RollerCoaster Tycoon 3
Pop balloons
Double click on a loose or held balloon to pop it.
Play with birds
Right click over a bird that is in the air to make it chirp. If it is flying in formation, it will cause the “V” to be re-formed.
Guests will ride anything
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the “options.txt” file in the “c:documents and settings application dataatarirct3 ” folder. Note: this folder is “hidden” by default, so you will have to enable Windows to view hidden files and folders. Add the following lines to that file. Note: You may have to restart a scenario for the changes to take effect.
- GuestsHaveFixedHealth 1
- GuestsIgnoreRideIntensity 1
- GuestsIgnoreRideNausea 1
- GuestsIgnoreRideCost 1
- GuestsRevisitRides 1
- GuestsRideUnratedRides 1
Your guests will ride anything (uber-extreme nausea, intensity) with no problem and keep coming back for more.
No sick guests or too expensive rides
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the “options.txt” file in the “c:documents and settings application dataatarirct3 ” folder. Note: this folder is “hidden” by default, so you will have to enable Windows to view hidden files and folders. Add the following lines to that file. Note: You may have to restart a scenario for the changes to take effect.
- GuestsHaveFixedHealth 0
- GuestsIgnoreRideIntensity 1
- GuestsIgnoreRideNausea 1
- GuestsIgnoreRideCost 0
- GuestsRevisitRides 1
- GuestsRideUnratedRides 1
Coaster go through mountains
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the “options.txt” file in the “c:documents and settings application dataatarirct3 ” folder. Note: this folder is “hidden” by default, so you will have to enable Windows to view hidden files and folders. Add the following line to that file. Note: You may have to restart a scenario for the changes to take effect.
- AttractionSceneryAllowTerrainIntersect 1
Cheat Codes
Rename a guest to one of the following names to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Result | Name |
Increase money by $10,000 [Note] | John D Rockefeller |
Increase park value; on first career mission will double the value rating of your park [Note] | Andrew Gillett |
All rides irresistible to peeps | Jon Roach |
All coasters irresistible to peeps | Sam Denney |
All rides and coasters to never break down | Frontier |
All guests get sick | Make Me Sick |
All guests ride every coaster before leaving | Sam Denney |
All peeps laugh | Atari |
Peep jumps for joy | Chris Sawyer |
Peeps dance | Shifty |
Get the buggy to actually ride through the park | James Hunt |
Removes height restrictions for building coasters | John Wardley |
Infinite launch and chain lift speeds [Note] | David Braben |
Decrease track friction; can help when importing some RCT 1 or 2 coasters [Note] | Andrew Thomas |
New guests not allowed to enter, current guests may leave if desired [Note] | Ghost Town |
Guests stand around looking down at the ground [Note] | Mouse |
“Flying Camera” routes editor [Note] | D Lean |
Peep cam; see through eyes of guest | Jonny Watts |
Unlock advanced fireworks editor | Guido Fawkes |
Everyone moves fast for 20 seconds, but game speed is normal | ATITech |
Big explosion | Atomic |
Peeps take photos [Note] | PhotoStory |
Lots of ducks appear [Note] | A Hitchcock |
Display frame rate [Note] | FPS |
Note: Requires the update 1 patch for the game.
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.