Agarest: Generations Of War Easy experience and gold
After defeating the Jumbo Cock Boss in the Cave Of Origin during Generation 1, you can go back down into the Boss room in the dungeon and encounter the Boss again during random battles. If your party is still weak, this can be challenging since he can also spawn with as many as eight other monsters. You can earn a lot of experience, gold, TP, and EP by quickly winning the battles. Save the game after each battle so you do not lose your levels if you lose a battle. Additionally, this is the only room you can find Mandrakes, which is required for the Cave Of Origins title located at the Adventurer Hall; the requirement is to kill fifteen of each monster in the dungeon.
Steam achievements
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select “Community”, “My profile”, “View all my games”, then the game and view stats.
- Adventurer: Noah is my bride!
- Alchemical Aptitude: You have added an item to the shop. Keep doing alchemy to add more. Smithing makes the shop go ’round.
- Almost There…: There’s so much to see.
- Apollo: Healthy as a horse!
- Athena: Smart as a whip!
- Caerus: Smart as a whip!
- Can We Keep Him?: You’ve got to weaken monsters before you can capture them.
- Cleric: Faina is my bride!
- Commoner: What’s more than 19, but less than 21?
- Conqueror of the Planes: You’ve defeated every foe in the Boundary Plane. You’re pretty awesome.
- Exile: Lavinia is my bride!
- For Real This Time: Saw the true ending
- Generational Profiling: Unlock character profiles.
- God-Dragon Slayer: You’ve defeated a god dragon.
- Heracles: Strong as an ox!
- Hermes: Quick as a wink!
- Hoplite: Valeria is my bride!
- I’ve Created a Monster!: What have I done!?
- I’ve Seen Everything: Have you seen it all?
- In Title Only: You’ve earned a title! Now try and earn them all! Be sure to visit the Adventurers Guild.
- Lord: What’s 10 and 0?
- Master: You’ve mastered all the attributes.
- Memorable 500th: The number of turns has exceeded 500.
- Oops: It seems something unexpected was created. Hopefully it wasn’t grass.
- Priestess: Yayoi is my bride!
- Rebel: Fyuria is my bride!
- Rogue: Sherufanir is my bride!
- Seer: Ryuryu is my bride!
- Shieldmaiden: Elaine is my bride!
- Someday, All This Will Be Yours.: It’s a Boundary Plane and simple.
- Special Delivery: With your Extra Skills combined…
- Student: You’ve mastered one attribute.
- Teacher: You’ve mastered half the attributes.
- Terror of the High Seas: Hildegard is my bride!
- The Fifth: Clear Generation 5.
- The First: Clear Generation 1.
- The Fourth: Clear Generation 4.
- The More the Merrier: Execute a coordinated attack with six characters.
- The Second: Clear Generation 2.
- The Third: Clear Generation 3.
- Titular: Earn all the titles. Good luck.
- Vassal: What’s half of 100?
- Wanderer: Luana is my bride!
- Warrior: Silvi is my bride!
- Warriors, Assemble!: Your name has been recorded in the hall of heroes.
- We Can Rebuild Them: Created three marionettes.
- Well-read: Are there still character profiles you haven’t unlocked?
- What 10,000!?: Dealt over 10,000 damage with a single blow.
- Why Did We Play God?!: Created a special monster by combining other monsters.
- You Complete Me: You have been loved like there’s no tomorrow.
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.