



Adam Sandler Makes A Movie About Video Games

Adam Sandler Makes A Movie About Video Games

Hoorray… another Adam Sandler movie. At least this time around it’s about videogames. Entitled Pixels , the movie is an action comedy interpretation of 1980s arcade gaming classics. Basically, an alien race discovers video footage of old 80s arcade games, and becomes terrified that earth is about to wage war. They decide to invade Earth using the same strategies that they saw in games as strategies. As a result, only old school arcade gamers are able to defend earth against this intergalactic menace. Remember, don’t shoot where they are, shoot where they are going to be.

The plot is somewhat based off a short film of the same name that came out in 2012. In the film, classic arcade game characters, such as the Space Invaders and Pacman , destroy all of New York City, and turn the world into one giant Pixel. There was something dark and artistic about the short film… something that we likely won’t be able to say the same about Sandler’s production. But hey, if it means another movie about videogames, it’s good by us.

Pixels is slated to release on May 15 th , 2015.

Source: Variety

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