Cincinnati Driver
Different Strokes Nelson Balls
Test Drive Killer Miller golfer
Money Talks Coiler Maker Driver
High Rollers Atlas Irons
Stroke Me Atlas Driver
Stroke Me Again Cincinnati Irons
Full Frontal Cincinnati Fairway Woods
Pretty In Pink Atlas Wedge
Odd Ball Classic Scrummy golfer
All The Marbles Atlas Putter (Black)
A Hole In The Sun Python Irons
Tough Crowd Python Fairway Woods
Motley Crew Extacy Putter
Baked On The Bone Suki golfer
Sun Stroke Boiler Maker Putter
Heat Rash Invitational Python Driver
Blister In the Sun Cincinnati Wedge
Hot, Hot, Hot C.C. golfer
The Not-So-Goodfellas Atlas Fairway Woods
The Scorched Earth Classic Extacy Balls
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