



Uncharted 3 Gets GotY Edition

Uncharted 3 Gets GotY Edition


Uncharted 3 was a great game. In fact, it was so great, that we here at Cheat Code Central called it 2011’s Game of the Year. How appropriate, then, that Sony has announced a Game of the Year Edition for the title.

Here’s a little bit of cover art, showing Nathan Drake’s handsome, stubbly face (we’re pretty sure the Arkham City cover artists would do well to take note of the simplicity of the design here):

So what’s included in the package? How about all the Uncharted 3 DLC to date? Yes, that means everything that was included in the Fortune Hunter’s Club is here and accounted for. For the uninitiated, that means this content includes seven skin packs, three competitive map packs, one new co-op pack, and the Co-Op Shade Survival mode that pits three players against waves of flaming ghostly beings.

But even this isn’t the end of Uncharted 3’s DLC, as Naughty Dog has hinted that there would be some more surprises in the future.

So if you own a PS3 and haven’t picked up Drake’s Deception yet, you should definitely redeem yourself with this edition. Unfortunately, no release date has been announced yet, so we’re not sure when this will be available.

By Josh Wirtanen

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