



Star Wars: The Clone Wars – Republic Heroes Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for Wii

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars – Republic Heroes Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for Wii

Star Wars: The Clone Wars – Republic Heroes Mini-gun

At the “Cheats” menu in the shop, press Down, Left, Right, Up, Right, Up, Left, Down to unlock the mini-gun.

Ultimate lightsaber

At the “Cheats” menu in the shop, press Right, Down(2), Up, Left, Up(2), Down to unlock the ultimate lightsaber.

Lightsaber Throw

At the “Combat Upgrades” menu in the shop, press Left(2), Right(2), Up, Down(2), Up to unlock the Lightsaber Throw upgrade.

Spider Droid

At the “Droid-Jak Upgrades” menu in the shop, press Up, Left, Down, Left, Right, Left(3) to unlock the Spider Droid upgrade.

Big head mode

At the “Cheats” menu in the shop, press Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Down, Up.

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