



Battleborn’s Getting a Big Update

Battleborn’s Getting a Big Update

Big things are coming to Battleborn. Gearbox is trying to make the game more attractive. Part of this is a new update that adds PlayStation 4 Pro support and tons of other improvements. Coming soon, it’ll hopefully be a lot more welcoming to new and old players. While the full details won’t be shown and revealed until a 2pm PT/5pm ET live stream on December 8, some initial offerings were mentioned.

First, the stuff for newcomers. The Story Mode will be a bit more structured, giving you more help while also offering extra credits as rewards. There’ll be a Dojo and incursion tutorial, to help people learn how to play. All 25 characters will be immediately unlocked, so you can choose whoever you like best, with each one’s challenges now offering a new skin.

As for people who are already playing Battleborn , Gearbox is trying to make visiting daily more appealing. There will be Daily Quests for the Story and Competitive Multiplayer. The character rank cap is now 20 and Command Rank cap’s 150, each offering more awards. A Draft Mode is being added, so you can see teams as they’re made. The UI will be updated and more credits will be given away in matches. Only Core Packs and Boosts will be sold in the Marketplace.

Unfortunately, Battleborn’ s matchmaking might still be a mess after the update, Gearbox doesn’t note anything about it getting a fix. Which is unfortunate, because it isn’t very good right now. In most games, there are systems in place to make sure you fight people at the same skill level as yourself. That doesn’t happen here, perhaps in part because there are so few people playing. Hopefully, something’s done about that soon.

Source: Battleborn

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