Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 3
Cheat mode
Enter the options menu, then choose the “Cheats” selection. Enter ” MAGICMISSILE ” as a code to unlock all mode options, such as ”Snowboard”, ”Giant”, and ”First Person”. This also unlocks the “Super Stats”, “Always Perfect”, “Perfect Manuals” and “Perfect Rails” cheats. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the sound of money being collected.
Cheat menu
Enter the options menu, then choose the “Cheats” selection. Enter ” backdoor ” as a code to unlock all cheat options. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the sound of money being collected. Pause the game in career mode to access the cheat menu. Press X to toggle the options. Note: This does not unlock the hidden characters and bonus levels. -From: [email protected], [email protected], and many others
Level select
Enter the options menu, then choose the “Cheats” selection. Enter ” roadtrip ” as a code to unlock all levels. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the sound of money being collected. Note: This also completes the game for the current skater and gives all stat points and decks. Play any level and when you complete or exit it, the game will open a trick slot and unlock a new character, cheat, or level. Do this with every character to complete the entire game with everything unlocked. -From: [email protected]
All characters
Enter the options menu, then choose the “Cheats” selection. Enter ” YOHOMIES ” as a code to unlock all characters. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the sound of money being collected.
All FMV sequences
Enter the options menu, then choose the “Cheats” selection. Enter ” Peepshow ” as a code (case-sensitive) to unlock all movies under the options menu. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the sound of money being collected. -From: [email protected], [email protected], and many others
Full stats
Enter the options menu, then choose the “Cheats” selection. Enter ” PUMPMEUP ” as a code. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the sound of money being collected.
Infinite specials
Successfully complete all the goals in the game and get gold medals in all three competitions twelve times in career mode with a different skater each time.
Perfect balance for manuals
Successfully complete all the goals in the game and get gold medals in all three competitions seventeen times in career mode with a different skater each time.
Perfect balance for rails
Successfully complete all the goals in the game and get gold medals in all three competitions thirteen times in career mode with a different skater each time.
Super Stats
Successfully complete all the goals in the game and get gold medals in all three competitions fourteen times in career mode with a different skater each time.
First person view
Successfully complete all the goals in the game and get gold medals in all three competitions twenty-one times in career mode with a different skater each time.
Slow-motion mode
Successfully complete all the goals in the game and get gold medals in all three competitions sixteen times in career mode with a different skater each time.
Moon physics
Successfully complete all the goals in the game and get gold medals in all three competitions nineteen times in career mode with a different skater each time.
Snowboard mode
Successfully complete all the goals in the game and get gold medals in all three competitions eleven times in career mode with a different skater each time.
Expert mode
Successfully complete all the goals in the game and get gold medals in all three competitions twenty times in career mode with a different skater each time.
Play as Demoness
Successfully complete all the goals in the game and get gold medals in all three competitions ten times in career mode with a different skater each time.
Play as Darth Maul
Successfully complete all the goals in the game and get gold medals in all three competitions one time with any character in career mode.
Play as Kelly Slater
Successfully complete all the goals in the game and get gold medals in all three competitions eight times in career mode with a different skater each time.
Play as Neversoft Eyeball
Successfully complete all the goals in the game and get gold medals in all three competitions twenty-one times in career mode with a different skater each time. -From: [email protected]
Play as Officer Dick
Successfully complete all the goals in the game and get gold medals in all three competitions three times in career mode with a different skater each time.
Play as Ollie The Magic Bum
Successfully complete all the goals in the game and get gold medals in all three competitions seven times in career mode with a different skater each time.
Play as Private Carrera
Successfully complete all the goals in the game and get gold medals in all three competitions five times in career mode with a different skater each time.
Play as Wolverine
Successfully complete all the goals in the game and get gold medals in all three competitions two times in career mode with a different skater each time.
Small skater
Successfully complete all the goals in the game and get gold medals in all three competitions eighteen times in career mode with a different skater each time.
Huge skater
Successfully complete all the goals in the game and get gold medals in all three competitions fifteen times in career mode with a different skater each time.
Burnside level from Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater
Successfully complete all the goals in the game and get gold medals in all three competitions six times in career mode with a different skater each time.
Roswell level from Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater
Successfully complete all the goals in the game and get gold medals in all three competitions nine times in career mode with a different skater each time.
Warehouse level from Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater
Successfully complete all the goals in the game and get gold medals in all three competitions three times in career mode with a created skater.
Cruise Ship level
Get any medal in all three competition levels.
Highlight FMV sequences
Get gold medals in all three competitions in career mode with a skater to unlock his or her skating highlight FMV sequence.
A Day in the Life FMV sequence
Successfully complete all the goals in the game and get gold medals in all three competitions in career mode with the Neversoft Eyeball.
Kickflip Contest FMV sequence
Successfully complete all the goals in the game and get gold medals in all three competitions in career mode with Private Carrera.
