



Zelda: A Link To The Present

Zelda: A Link To The Present


The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past is often hailed as one of the greatest games on the Super Nintendo, perhaps of all time regardless of system. Its basic structure became the blueprint for Ocarina of Time and most every Zelda title going forward from that, with a few notable exceptions. And, looking at it now, though it remains a charming and aesthetically pleasing title, there’s the question of whether or not it could be more .

Homer3 has decided to answer that question. The independent part-time programmer—inspired by an illustration from Billy B. Saltzman on deviantART—has decided to recreate the final battle of A Link to the Past in high definition, using the Unity 3D engine and, he hopes, drawing upon Saltzman himself for aid with the artwork and animations. Most interestingly, Homer3 will be streaming the project’s development on his JustinTV account every Tuesday and Thursday at 8pm and Saturdays at 2pm EDT.

If he manages to recreate this one sequence successfully, it would be impressive to see him, or a team of independent developers, pick it up and run with it, rebuilding the entire game. Just a thought.

By Shelby Reiches

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