



Adults Only Games Banned from Twitch

Adults Only Games Banned from Twitch

If you are a fan of erections and ultra violence, then get the heck off of Twitch. Twitch.tv has recently announced a policy preventing games rated Adults Only by the ESRB from being streamed. This is a change from its previous policy, which dealt with games on a case by case basis. Twitch has said that policy is unsustainable and unclear, and so they will default to the ESRB’s guidance.

“While the ESRB ratings apply exclusively to US titles, our policy extends to versions of these games in all territories. Generally, if the US version is rated for Adults Only (18+) or has an equivalent rating in your territory, you should not broadcast the game,” Twitch explains.

In addition, if there is a mature version of an adults only game, the mature version is still legal to stream.

Luckily, most AO games are only porn games, with the exception of some titles like Manunt 2 and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas .

Source: Twitch

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