



Al Gore Concedes Games Are “The New Normal”

Al Gore Concedes Games Are “The New Normal”


Though Al Gore hasn’t really been a part of the video game industry since, well, ever, he recently hosted a “Games for Change” festival in New York City. The point of this festival was for Mr. Gore to lay out a plan by which game creators could use video games to bring awareness to important social issues. He touched on several issues that could contribute to positive gaming including “gamification” and social media-based gaming.

Though this was all very interesting, the most surprising part of Al Gore’s speech was his concession that games are “the new normal” and that they should be accepted as something that is part of life. He didn’t say that games are an addiction, murder simulators, or even a corrosive force on society, but that they are normal, which is the most refreshing thing we’ve heard a politician say about video games in a long time. Here’s hoping he keeps this up, as it will be nice to finally have a political figure—even if he’s not the most popular—representing the gamers of the United States.

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