X-Men: Mutant Academy
Cheat mode
At the main menu or character selection screen, press Select, Up, L2, R1, L1, R2. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Everything will now be unlocked in cerebo mode and Boss characters will be playable. -From: [email protected] and [email protected]
Lock Movies, Bosses, and Survival Pictures 1 and 2
At the main menu or character selection screen, hold Select + Start. The game will return to the main menu. Everything except academy mode rewards will be locked again in cerebo mode.
Play as Toad
Complete arcade mode once with any character to unlock Toad.
Play as Mystique
Complete arcade mode twice with any character to unlock Mystique.
Play as Sabretooth
Complete arcade mode three times with any character to unlock Sabretooth.
Play as Magneto
Complete arcade mode four times with any character to unlock Magneto.
Movie costumes
At the character selection screen, press Square when selecting your fighter to fight in their costume from the live-action X-Men movie.
Behind the scenes pictures
Complete arcade mode with all characters in their movie costume to unlock behind the scenes pictures in cerebro mode.
Historical comic pictures
Complete arcade mode with all characters in their regular costume to unlock their historical comic picture in cerebro mode.
Character comic pictures
Complete ten rounds with any character in their regular costume in survival mode to unlock their comic picture in cerebro mode.
Character movie pictures
Complete twenty rounds with any character in their movie costume in survival mode to unlock their movie pictures in cerebro mode.
Movie pictures
Complete twenty rounds with Gambit in survival mode to unlock movie pictures in cerebro mode.
Character intro FMV sequence
Complete arcade mode with any character to unlock their intro FMV sequence in cerebro mode.
Outro FMV sequence
Graduate the Academy with any character to unlock their outro FMV sequence in cerebro mode.
Bonus costumes
Graduate the Academy with straight A’s with any character to unlock their third costume. Press Circle to select the third costume.
Joker Command P1 | D009679C ???? |
Joker Command P2 | D009679E ???? |
Infinite Round Time | 3009EB44 0063 |
Unlock Everything (GS 2.2 or Higher Needed) | 50000402 0000 800BE56C FFFF |
View Ending After First Battle (GS 2.2 or Higher Needed) | E009F0AC 0000 3009F0AC 0009 |
Player 1 Codes | |
Infinite Health | 800A1E5C B400 |
75% Health | D00A1E5C B400 800A1E5C 8700 |
50% Health | D00A1E5C B400 800A1E5C 5A00 |
25% Health | D00A1E5C B400 800A1E5C 2D00 |
Quick Death | D00A1E5C B400 800A1E5C 0000 |
Infinite Super Meter | 800A1F38 1400 |
Infinite Stringed Supers Meter | 800A1F3A 1E00 |
Infinite X-treme Supers Meter | 800A1F3C 2A00 800A1F34 1500 |
Infinite Move Counters | 800A1F40 0000 |
Never Lose | 800A1F28 0000 |
Only Need 1 Win | D00A1F28 0000 800A1F28 0001 |
Player 2 Codes | |
Infinite Health | 800A2430 B400 |
75% Health | D00A2430 B400 800A2430 8700 |
50% Health | D00A2430 B400 800A2430 5A00 |
25% Health | D00A2430 B400 800A2430 2D00 |
Quick Death | D00A2430 B400 800A2430 0000 |
Infinite Super Meter | 800A250C 1400 |
Infinite Stringed Supers Meter | 800A250E 1E00 |
Infinite X-treme Supers Meter | 800A2510 2A00 800A2508 1500 |
Infinite Move Counters | 800A2514 0000 |
Never Lose | 800A24FC 0000 |
Only Need 1 Win | D00A24FC 0000 800A24FC 0001 |
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.