Neversoft Bails FMV sequence
Successfully complete all the goals in the game and get gold medals in all three competitions in career mode with Darth Maul.
Neversoft Friends FMV sequence
Successfully complete all the goals in the game and get gold medals in all three competitions three times in career mode using five bonus or created skaters.
Neversoft Friends FMV sequence
Successfully complete all the goals in the game and get gold medals in all three competitions in career mode with Ollie The Magic Bum.
Neversoft Makes FMV sequence
Successfully complete all the goals in the game and get gold medals in all three competitions in career mode with Wolverine.
Neversoft Old School FMV sequence
Successfully complete all the goals in the game and get gold medals in all three competitions in career mode with Demoness.
Pro Bails 2 FMV sequence
Successfully complete all the goals in the game and get gold medals in all three competitions in career mode with a created skater.
Pro Bails FMV sequence
Get medals (gold, silver, or bronze) in all three competitions in career mode.
Pro Retro FMV sequence
Successfully complete all the goals in the game and get gold medals in all three competitions in career mode with Officer Dick.
Slater surf FMV sequence
Successfully complete all the goals in the game and get gold medals in all three competitions in career mode with Kelly Slater.
Play as Tony Hawk’s sons
Enter ” Riley Hawk ” or ” Spencer Hawk ” as a name at the create a skater screen and their stats will appear.
Play as game developers
Enter one of the following names at the create a skater screen and their stats will appear. Note: Some names are those of children of the development team.
- Aaron Skillman (also by entering Aaron , Skillman , or ARS )
- Alan Flores
- Andrew Rausch (also by entering Jujy )
- Andy Nelson
- Brian Jennings (also by entering BDJ or Brian )
- Captain Jennings (also by entering Cap’n Jennings or Capn Jennings )
- Chad Findley (also by entering Stallion or Doofus )
- Chris Glenn
- Chris Rausch (also by entering Team Chicken , CJR , or Rausch )
- Chris Ward
- Connor Jewett
- Darren Thorne (also by entering Darren or Thorne )
- Dave Cowling
- Dave Stohl
- Edwin Fong (also by entering Maya’s Daddy )
- Gary Jesdanun (also by entering Garvin or Garvin Jesdanun )
- Henry Ji
- James Rausch (also by entering My Jamie )
- Jason Uyeda
- Jeremy Anderson
- Joel Jewett
- Johnny Ow
- Junki Saita (also by entering Kage )
- Kevin Mulhall (also by entering Guilt Ladle )
- Lisa Davies
- Mark Scott (also by entering Hi Ben )
- Matthew Day
- Mick West
- Mike Ward
- Nicole Willick
- Noel Hines (also by entering Noel or Hines )
- Nolan Nelson
- Paul Robinson
- Pete Day
- Rachael Day
- Ralph D’Amato
- Ryan McMahon
- Sandy Jewett
- Scott Pease (or by entering Scott Pease , Spease , or Cheesy Peasey )
- Steve Ganem
- Steven Rausch (or by entering Wevenowski )
- Trey Smith
- William Pease (or by entering Wild Bill )
Play as hidden skaters
Enter one of the following names at the create a skater screen and their stats will appear:
- 062287
- 80’s Mark
- Braineaters
- Crashcart
- Eastside
- Frogham
- Gorilla
- Grass Patch
- Mini Joel
- Pimpin Frank
- Rastapopolous
- Skillzilla (or by entering Gi Skillz ) Stacey D
Baggage check in Airport level
Immediately when you start the level, go to the right and ollie into the place where you usually check your bags to get on an airplane. It will lead you to a location with a helicopter. To leave, either go backwards or down the staircase.
Cake in Cruise Ship level
If you find the cake somewhere on the Cruise Ship, hit it and watch a different cake appear from the bottom. There are three cakes in total.
Hidden area in Skater Island
Go to the halfpipe, but do not go in it. Stay on the top by the Neversoft surfboard and skate towards the gap with two hanging flags. Ollie the gap and grind the left flag. If done correctly, the message “ahoy, thar be more skatin outside” will appear.
More specials
Complete all objectives in a stage.
Knock people down
You knock people down by simply skating into them. This can help in Canada, with the task, “Get Chuck Unstuck”.
Hidden combos
There are hidden combos in the game that cannot be selected as a move. For example, for the double kickflip, press Left + Square twice quickly. For a triple kickflip, press Left + Square quickly three times. You can also do this with impossibles, heelflips, and kickflips.
Hidden combos
There are hidden combos in the game that cannot be selected as a move. For example, for the double kickflip, press Left + Square twice quickly. For a triple kickflip, press Left + Square quickly three times. You can also do this with the impossibles, heelflips, and kickflips.
