



Why the NX Won’t Repeat the Wii U’s Mistakes

Why the NX Won’t Repeat the Wii U’s Mistakes

As we creep ever closer to E3, the hype surrounding Nintendo’s NX and its reveal is getting very real. It baffles me as I peruse various forums and comments sections (something I don’t recommend) how so many of you are still concerned that the NX might not have the third-party support that it needs to succeed. Expectations seem very low, and people seem to be forgetting that while the Wii didn’t attract a lot of the major third-party publishers, it outsold the Xbox 360 and PS3 by a wide margin. Just months ago we gasped in amazement as the PS4 approached 25 million units sold; the Wii sold over 100 million units! The little white box doesn’t need your sympathies and Nintendo certainly doesn’t care how much you think it sucked.

Now, the Wii U is a different story, and a lack of third-party hits was injurious. Never mind that it’s a fantastic console with incredible games, it did leave Nintendo fans feeling a little isolated, especially those of us who gamed exclusively on the Wii U (as I did for a long time). But with Nintendo’s NX, we have a key lead that, if it pans out , could mean that Nintendo already has all of the third-party backup that it needs. Do you remember a certain presentation during which a Square-Enix producer made a comment in passing about two big games that could be in the works for Nintendo’s new console? Dragon Quest X and XI could be destined for the NX, and that’s really all we’d need to know. If Nintendo secures Square-Enix’s backing the NX is going to succeed in Japan without a doubt. Have you seen the sales for Dragon Quest Builders ?

Keep in mind this isn’t a main Dragon Quest entry; it’s not a story-driven RPG extending the Dragon Quest canon. It’s a Minecraft clone of sorts, but with the name Dragon Quest attached to it, and sporting that famed Square-Enix shine, it’s been selling like crack-infused hotcakes. In its first week the game moved over 370,000 copies. We all know that games sell hardware, not the other way around, and Builders proves that. Hardware sales shot way up. Over 45,000 PS Vitas and 32,000 PS4s were snatched up by frenzied gamers.

Why the NX Won’t Repeat the Wii U’s Mistakes

Now, this is speculation on my part, but I don’t think I’m going too far out on a limb here. Square-Enix made a bold move by mentioning Nintendo’s mysterious platform at a major media event. It’s a good sign, and Final Fantasy and Nintendo’s roots are in the same soil. This leads me to believe that we might be in for some kind of killer bundle, extra content, or timed-exclusivity deal between Square-Enix and Nintendo. If that’s the case, NX sales are going to get a huge boost, especially in Japan. It also wouldn’t surprise me if Final Fantasy XV and the Final Fantasy VII Remake both end up finding homes on Nintendo’s next console.

Nintendo is operated by very intelligent people. They’ve seen the numbers and observed the trends, and they know exactly what worked against them with the Wii U. Have a little faith, and get hyped! The NX is going to be a powerful, innovative machine (or machines) and Square-Enix is possibly the first among many publishers that will be lined up to showcase their games on Nintendo’s new hardware.

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