Primary Target

This is the last in the mission chain started with Stolen Signals. Complete Kickin’ it Old School to unlock.


Fly on the Wall

Much like the previous mission, you just need to hack the two agents. Follow their markers and then use the quadcopter to hack them, no muss, no fuss.



Head for the waypoint then go around the right hand side of the building. Take out the guard there then hop into the scissor lift and get yourself onto the roof then head for the ctOS box. It’s locked by a security router, so hack that to start the hacking puzzle. Once again, this is a lot simpler than it looks as it’s essentially a linear puzzle of join the dots. Join them up and then hack the ctOS box once it’s unlocked.

Once you're inside the cameras, move between them until you get to the one on the back wall, facing the screens. Hack the surveillance system and that’s you done.


Focal Point

Head for the objective, then sit yourself just outside the restricted area and drop the Jumper. Send it around to the ctOS box and hack in, avoiding or distracting the patrolling guards and robots. Once you’re in, hack the phone to gain the access key, then hack the laptop and server to complete.

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