Hidden combo manuals
Go into a special manual and press button combinations to get a different manual. For example, go into a Truck Stand and your skater will do a 360 Truck Stand. After he does that, without doing an ollie, press Right(2), Triangle. Press Left, Right, Triangle to go into an Anti Casper. It is possible to go into a Primo Stall, Casper Stall, Anti Casper, and 360 Truck Stand. If done correctly, the message “Hidden Combo” will appear.
Hidden combo lip tricks
Go to a lip on a quarter or halfpipe and do a stall. Press another lip trick button combination to go into another lip stall. If done correctly, the message “Hidden Combo” will appear.
Extra points
Go to any level that has long rails. Start a grind, Ollie, do a flip trick, then grind again with a different grind than the one done before. Keep repeating the process for up to 300,000 points.
Hidden combos
Note: Since people prefer different locations for their tricks, the actual combination will vary. For the Flatlands, you first need to have a flatland trick as a special, and then execute it.
Double Kickflip: Do a kickflip and quickly press Square again (regular 500 points, switch 600 points).
Triple Kickflip: Do a kickflip and quickly press Square(2) (regular 1000 points, switch 1200 points).
Double Heel: Do a heelflip and press Square again (regular 500 points, switch 600 points).
Triple Heel: Do a heelflip and press Square(2) (regular 1000 points, switch 1200 points).
360 Shove-It: Do a Pop Shove-It (not Frontside) and press Square again (regular 500 points, switch 600 points).
540 Shove-It: Do a Pop Shove-It (not Frontside) and press Square(2) (regular 1000 points, switch 1200 points).
360 Frontside Shove-It: Do a Frontside and press Square again (regular 500 points, switch 600 points).
540 Fronside Shove-It: Do a Frontside and press Square(2) (regular 1000 points, switch 1200 points).
50-50 to Five-0: Approach a rail, perform a 50-50. then press Down + Triangle (points will vary due to duration of trick).
Five-0 to Bluntslide: While performing a Five-0 press Down(2), Triangle. Remember to stay balanced (points will vary due to duration of trick).
50-50 to Nosegrind: While doing a 50-50, press Up + Triangle (points will vary due to duration of trick).
Nosegrind to Noseblunt: While Nosegrinding, press Up(2), Triangle (points will vary due to duration of trick).
Tailslide to Bluntslide: While in a Tailslide, press Down(2), Triangle (points will vary due to duration of trick).
Noseslide to Nosebluntslide: While in a Noseslide, press Up(2), Triangle (points will vary due to duration of trick).
Smith/Feeble to Bluntslide: While in Smith or Feeble, press Down(2), Triangle (points will vary due to duration of trick).
Crooked/Overcrook to Nosebluntslide: While in a Crooked or Overcrook, press Up(2), Triangle (points will vary due to duration of trick).
Anti-Casper: While in a Flatland trick, press Left, Right, Triangle (points will vary due to duration of trick).
Casper: While in a Flatland trick, press Right, Left, Triangle (points will vary due to duration of trick).
Casper Flip: While in a Casper, press Right, Square (points will vary due to duration of trick).
Truck Spin: While in a Flatland trick, press Right(2), Triangle (points will vary due to duration of trick).
Truckstand flip: While in the Truckstand position (see above) press Left, Square (points will vary due to duration of trick).
Rail: While in any Flatland maneuver, press Left(2), Triangle (points will vary due to duration of trick).
Rail flip: While in Rail (see above), press Left, Square (points will vary due to duration of trick).
Handstand: While in a Flatland trick, press Right(2), Circle (points will vary due to duration of trick).
Handstand Flip: While in a Handstand (see above), press Left, Square (points will vary due to duration of trick).
Master Code (Must Be On) | ECB5CF4C 143A60B4 |
Unlock All Characters | 4C3922E8 1456B00C |
Unlock All Cheats/Movies | 4C3922E6 1456B00C 1C3922EC 61DFB00C 4C3922F0 1456B00C |
Infinite Stat Points TH | 4C1FCA80 1456E7D7 |
Infinite Stat Points SC | 4C1FD610 1456E7D7 |
Infinite Stat Points KC | 4C1FE240 1456E7D7 |
Infinite Stat Points RG | 4C1FEF70 1456E7D7 |
Infinite Stat Points EK | 4C1FF8A0 1456E7D7 |
Infinite Stat Points BL | 4C1F05D0 1456E7D7 |
Infinite Stat Points BM | 4C1F0E00 1456E7D7 |
Infinite Stat Points RM | 4C1F1A30 1456E7D7 |
Infinite Stat Points CM | 4C1F2760 1456E7D7 |
Infinite Stat Points AR | 4C1F3090 1456E7D7 |
Infinite Stat Points GR | 4C1F3DC0 1456E7D7 |
Infinite Stat Points ES | 4C1F46F0 1456E7D7 |
Infinite Stat Points JT | 4C1F5320 1456E7D7 |
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.