



Aliens: CM Gets Awesome Bonuses

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Aliens: CM Gets Awesome Bonuses


Those of you patiently waiting for Gearbox’s upcoming Aliens: Colonial Marines, take note–SEGA, which is on publishing duty this time around, has announced that the game will be receiving a Collector’s Edition and a handful of pre-order bonuses before it launches early next year.

First up, the Collector’s Edition will include two exclusive multiplayer weapons (the Phase Plasma Rifle and the Sonic Electric Ball Breakers—have fun guessing what those do), an exclusive game level called the USCM Academy Firing Range, Ripley’s Flamethrower (I’m assuming that’s in-game, and not in real life), and the ability to play as four characters from the original 1986 film—Hudson, Hicks, Drake, and Apone—in competitive multiplayer, among various other goodies. The whole bundle will set you back $99.

As for the pre-order bonuses, they’ll continue the trend for most major retail releases these days and be exclusive to GameStop. Going that route will net you the aforementioned four classic characters, the flamethrower, and some bonus character customization options, the details of which are still unknown.

Personally, I think a playable Bill Paxton can only be a plus, although it is disappointing to see no Ripley included in the package. In any event, the recently-delayed Aliens: Colonial Marines is now set to drop for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC on February 13, 2013, with a Wii U release date coming sometime in the future.

By Jeff Dunn

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