



The Last of Us Part 2 Filming Winds Down

The Last of Us Part 2 Filming Winds Down

We’re one step closer to The Last of Us Part 2 appearing on our PlayStation 4s. Naughty Dog Creative Director and Co-Writer Neil Druckmann has announced major milestones on his Twitter account related to the filming of story-related events. Both suggest that the game is even closer to being finished.

It all started on April 16, 2019. Druckmann shared a picture of a sheet of paper on Twitter . Only two phrases appeared on it. First was, “Cut to black.” The other was, “The end.” He accompanied it with the phrase, “Just shot this scene… so…” Since The Last of Us Part 2 is all that he’s working on right now, it was a roundabout way of letting people know that the final scene has been filmed.

Then, on the evening of April 18, 2019, another update came in from Druckmann. This time, the tweet showed Troy Baker, who plays Joel, and Ashley Johnson, who plays Ellie, in their motion-capture attire. Baker was kissing her forehead. Druckman noted, “And that’s a wrap on Ellie, Joel, and the most ambitious cinematic shoot we’ve ever done. Tears were shed…” This once again confirms that filming and shooting is over. But, were tears shed because everyone was sad about ending working together or because this installment has a heartwrenching ending?

The Last of Us Part 2 doesn’t have a release date yet. We do know that it will be heading to the PlayStation 4, though. Maybe we’ll be lucky and it will end up appearing on our consoles before 2019 ends? We’ll have to wait and see.

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