



Ataribox Turns to Crowdfunding

Ataribox Turns to Crowdfunding

Atari is trying their darndest to make it back into the realm of hardware manufacturing. They announced their new console quite some time ago, but news has been pretty minimal since then. Atari broke their vow of silence today to bring some slightly unexpected news.

It would appear Atari’s most recent hardware, the Ataribox, will be going through a crowdfunding campaign before its release. Atari explains that they want their next hardware release to complete with the full backing of their supportive community. They figure the best way to do this is to involve everyone through every step of the process. There will be exclusive access and special editions along the way for backers.

This campaign to fund and create the Ataribox will start on an undisclosed date this fall. Atari plans to begin shipping the consoles in spring 2018, barring any catastrophes within the crowdfunding campaign. If you want to stay up-to-date on information regarding the Ataribox, or the upcoming crowdfunding campaign, you can go to Ataribox.com and sign up for the mailing list.

Source: Press Release

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