Alien Breed 2: Assault Free Play mode
Successfully complete the game to play any Story mode live in Free Play mode.
Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:
- Co-op Campaigner (Bronze): Complete any multiplayer level.
- Medic! (Bronze): Purchase the Health Kit Upgrade.
- Smackdown (Bronze): In single player story mode, melee one of each type of alien.
- Protectionist (Bronze): In single player story mode, purchase 5 Hardened Armor items from the Intex Vendor.
- Deadly Combo (Bronze): Kill a stunned alien with a Frag Grenade.
- Rocketman (Bronze): Kill a sentry gun with one rocket.
- Pathfinder (Bronze): Complete a single player level with Waypoiny Display turned off.
- Old Soldier (Silver): Complete all single player levels 1-5.
- War of Attrition (Silver): Kill 1000 aliens in single player.
- Vital Statistics (Silver): Finish ‘Primed’ single player level with 300000 or more overall score.
- Praemonitus Praemunitus (Silver): Collect all logs throughout the game.
- Survivor (Silver): Stay alive for 8 minutes on any of the Survivor mode single player levels.
- Rapid Deployment (Silver): Complete ‘Cargo’ multiplayer level in 10 minutes or less.
- Super-Sleuth (Silver): Find all ‘secret’ collectibles.
- Deadly Assassin (Silver): Without taking damage kill 50 aliens in single player.
- Material World (Silver): Buy every upgrade.
- Lazy (Silver): In a multiplayer game, reach the end of a level without dying or firing a shot.
- Sentry Duty (Silver): In single player, use a sentry gun to kill 20 aliens.
- The Best of the Best (Gold): Complete all single player levels 1-5 on elite difficulty.
- Indestructible (Gold): Finish multiplayer ‘Cargo’ level without taking any damage.
- Tormentor (Gold): Deal 200 damage to one alien.
- Speed Freak (Gold): Complete Story Mode on elite difficulty with a total time played of 4 hours or less.
- The Completionist (Platinum): Each and every trophy has been awarded. Congratulations!
Additionally, there are eight secret trophies:
- Safety First? (Bronze): Save the game 5 times in single player story mode.
- Hoovering Up (Bronze): In a multiplayer game, acquire 80% of all items, ammo, weapons, and cash in one level.
- Hardcore Pawn (Bronze): Sell any 10 items or ammunition at an Intex Vendor.
- Doctor in the House (Bronze): Heal yourself for 200 hit points using health kits.
- Goodbye Cruel World (Bronze): Blow yourself up with a Frag Grenade.
- Octo-who? (Silver): Defeat Octo-Morph.
- Incy Wincy (Silver): Defeat Arachno-Morph.
- Ultimate Boom stick (Gold): Purchase the Damage upgrade for the Rocket Launcher.
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.